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  • I think the board was advertised as being ebony. It could be rosewood, though for all I know. I'm pretty sure he said ebony, though. And yea... I slid off the Facebook for a little while. I forgot there were folks on there that may actually need to contact me for something legit! My bad!
    i got it. im responding right after this. busy morning lol. and yes that is a swirled RGD i swirled myself. kinda ....ed it up tho lol. i call it candy vomit
    Wow, that's a tragedy. Would probably have been nice to have that bass around for the sentimental value it probably holds.
    And sorry for the delay, I always miss when I get those visitor messages...
    Hey Andy, yeah it's been a little rough the past few weeks. Right now I'm working 40+ hours, I've got about 15 hours of college classes each week, and now it's bow season so I've been trying to get out in the woods too. But I have Mondays off so I should be able to finish the volute today. And yes, I do have a leftover piece of bocote that I could be persuaded to part with. ;)
    You can see the front of the headstock in the first set of pictures in the first post :D or did you want a better picture? I bought mine with a carved up neck, the guy who had it before already cut of the round part of a squier neck and left it just triangle looking like.. So this was an obvious step after i saw what you did to the one you had
    That is true. A guitar site would've been my last guess haha. But it works and I am grateful for it. Check, check and check. NBD definitely inbound :yesway:
    Yeah, life is what you make of it I suppose. I don't get to see my 1st kid anymore but I'll always feel like he's mine anyway. I'm hoping this move to TX works out so I can get a better job and support this family better. Fingers are definitely crossed.
    Thanks man! Yeah, this'll be my 3rd (in a way). This is my 1st time with a newborn though. So it should be a hell of a learning experience haha. I have heard that sleep is about to become a finite resource soon, too. So that's probably the best advice anyone has given me to date :yesway:

    I can't wait to meet her though. I'm going crazy with excitement and anticipation.
    Yeah, I just noticed your location. I bet it is crazy cold up there :ugh:

    Angela Julia. After my fiancee's mother who passed last year and my aunt that raised me.
    Good man. Just staying busy. My baby is due next month so we're getting everything ready. How are you man?
    oh wow, I didn't know you left this message. I guess this site doesn't alert conversations. Sorry about that, mate. Either way, I blew all of my cash on other guitars so I won't be getting anything else soon. Thanks though!
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