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  • Hi, Is your GCX still for sale ? If then, would you consider shipping it to Europe (France) ? I'll of course pay for all additional shipping costs using USPS Express Mail. I'm having a hard time finding one (none available locally) and need one for some gigs next week, so I'm very interested in yours. If you're willing to sell me yours, please email me to nicolas.duvillard@bbox.fr, I'll Paypal you the price+shipping costs ASAP. Thanks in advance, Nicolas
    Hey homes - vote for the pups you want on the sl2h7 in the threa.d Matt said we need to decide now before it goes through to prevent a mix up.
    Axe-fx = $2k. GSP21xx = $200-300.


    Which would you recommend? I'm thinking of seriously just going to an engl e530 with a gmajor but I love all in one units especially with a foot pedal controller.
    Talk to me about the digitech 21xx series. Looking to unload my GSP1101 and it's foot controller.
    He said by the end of the week he's submitting the orders. Also lots of interest in the run and once ordered he figures they'll be easier to move.
    Hanging out yesterday was all that i thought it was going to be and more!!! HAHAHAHA
    But dude, I need to take Barney (your purple BC Rich) and setup that sombitch, level the frets, and throw a proper wood shim in there under the nut!

    Talk to you later mang!
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