What type of guitar player are you? What's your reason beeing here?

  • Thread starter Lindmann
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What type of guitar player are you? What's your reason beeing here?

  • Guitarist in an actual band

    Votes: 46 27.9%
  • Home studio one man band

    Votes: 75 45.5%
  • I just play guitar for fun at home / at camp fires

    Votes: 78 47.3%
  • I don't play the guitar at all...I am just a gear head

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I used to play in a band but these days are over

    Votes: 41 24.8%
  • I just started learning the guitar

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I am a professional musician

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • I am a drummer/bass player/singer/other that is interested in guitars as well

    Votes: 14 8.5%
  • You're kidding me? I don't even own a guitar

    Votes: 3 1.8%

  • Total voters


Where we're going we don't need neck pickups.
Nov 11, 2008
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The Neverend
Maybe you should get with the times, old man!
hahaha. It's actually more that no one else around here is with the times. lol I'm wanting to play more modern metal stuff, and the only people I can find that want to start a band around here want to do like Chevelle covers and stuff. Which is cool, I love Chevelle too, but I'm not trying to be in a cover band right now.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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Gastonia, NC
hahaha. It's actually more that no one else around here is with the times. lol I'm wanting to play more modern metal stuff, and the only people I can find that want to start a band around here want to do like Chevelle covers and stuff. Which is cool, I love Chevelle too, but I'm not trying to be in a cover band right now.

I hear cover bands are a good way to make extra cash. Definitely a good way to fund some cool gear.


Je suis ketchup
Nov 9, 2016
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Vantaa, Finland
I guess I'd go with with the "one man band" option. I have never been in a band even though I would like to, but I also like recording at home and writing music on my own terms. I originally joined just to talk about seven-string guitars but I was already recording my own music at the time so whatever.


Tube Snake Boogie
Nov 14, 2011
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I play guitar mainly for fun nowadays (maybe some random demoing every once and a while), and more and more acoustic. I got maybe 15-45min a day, usually just before midnight to just sit and play and sometimes sleep deprivation wins. But that's the price you pay for not controlling your reproductive urges more and having a "career" elsewhere than music, haha.

Why here? The gear porn and gossip, baby. Never enough of those.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2016
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What type of guitar player are you? What's your reason beeing here?
I play the guitar as a leisure activity/ creative outlet. Been playing on and off since the age of 11 (now 40). I have jammed in a few bands and with a few other musicians in that time and have played the greater Cleveland area small to medium concert venue circuit. Been noodling around with Ableton for over a decade.
In late 2014 I decided to get into guitar making. Doing a lot of on-line research, my navigations would direct me to this forum. So I had to join to get the full experience. There are a lot of good luthiery/gear/ recording reccs. and it is interesting to see what other guitar enthusiasts are into!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Played in bands in hs and college. Haven't in years and now my playing is just fiddling around for a little when I'm bored. Lost alot of interest in it since I stopped playing in bands but still fun to crank the amp and rip a little a day.
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Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
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Oh, I didn't realize we should check more than one box. I checked the "used to be in a band" box, but now I'm just a bedroom player. When the kids get older, and I can stop giving them all my attention, then I want to get back in a band and gig, record, etc. Oddly, I'm surprised how many people here are not, and have not ever been, in a band. Unless that's just a skewed category due to checking multiple boxes. That would be an interesting poll. As much as I like playing alone, and as much as I am shy about playing in public, there is literally no better feeling in the world than playing with a live band.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
bass player first here. used to be in like 4 different bands that life just happened. I was lucky enough that my circle of friends all of them were amazing players in their own instrument. One band stopped as the singer went overseas to study, we took a "break" and enver recover from it, just at the point were we just started to play out more regularly and started to compose far better songs, even recorded 3 of them that we never saw them finished.

I/we also were hit with the "dont know where to gig" back in my country. Too early for the internet to help. It was the time of myspace, but that didnt do much. By the time I move out of the country, lots more support and new venues started to happen

I had a latin/jazz band as a part of an uni credits I studied at one point, but stayed there after I left. We never really giged, but it was fun to jam every week

Did a Dream Theater cover band. Last two gigs we had like 300-ish people with like 2-3 hour gig, was an awesome experience, we could have done more. We jsut started planing for the next gig by the time I decided to move away.

At the same time ^ I had an awesome metal prog band (before it was cool with the djent stuff lol) instrumental band, as the majority of us were students/graduates from an audio eng recording school and we needed to record a band as a final project. We had the knoledge, the tools, and two of them had formal music education since kids. Music was amazing. We struggle to find time to practice, but more important with the "where to gig", again too early for internet...(maybe?)... and then I moved away.... This was the saddest of all for me as we never saw the full potential of the band and what we could have done with it. Also was the most creative time for me as I was fresh from recording school with fresh music theory knowledge and the time Iw as composing/writing stuff. This was also the time I bough a guitar as it helped me to compose better, plus it was fun to play Metallica stuff

Moved away to Australia, since then my creativity crashed for various reasons, even at a new recording school. Bottom line I always end up living on a place where are "no bands", nothing metal related I liked it, too far away from a city, 0 contacts, everything was a 4 chrods acoustic solo player. Also I was too spoiled with the talent I played back home, so I always felt I couldnt find the same level of people. WAs boring to meet someone who didnt event knew what chord he was playig on the guitar.

My bass level dropped, I bought a better guitar, and pretty much stayed learning covers, jsut step on distorsion and play my problems away. And thats what I do. Guitar (and bass) its my escape, my little bubble of happiness. Im too old, and living too remote currently to land a good band. Played couple fo times in latin bands, good fun but never gig enough and eventually both bands died. I also did an audition for one awesome band last year that was the perfect mix of metal styles I love, plus serious people, amazing songs, even a small tour, I blew it up, and that was prob my last chance at "chasing the dream"

Im always in the search to find motivation to actually learn mroe guitar instead of playing the same covers Ive been playing forever. Also this forum open my eyes to gear and GAS related stuff and a bigger knoledge of the instrument. Love my bass, but for some stuff I love the guitar more, and I wish I have the same guitar playing level I have on bass, so I could play the stuff I want to play


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2015
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I play the guitar just for fun. But I spend more time on guitar forums and GASing on gear than actually playing.


Jan 22, 2005
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Was in a band, things were going well, it has been a while since that band was active but I'm at home making demos and tinkering.
Currently, when I have time (proper jobs are a killer) I am learning other people's music, using guitar magazines/ lessons and developing my playing and really enjoying that as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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I think it's interesting that only 27% actually play in a band.
I always thought playing in a band is the ultimate goal for every guitarist.
But I guess that's not what everybody strives for or has the time/ money/ the nerves for.

I just wanted to be Eddie Van Halen/James Hetfield. I was in a band for a little bit before I realized I don't like other musicians. I got really big into gear for a while, but I finally realized that I had more fun when I just played the damn thing instead of obsessing over having the best sound. So now I just sit around and play along to Guitar Pro.


GAS problems
Dec 25, 2007
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Another income exceeds their talent player here :yesway:

Had bands and started off well but life gets in the way of things.

I'm pretty full on with my career right now and that is my priority although in have started playing bass in a covers band for fun with a bunch of mates.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2010
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Vantaa, Finland
Guitarist in a band, also probably future home studio one man band, and doing music at least half proffesionally.


Apr 3, 2005
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It took me about 7 years to get my home recording gear. Hard times. I even went about a year without playing because I hated my job an didn't know anyone in my new state of residence. But I started working with three or four other musicians as soon as I could. Demoing new recordings of older songs and writing. If I couldn't record and do occasional standup and keep working on my writing projects, I wouldn't feel a purpose here on Earth.


Kept you waiting, huh?
Jan 4, 2015
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Azores, Portugal
Used to be in bands, but now I've gone "home studio one man", as I've moved over 2000km and an ocean across from home, and I know less music people around. Currently that's the option I have as I don't even have an amp, I just go straight into headphones and PC for recording, and I get my hands on all the VSTs I can get to have stuff done.
Hopefully, situation might change sometime in the future. If you are in the same position and you are by any chance living in Lisbon, Portugal. Hit me up xD