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  1. eric86

    Screamers and Growlers - how did you start?

    A lot of what is said above is very relevant. I try and practice with a pa and without, but at a live gig you get plenty of gain through the pa which aids in helping use technique instead of relying on the raw anselmo shouting type of vocal to make your voice distort. You need a balance of...
  2. eric86

    Help with peavey 6505 problems

    There was definitely some sizzle! Im worried :/ Tech it is, i don't want it completely fucked!
  3. eric86

    Screamers and Growlers - how did you start?

    This is your best bet. While taking in information is important, practice is the only way you get better, especially early on.
  4. eric86

    Help with peavey 6505 problems

    Thanks dudes, I flicked it on briefly today to see a dead power tube. Swapped it over and it powers up fine now, just the original shitty tone, and low volume. The Clean channel is basically non existent too. I will test the preamp tubes one at a time before a tech.
  5. eric86

    Help with peavey 6505 problems

    I just bought an individual one to test if there was a faulty one in the set. Only got to the second one when it went pop and smoked from the preamp section.
  6. eric86

    Help with peavey 6505 problems

    The only thing i have done is remove the tubes, and yes the amp was off lol.
  7. eric86

    Screamers and Growlers - how did you start?

    I started doing metal vocals in 2008. I think an awful lot of technique based things are helpful, but imo nothing beats good old fashioned practice. The techniques like tongue placements, jaw movement etc just come from practicing, and develop themselves. I think basic information like breathing...
  8. eric86

    Help with peavey 6505 problems

    Hi, just wanting some advice before taking my 6505 to a tech. I think i have to, but would be keen to hear from anyone with a similar experience. My 6505 is about 2 years old, and rarely used. A couple of weeks back, while i was playing at bedroom volume, it just gradually dropped in volume...
  9. eric86

    Obscura Recording New Album

    I love cosmogenisis, cant wait for the new album
  10. eric86

    Tech Death Thread!

    Not that i know of.. I do like the band so i suppose if it was bought up i would have said so.
  11. eric86

    Tech Death Thread!

    ARKAIK ULCERATE (Not sure if I'd call them tech death but they are weird as fuck and appropriate for this thread anyway :agreed: The section at 3:38 = awesomest shit ever?!) ...and thread needs more Psycroptic... with Chalky. I will second ulcerate! Like you said, not really tech...
  12. eric86

    New Whitechapel Album

    The reason whitechapel keeps me interested is because they breakdowns seem to be more like that of suffocation or nile, and they are an awesome band. They deliver live, have killer tone and are great musicians. As far as the whole deathcore vs death metal thing goes, who cares. If a death metal...
  13. eric86

    Rotting Christ Aealo

    Maybe there is similarity's in the earlier works, i was wondering if the new album is a one off type of album for the band. I still cant really put my finger on what it is, but they somehow make the songs so powerfull without being brutal. Similar to opeth in that it doesnt rely on crazy...
  14. eric86

    Rotting Christ Aealo

    So i listen to a buddy of mine and finally gave rotting christ a listen. Aealo is the newest offering, and i have to say that it has blown me away. Since i have never heard these guys before this album, i cant comment on how it rates to earlier material, but for me it is hands down brilliant...
  15. eric86

    New Whitechapel Album

    It took me a couple of listens to decide if it was better than exile, but imo it is a huge step forward! The song writing is excellent, and the production is killer. Best guitar tone and we all know phils vocals are fucking ridiculously awesome
  16. eric86

    What are you listening to?

    Rotting Christ Aealo- This is my first rotting christ album, but definately not the last! I have never heard anything like this in black metal before. Fucking excellent
  17. eric86

    Do you care about lyrics in a song?

    I just tend to think that if their is a strong lyrical content that it can help to add another element to the music. Mainly i am just concerned with having a good vocalist, but if the lyrics are good then its definately a bonus.
  18. eric86

    Lamb of god- producers edition.

    Just starting using lamb of gods wrath studio experience. I was really suprised by how cool this thing is, i get to toy around with the mixing, and being a vocalist i can lay my own vocals down to lamb of gods tracks! I think its a pretty brave move on lamb of gods part doing something like...
  19. eric86

    Programmed drums/ drum machines

    Awesome thanks dudes!! We will really only want roughish samples. (hopefully we have a drummer soon!)
  20. eric86

    Programmed drums/ drum machines

    Hey dudes, my band and i are currently shifiting lineups, and rewriting music without a drummer. Because we will be writing complete songs we want to use either a drum machine or programmed drums to play along to while writing/rehearsing. Obviously we want to pickup a drummer asap, but in the...