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  1. A

    I need a new bedroom practice amp!

    My Peavey Vypyr 15 took a dump, I used to have a Line6 Spider III which was a huge POS. I'm looking to spend less than $100 on a used practice amp. 1x8, 1x10, 1x12, I don't care. I just need something that isn't 100dB of Orange tube tone. I've got expensive gear for that already. What good...
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    String action vs. truss rod bow

    I'm starting to get comfortable adjusting my truss rods, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to find a happy medium between string height and neck bow. If I put more bow in the neck, the strings come up, but I get less fret buzz... then I lower the action to a comfortable level, and the buzz...
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    Lefty Schecter C7 Hellraiser and LTD EC-1000

    Make offers, guys. I want to liquidate my guitars so I can afford to buy some new stuff. Trade offers will also be considered!
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    Lefty Schecter C7 Hellraiser and LTD EC-1000

    Can't figure out how to edit the original post. Photo Album - Imgur There's an album with 5 images in it. If you're interested, I can take/email more specific pictures.
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    Lefty Schecter C7 Hellraiser and LTD EC-1000

    Up to the top... still not letting me post pictures. Shoot me an email and I'll send you some if you're interested.
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    Lefty Schecter C7 Hellraiser and LTD EC-1000

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Lefty Schecter C7 Hellraiser and LTD EC-1000, both black cherry burst,both in 7.5-8/10 condition, both play fantastic, but with a few dings and aesthetic flaws. Modifications (if any): n/a Accessories (hardshell case etc): Can include a case for...
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    Like Moths To Flames - You Won't Be Missed Vocal Cover

    You need to do the layered harmonies for the clean sections, it sounds flat without it. The parts where you do the Caleb Shomo-esque build-up-forced-yells (:16) always sound bad, I hate that it's becoming a trend. Your actual vocals are good. Your choice for altering the clean vocal melody was a...
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    Epic Song & Video=Head Exploded

    One of the most insanely musical things I've heard in a long time.
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    HILLVALLEY - "Shelter EP"

    Hacking the Ghost sounds low, what did you tune to? I enjoy this. I can't believe you've only got 130ish fans. I liked your page.
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    Favorite live songs?

    You guys can say what you want, I know what to expect by posting this.
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    Official Unexpected Allies thread: The Author & The Architect

    I want vocals over this, it would be like PTH but better. EDIT: I liked your page anyway. Now give me vocals and I will probably bandcamp purchase your (vocal) EP and see you when you open for PTH or Periphery or whatever.
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    NAD ENGL Invader questions

    It's probably the cab. I've never run an Invader before, but a Savage should be a nice match for the G12T-75s, they're pretty middy and have a Marshall-esque growly characteristic. The way Invaders have been described to me, however, a G12T-75 is probably the furthest thing from what you would...
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    I haven't listened to Busdriver in years. Thanks for reminding me how magnificent he is.
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    If You Stumbled Upon $3k, You Would Buy...

    Lots of options... I could put it toward my S2000 fun, put it into my E30, buy a PRS, or sell my Orange and both my guitars and upgrade to an Orange halfstack.. and a PRS.
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    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not. But the TRIREC IS HERE

    Now where the hell is the Magician?
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    Who is your favorite metal lyricist/vocalist?

    There are two: Now, for the one you probably aren't expecting, that I love so much, I have to post two or three songs.
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    JJ E34Ls..tell me bout them

    Switched from Ruby EL34Bs to JJ E34Ls in my Orange Rocker. That plus setting changes and a boost, and it went from growly heavy rock/hardcore to power tube sag metal/metalcore. Great change, they're very good tubes and not at all unreliable.
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    Recommend me a <1k 100 watt stack

    When I want a djent tone, the last thing I want is a 5150... I get along better with Mesas for that. Check out the Mark III, check out the 5150, check out the Randall V2 and T2.
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    Harsh sounding at loud volumes.

    I recently started dropping my treble and pushing my mids back up too. This did WONDERS for my tone at practice or show level volumes. At bedroom levels (albeit loud bedroom levels, I don't play quiet) I had my mids scooped back a bit, and ran my treble at 2:00. Now I've managed to boost mids up...
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    Quick question about VHT/Fryette..

    The only Pittbull I've played was a 50CL, and I played a D120 yesterday... the D120 was worlds better in my opinion, but I think the 50CL runs EL34s, or the one I played did... something like that. I've never experienced KT88s before... that amp was killer. Side by side, to me, there's no...