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  • Congratulations! On the job, the engagement, and the gear haha.
    I've had an interesting past couple of years. Played some shows, ended up in Norway helping out a professor, and just finished applying for USM in the fall. It's crazy what can happen in such a short span of time haha.
    Hey man! How are you doing? I haven't been on ss.org in years, and got rid of my facebook, so I thought I'd check up on the other local seven slinger.
    Well it was for three things, my Crohn's has fired up again hardcore and the methotrexate injections are no longer working:

    1) Fistulotomy
    2) Seton implant
    3) Full scope of j-pouch and ileum with biopsies and pictures taken throughout

    Surgery went fine, J-pouch is fucking WRECKED right now (no shit, I told them that and considering the ridiculous pain and bleeding, that lines up with exactly what I've been telling them for weeks now! :lol:) so they are trying to figure out what we can do for treatment at this point. There's a medication they've been trying to get me on for 2-3 months now but since it isn't FDA approved for Crohn's yet the insurance is fighting my doc, so hopefully that gets settled soon as it seems like that medication could help significantly right now. :(
    Haha right on man! :D No NGD's coming from me for a while now, all tapped out and I just had another surgery Friday so I might be letting go of a few pieces myself to help cover the procedures. :(
    Oh hell ya!! What's up dude? Ya, I just joined yesterday after stalking the boards for months on end. lol Figured it was time
    Whew, glad to hear you guys made it out unscathed although that still sounds like a bit of a rough time for folks regardless. :lol:

    Right on man, that was to date one of the best 727's I've owned, plays great and sounds killer with the pickups swap! :D

    Yeah the routing on the JPXI was definitely something I was on the fence about until I played it some more, it's staying so it's all good! :lol: The neck is thinner but the carve is perfect, no cramping up whatsoever which is shocking! :wub:

    Still no word on the Jackson other than he's trying to track one down. :( Hoping sooner than later, but at the same time we just did our taxes this weekend and while I have enough to keep just about everything (might have to sell one of the cheaper ones, so the Kiko may or may not have to go, we'll see how it looks in a few weeks as I am still trying to calculate everything out :rofl:) so I'm not itching to go throwing another $2K+ out for another guitar just yet! ;)
    Damn dude, sorry to hear that! :( Have you been enjoying the 727 at least in the meantime? :D Guess it is good that I got it out to you when I did, I'd hate to think of a guitar being in-transit during weather like that! :eek: Hope you guys stay safe dooder! :wub:

    In a delay-related note: The BKP Black Hawks will be going into the JPXI 7 on Saturday when Phil Jacoby can route it, apparently the depth on the direct-mount routes is very shallow and won't allow for the BKPs to be installed without some routing. :( Ah well, should be sweet when it's done at least! :D
    Awesome sir, hope you get to plug in and spend some time jamming on it! :wub: Thanks again for the quick payment! :D
    Haha yeah man, I haven't bumped the thread as the guitar I was selling it for did end up selling, however there's something else in the works now (keeping it under wraps until it's official :wub:) so I could definitely use the extra funds. Did you want it with the Carvin case or the Ameritage case ($1500 vs $1700, both prices include PP and shipping of course :yesway:)? Shoot me a PM and we'll go from there, Kyle! :D Thanks!
    I forgot I didn't show you mine! :lol: This is what she looks like currently:


    I saw a guy do a DIY refin project on an Artist package CU24 and I LOVED the burst he came up with so I'm waiting to hear back from the gent who did my McCarty to see if he will accept another job from me to turn the above guitar into this:



    Should be sick if he'll do that one for me too! :D
    Haha calendar-based purchases, I love it! :D Yeah I'm basically at the point where I'm looking around the room and going "DAMN, I have a lot of nice stuff and not really a TON of GAS for others." I mean, you can ALWAYS run across cool stuff and have a GAS attack, but as far as true "needs", I've got my personal bases pretty covered. That incoming DeLuxe will be my main Drop-C guitar and since that's what I've been spending all my non-standard playing in for years now that only makes sense to have Ron build me something that fits that category. :D The Suhr Modern (The Pirate) is in Drop-C too but that's 24 frets and has a single coil in the neck.... so two fairly different guitars. ;) It's not superfluous! :lol:
    I have no idea what you're talking about.... :ugh: :lol: Yeah 2013 should be sparse on the gear front for me, I went a little crazy in 2012! :rofl: I still have that last DeLuxe order incoming and a few other projects I'd like to wrap up but likely not a ton of new purchases from me. I'd still like to have Ron build me a strat but money is tight and I'm not sure how tax time is going to look this year so I'm holding off on grabbing any new toys for a bit! :lol:
    It was a rather epic PRS indeed, that's why the new owner isn't letting it go any time soon. :lol: The Thorn was worth the sale, but at least I know where it is and can keep tabs on it so if it does go up for sale, I can try to snatch it back assuming I have funds for it. :) It was definitely one of the really good ones! :D Most of the 2012 PRSi have been amazing! :wub:
    No sir, I moved that one to help pay for Thorn DeLuxe # 2. :) That one was killer, but since I already have another RW-necked PRS it wasn't the end of the world. Plus I know the guy who bought it, and he's hanging onto it for a while so if it ever comes up for sale, I'll have the chance to bring it back. :lol:
    I'd believe it! The Tremonti is a KILLER model, I've almost pulled the trigger on several of them! :rofl: Just seems superfluous between the CU24RW trem and Mc2Tek! :lol:
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