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  1. victor5464

    A Simple Question

    So I was playing my Damien-7 today and noticed that the bridge pickup was faint and only half as loud as it should be. The pickups are passive so I have no idea what the problem is, I don't know much about electronics :lol:. Can anyone tell me what the problem could be and how to fix it...
  2. victor5464

    The Worst Band Ever Conceived.. Besides Lady Gaga

    now wouldnt you guys feel like jerks if any of the aforementioned bands were reading this? :lol:
  3. victor5464

    A preamp without a power amp?

    what the price for this?
  4. victor5464

    Any good guitar magazines besides Guitar World?

    :agreed: i used to prefer GW but i picked up a Guitar Player about a month ago and noticed that it was a whole lot better IMO :lol:
  5. victor5464

    People falling down

    the one where that black guy punches the guy on Halloween has got to be the funniest one ever :lol:
  6. victor5464

    A preamp without a power amp?

    ha i guess i never thought of it... well in that case im probably going to get the pod because its cheaper and probably does more :flame: thanks everyone :yesway:
  7. victor5464

    A preamp without a power amp?

    well the main reason i prefer the engl to the pod is that i do eventually plan on getting a power amp and building a rack, i just have to wait for some money to come in (which will probably be a while because i am busy as fuck with school.:wallbash:) but day...:rolleyes:
  8. victor5464

    A preamp without a power amp?

    ha thats exactly the one i was going to get :lol: anyone know if it has an FX loop?
  9. victor5464

    A preamp without a power amp?

    im in a bit of a hurry so im really sorry if this question has been posted before i just moved into an apartment and i can literally only play through headphones so i was wondering.... since i wont be using a speaker cab could i just buy a preamp and not need a power amp since im only going to...
  10. victor5464

    What are some good beginning Classical songs

    another beautiful song by them is Viridian...or the intro to Naked by the Computer i play those in a classical "style" all the time :flame:
  11. victor5464

    Gonçalo Pereira lesson

    there used to be a lesson on youtube where he went in depth on how to play "tarutiri" but now i cant find it and would really like to learn it. :wallbash: If anyone knows where its at thatd be cool :yesway: a tab works too :flame: thanks
  12. victor5464

    The Discarded Image

    is a book by C.S. Lewis that I have to read for school.... looks boring and dry as fuck :wallbash: anyone read it before?
  13. victor5464

    Do you ever watch yourself in the mirror?

    I know, I like to watch my fingers as I sweep as fast as I can. Looks amazing with a strobe light :lol:
  14. victor5464

    I need an acoustic guitar for class

    +1 to the ovation :yesway:
  15. victor5464

    What are some good beginning Classical songs

    this song is beautiful IMO Dont know what it is called:wallbash: it also isnt necessarily a hymn, but beautiful nonetheless. I'll attach the tab too but I highly recommend reading the music and practicing if you need to (I know I need to :lol:)
  16. victor5464

    Horrible Guitar Land!

    Dont think anyone has posted this (I might be wrong) :scream:why, Epiphone? Why?
  17. victor5464

    Looping pedals?

    for 300$ you could get a digitech jamman...I used to have one and it was very nice. You could also get a boss dd-7 and use the hold mode to get 40 sec of recording (i believe you can overdub) its 170$ (i think). Of course the jamman has much more control along with the ability to save loops onto...
  18. victor5464

    Favorite food

    a bigass authentic burrito...none of that taco bell/cabana crap :fawk:
  19. victor5464

    Human Evolution - What Next?

    I hope this theory is SEPERATE from the one of all of us becoming fat and lazy. I'm not a chubby chaser and extra breasts would just look like more fat in the obese world :lol:
  20. victor5464

    7-year old jacks his parent's car...

    i consider myself rather left wing but that wouldnt stop me from savagely beating my child if he pissed me off :lol: