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  1. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Finished rendering yet another [and longer] animation. i liked this one better. Composed the music and got it ready just in time for St. Patty's day !! Enjoy. Hopefully this looks better with beer goggles. Drink Responsibly.
  2. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    ^^ Thanks !! I recently got into fractal animation. I've been interested in fractals for a short while now, but I really got into the Mandelbrot set and such only recently after some reading watching some YT vids. I really enjoy the animations by the 3D fractals. Some people think of it as a...
  3. rahul_mukerji

    Dimebag Darrell Figure

    Very Nice !:metal:
  4. rahul_mukerji

    How would you go about making album art?

    NO rules. Artists make their own rules ... and then break 'em. whatever looks good to your eyes.
  5. rahul_mukerji

    How would you go about making album art?

    Also, some of the older versions of PS are not too expensive on E-bay / CL. So you can def get a very decent version and then use these brushes. Your first effort is not bad at all. You're heading in the right direction. The brushes will cut your work time by half or less !!:cool:
  6. rahul_mukerji

    How would you go about making album art?

    These sites have some pretty great and free brushes that will help you a lot in PS (esp the Plasma brush sets). Look for "lights" , "plasma" and just browse around. in no time you'lll be making some impressive stuff :hbang: Photoshop Brushes Free Photoshop Brushes Free Photoshop Brushes |...
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Hahahahaha .... I just read up on Pixar's rendering farms. Its takes them 6 Hours to render 1 frame :squint: !!! And sometimes 90 Hours to render. WOW :scream: Mine take 1 min to render .... :happy: :agreed:
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Thanks guys ! Glad you liked it Stealthdjentstic Its just a travel through a fractal world. Its interesting to see that its infinitely deep and so symmetrical and beautiful. And its nothing but pure mathematics. Just Math !! That's what really gets to me. If someone back in school had told...
  9. rahul_mukerji

    How would you go about making album art?

    It seems more like glass orbs with lighting, vector patterns and lights which seems very "photoshop-ish". I've seen a lot of free Brushes which provide most of these features. So yeah, Photoshop / GIMP is your tool of the hour :)
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Based on the Fractal Forum feedback and their standard renderings, the normal time is between 5-15 days per render. They don't seemed too phased by it. Just as a comparison. My friend works at an image processing company which works on satellite images. Their images run for 6 months on...
  11. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Yep, I made this using Mandelbulb 3D. Playing with the image size, my computer (Quad Core, Win 7 32 bit, 4GB RAM) was able to render ONE 500x300 size image (PNG, JPG, BMP ... tried all formats, same time) in 1 min 12 sec. The entire animation is about 4000 images big. So it took a little...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    So today my computer finally rendered my first shot at fractal animation. Came out pretty decent, I thought. I made a little gritty industrial music to go with it. Enjoy ...
  13. rahul_mukerji

    Depression - How to get motivation?

    Actually sometimes that helps: Belief. I can't tell you the number of times I've seen people's belief gets them through the hardest times. Whether it be belief in Mother nature or Jesus or Krishna or a stone that has a picture of a gecko. And, from personal experience, I've seen beliefs...
  14. rahul_mukerji

    What type of bed do you sleep on?

    I sleep on the floor as well. After my last move I gave up the bed and the mattress and then got used to just laying down a sleeping bag and sleeping on top of it with a blanket to cover myself. In the morning I fold it into a neat little pile. Got used to it and haven't thought of a bed...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Need advice on DAW purchase please!!

    I guess the budget also makes a difference in your choice of DAW. I use Cakewalk Sonar (I used to use Sony Acid years back and then moved to Sonar). Its a great DAW for my needs. Lots of tracks, multi-processor handling, 64-bit if required and the Plugins are great with the DAW. Plus a lot...
  16. rahul_mukerji

    Good beginner SLR camera ?

    I would hop down to your local Penn / Ritz Camera shop and get someone there to walk you through what would work best for you. You don't have to buy from them, but they will walk you through what would best suit your needs and in your budget and possibilities. Also, these stores have regular...