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  • Wow, nice.

    Funny coincidence, I have that same copy of Wolverine. Great book. :yesway: I don't have very many comics of value besides that, and maybe the first issue of Metamorpho. Besides those two, I've just got a lot of "bits and pieces" series and failed short runs/spin-offs. I used to have a pretty serious Spawn collection but I was getting them just for reading and art material, so I didn't baby them at all and the ended up falling apart mostly.

    But yeah, I haven't really collected or read comic books in quite a few years. Amanda was really into them when we first met, so I tried to work my way back into it. She got me that Scud: The Disposable Assassin Omnibus for my birthday a few months ago, and I've been reading the hell out of that. Can't say I'm in a rush to turn back into a "comic book nerd" like when I was in grade school, but I'm definitely interested in getting back into it casually.
    Wow, nice. Planning on selling them in bulk or are you going to price them out issue by issue?
    Thank you, thank you. :yesway:

    I'm a huge comic book fan, and also a big fan of fighting games so it kinda made sense. :metal:
    Yeah I noticed the pedal board, it looks like the control panel of a Russian Nuclear submarine!

    The main thing that put me off Huf's work was the non-slanted headstocks. I know I have just bought a Fender YJM with string trees, but thats a class design, and string trees are a compromise for angling the headstock, but they sacifice tuning stability. I asked Huf why he didn't offer slanted headstocks (since from a functionality perspective, it's just better) and he didn't really give me a straight answer, only that he didn't do them.
    Thanks for the link man. That guy has some awesome guitars, I'm not a huge fan of Huf's stuff though.
    Ha..I wouldn't use the word "big" :noplease: Sometimes I wonder why some of those guys are so eager to display their short comings to the world.
    Well I never said it was a family site. I've seen more nudity, weird sex, violence, and gore there in a relatively short time then I've seen anywhere else. I said it was random, and it is..especially when you play along.
    That sounds about exactly like the setup I'm looking for :lol: Pod>Crown power amp>2x12 is pretty much it.
    And for some strange reason, I'm starting to feel affection for 22 fret guitars :lol: I'll probably go give it a looksie anyway though, so thanks for the heads up :yesway:

    Oh yeah, I talked to a guy who is interested in your blackjack, but he said he has no money, only a "custom" guitar for trade. He said it had an ibanez prestige neck and emg's but for some reason he didn't want to talk much more about it :scratch:
    You wouldn't believe how much I would love to take you up on that, but I'm trying to get rid of a guitar my self right now. For some reason I'm feeling a great deal of attraction to prs and parker six strings :lol: Unfortunately I'm trying to get my rig up to shape right now. If you have anything like a power amp or an empty 2x12 cab I would love to do business though!
    No problem, dude. You've always been really congenial and cool overall, and I figured I'd let you know that it doesn't go unappreciated. It's good having some genuine folk around here. :yesway:
    That's what most people tell me, and I pretty much agree. The only thing is that the scholarship seems to only be good if I go for all 4 years, so if I do get it I'll probably end up going there.

    So, yeah, basically what you said :D
    Senior year is going great! I haven't had to do anything all year :lol:. I'm looking at going to southern next year, but only if I get the presidential scholarship, which is a longshot :lol:. If not I'll probably go to prc for a few years and then to southern. I really don't know what I want to do yet, I've made and changed my mind more times than I'm willing to count. And we still need to jam sometime :agreed:

    And yes, we are absolute perverts :lol:
    Ha ha thanks. You really do deserve it though, you're one of the coolest people on this forum. I just thought you'd look better with two bars :flex:

    Edit: Holy crap you weren't joking :lol:
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