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  1. F

    ENGL MOD!!!! (powerball content)

    Thanks Sith, I think that is the improvement I want. Only I just wanted to know if channel 3 becomes closer, in some way, to channel 2.
  2. F

    ENGL MOD!!!! (powerball content)

    Yeah. But I have read before some well results about the change in v2 and v4 (guitarno and LordovChaos). Actually I don't have that problem in the cut through the mix issue. It's just that I would like to improve channel 3 in some way (less gain, less compresion) and I take channel 2 as a model.
  3. F

    ENGL MOD!!!! (powerball content)

    Probably in channels 3 and 4. Also channel 2 has to much gain for a crunch...and that is what I want in channel 3. An also make channel 2.. a real crunch and no a "gentle heavy" how it was defined somewhere up the post. Of course it depends on tha kind of music and instrument you play. I play...
  4. F

    Hi, I recently read and post in the engl powerball tube mod. Please tell me where did you get...

    Hi, I recently read and post in the engl powerball tube mod. Please tell me where did you get the 5881's matched quartett. I'm trying to make my Powerball sound better. Thx
  5. F

    ENGL MOD!!!! (powerball content)

    Sorry but I think you did't get it. I use channel 3 as my main distorted rhythm sound with gain at...9 o'clock which is pretty low gain level but in the Powerball more than enough for my taste. What I say is that to reach the same amount of distortion, in channel 2, which is supposed to be the...
  6. F

    ENGL MOD!!!! (powerball content)

    I know this is a quite a bit old post but I am modding my powerball as soon as possible. I have a question which is very important for me. I think the best sound of the amp, talking about dist sound, is the cruch channel with gain at maximun level.Definition, growl, botton, etc. Would this mod...
  7. F

    Inlay Removal / Fretboard dying (CAUTION)

    I am working in the idea and I must say is not the best way. I'm trying different alternatives. Following this way, when you clean the fingerboard, you still see dots in a lighter color. Now I'm doing this, but using a darker filler and mixing it with the dye before filling the hole. I will...
  8. F

    How does this sounds like?

    Yes it seems to be a Powerball. I really like the way it sounds in that track. In my opinion it doesn't sound cold or unnatural, and that music is not Death Metal. It sounds like some kind of Korn style.
  9. F

    How does this sounds like?

    Shit, someone gave me the link but I didn't have a look at the site. But, to me it doesn't sound like a Powerball. does it sounds like a Powerball to you??? People here don't speak very well about Powerballs and that sounds very well to me. What dou you think??
  10. F

    How does this sounds like?

    I see a lot of people talking about how an amp sounds and how another sounds better etc. Can someone help me to know what amp or amps has been used to record this??? Thanks Could it be a Rectifier???
  11. F

    Necks: 7321@7620

    Hi friends A couple days ago I got a second hand Rg7321 (korean) mint condition and for one of those strange things that happen, the neck feels amazing. Also like the look of that nice binding and an idea is walking on my mind. Changing the neck in one of my 7620's. I mean, put the 7321 neck on...