Search results

  1. jaybeals

    The ultimate list of Ibanez 7 strings

    My favorite 7 I had thought was a John Pettruci model with Picasso paint job (weird half-faces in black/white), but not sure, anybody hear of these? It is definately a better build than my 7321, 24 frets, 5 position switch and 2 hums, sounds great!! Very happy with it, and wondering if it is...
  2. jaybeals

    Dual 7str METAL band, recorded with LINE6 patches/RECORD 1.0

    TELL me what you all think of the 3 guitar tracks, Left is SHREDDER playing ESP-7 and ME (JAYBEALS) on RIGHT playing IBANEZ-RG7, we alternate solos on center. I solo with the southern drawl, SHREDDER likes short choppy shreds (ya think?) and my amp patch is a J800 through a Treadplate 2001...
  3. jaybeals

    Random Pics of Your Rig

    traded a bass-wah for a VOX pathfinder (yes it handles the B) and had a Cel G12L-35 laying around, so built this from another buddys old kitchen drawer and 3/4" birch for the baffle. also testing out my circle-cutting router jig. NOT bad for 15watts of practice power. MY main righ- Peavey...
  4. jaybeals

    3-piece 7-string metal from MAINE- OBSCURE release first demo!!

    <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0...
  5. jaybeals

    Plug That Shit! Current Projects:

    HEY jaybeals up in the northeast! My band OBSCURE is chugging away at new riffs and melodies, just getting out there to play. Checkout some 7string thrash metal, not overly-technical but no crappy scooped-mids trash sound like most newbs when they invest 2grand in a full stack setup. My...
  6. jaybeals Band List

    Heyah metalheads, jaybeals from OBSCURE here with my band specs: Band name: OBSCURE Band type: groove thrash metal Giggin area: Maine, NH, MASS where the metal is Website: see below Obscure - ReverbNation Take a listen to some dirty basement thrash jams and...
  7. jaybeals

    Recommend Me Some Darker Sounding Classical

    of course anything danny elfman- checkout music for a darkend theatre-2 disc set.
  8. jaybeals

    Post your favorite music videos

    I am lucky to have a metal wife that runs a video show here in Maine, so i see a lot of good videos- that first one tomawsome posted is the Devon Townsend band (strapping young lad side project), and i dont have any to post but here are some good ones to search for on youtube- zimmers hole-...
  9. jaybeals

    How do us new guys post music in the juke?

    theres some killer songs in there, i just want to put up some riffs for fun:shred: also how can we keep an eye on specific threads, and is there a general help index? of FAQ
  10. jaybeals

    7string Beast hails from the East

    I admit I just joined for the icons!! :bowdown: I am re-emerging from the cold northeast to get another band together- Good to be back. Last band was audioblacK from Maine and can be found at - audioblacK - PORTLAND, Maine - Rock / Metal / Progressive -