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  • Your too kind..

    I use 9 gauge strings In E standard. I like my strings to feel pretty loose, hands don't cramp up as much. If your having a hard time fretting the high notes, your action might need to be adjusted to compensate. Just a thought.
    Cheers Dude, i must admit that ran is gorgeous :) Not really what i'd be looking for tho. Thanks for the bump
    Just thought I'd let you know you're insane for selling your Ran. That thing is all kinds of gorgeous and even if it was jailbait, I would.
    Hey man wassup? Just wanted to say I saw pics of your custom Ran and my jaw just dropped lol. That thing is ridiculously GORGEOUS :wub:
    Hey there! It's going very well, I restrung it the other day and gave it a clean up, afterwards I just stared at it for like 5 minutes! Sounds so much better with the Lundgren than the X2N but It was pretty hard to get a sound that I'm really happy with, the Lundgren is a a bit of a one-trick pony but it's a damn good trick so I'll stick with it.

    So far no complaints from me about the guitar, how's yours?
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