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  • Im preparing a very important exam, so no guitar for me for a few weeks :(
    anyways, I'll hook you up with anything I do with it ;)
    thanks a lot man, I opened the file with the HD 500 editor and I can definitely tweak the thing to get something similar on the 400
    woops, sorry for the late answer, uhmm, the thing is, I have and HD 400, so I doubt it could work for me, but if you could point me out in some direction I would be more than happy :D (mics, cabs, amps, EQ, etc)

    hey and send me a link to your soundcloud, I don't remember in wich page from the HD thread you posted it
    hey Zei, care to share your POD patch of your demo in the POD HD Thread? with a tad of modifications it would be a great tone for more chordal stuff
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