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  1. foreright

    Guitar 3D Render

    I’m going to put a fart noise generator on my next build :D
  2. foreright

    Hardware for headless build

    The bridge is this one: That one you posted looks similar although it's a trem - I like the tuning buttons on yours better though!
  3. foreright

    Neck angle... or not?

    Except… in this case it doesn’t. The point is that either way works from a geometrical pov. The question is if there’s a reason to favour one approach over the other but never mind. I’ll experiment.
  4. foreright

    Neck angle... or not?

    Yep, that's what I'd end up doing as a sanity check just before gluing but I tend to do all my planning in CAD (with the actual parts on hand to measure!). In this case, as I say I can either implement a very small neck angle or route the neck pocket leaving the neck surface 1.5mm above the body...
  5. foreright

    Neck angle... or not?

    Hi all, just in the final planning stages of a 6-string headless build and I have a question regarding neck angle and as to whether I need one or not. I'm planning for this to be a set neck design and because it's a single (bridge) pickup design I can make the tenon very long to make this work...
  6. foreright

    Hardware for headless build

    Glad to see this thread still ticking over - I just received one of those brass headpieces this morning and I’d agree that it’s crazy good for the price. Will likely replace the grub screws for some SS ones but they seem better than the usual cheesium ones you usually get. I also got a headless...
  7. foreright

    Minimum break angle

    Thanks guys - I'm aware how tilted back headstocks work as I've built a fair few :D Usually go with an 11-12 degree tilt FWIW. I just in this case don't want to get to the stringing up stage and find that there's not enough break angle and I have nowhere to install string trees - guess I could...
  8. foreright

    Minimum break angle

    Hi all, I'm in the process of planning / starting a new 6-string build and have some questions regarding neck, or more specifically, headstock design. I've built a few straight headstock necks (ie. "Fender style" without a scarf / headstock angle) and aside from my last build where I went with...
  9. foreright

    So, why do fretboards have a radius anyway?

    All the guitars I’ve built for myself over the last few years (6s and 7s) have a completely flat board as it’s my preference :) It’s a marginal thing and I have no issue with playing guitars with almost any radius but it feels better to me. I play with my thumb on the back of the neck (ie. A...
  10. foreright

    Can anyone identify these mods? Best guess?

    The "pickup selectors" could be intended to be coil tap and/or series/parallel switches or something along those lines. It's a moot point however as they don't look like they are connected to anything ;) Likewise the keyboard switch could be intended to be a kill switch - again it doesn't look...
  11. foreright

    Second attempt at Strandberg 7 build

    Following on from this old thread, I decided to rebuild the neck again using some random bits I had lying around - I wasn't super happy with the neck as it stood so I started this back in November (!) - unfortunately with 3 young kids I don't get that much time to do "guitar stuff" (or any...
  12. foreright

    Those Old Pod Farm Patches?

    I think the bit in bold above is the key - I have and still use a Line6 X3 live and use it into a Mooer Radar or straight in to my interface for IRs and it’s plenty good enough for my purposes :)
  13. foreright

    Recommendation for lightweight 8-string guitar with coil-splitting/tapping?

    Are they though? They work out horribly expensive when you take shipping and import taxes into account unless you know someone over here that has one... Eg. there's a Zeus Z7 on Ebay (looks really nice tbh...) for $1900 / £1400. Shipping is $120 / £88 and tax is approx. $486 / £362 so that...
  14. foreright

    Recommendation for lightweight 8-string guitar with coil-splitting/tapping?

    What he said ^ If you want the Strandberg you’ll just regret not getting it if you don’t.
  15. foreright

    Ellefson has a way with words....

    From that article: "Obviously, I have more music in me," he continued. “So if they don't wanna use my parts, trust me, other people will.” Wasn’t it that kind of thing that got him into this trouble in the first place? :eek:
  16. foreright

    Are guitar picks overlooked?

    The pic here is a prodigy mini, regular jazz 3, JP flow, jumbo flow and prodigy standard. The prodigy standard is the same width and a tiny bit longer than the JP flow. Edit: As an aside, the bevel on the prodigy is really nice, if they made one the same size as the JP Jazz III (and in 3mm...
  17. foreright

    Are guitar picks overlooked?

    I found the prodigy mini to be too small - I have one in my hand and comparing it to a regular Jazz III with my calpiers it is 1.5mm shorter and 1.3mm narrower.
  18. foreright

    Are guitar picks overlooked?

    Yup, no idea why the tortex picks have square edges! I spent some time bevelling a tortex flow and it's MUCH better. Still prefer the JP Jazz III over those though. I'm vaccilating between the JP Jazz III, the JP flow and my Xen (Kirinite) Kukri right now.
  19. foreright

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Yup... classic case of being in the right place at the right time. Not that I begrudge him success of course :) It's a bit like two of my friends who bought their first house after they left uni back just before the market here utterly exploded. They bought a 3 bed house for £113k as a house...
  20. foreright

    NAD my amp build

    Wow I’ve always wanted to do something by like this - top work, looks awesome!