Search results

  1. TheEmptyCell

    199$ Harley Benton Bass vi (with BKP Brute Force single coils) Song inside

    I’ve got an HBGB as well, still using the stock pickups. I find them no noisier than any other Strat pickups. Mods I’ve done so far include a Gotoh Nashville bridge saddle so I’d have more room for intonation adjustment, La Bella nickels strings for the Schecter Hellcat VI, and a Free-way 10...
  2. TheEmptyCell

    Has anyone tried the SubZero Rogue VI?

    I’m curious about this one, too. I’ve got a Harley Benton Guitarbass VI that I love, but a dual HB Bass VI is also tempting.
  3. TheEmptyCell

    NBD - It's a Big'un

    I considered the Darkglass pre, but maybe an Audere or something with even more control. I dunno right now. I tried backing the truss rod nut off and it just... stopped turning at a certain point. I’m going to have to get creative in order to make the truss rod more adjustable. Playability is...
  4. TheEmptyCell

    NBD - It's a Big'un

    I'm planning on stringing it F#BEAD and occasionally noodling in drop E0. I've just got to figure out what gauges I want for that tuning and put an order in with Newtone, then hope they get here before the world actually ends. I've got to figure out what color goes best with such a tuning...
  5. TheEmptyCell

    NBD - It's a Big'un

    Well, that sucks ass. I tried to upload them in the editor and it told me they were too big. So I dropped them on Google Photos and used that link. I can't edit the original post for some stupid reason. It's like they've implemented only the worst features on this forum.
  6. TheEmptyCell

    NBD - It's a Big'un

    Quarantine orders and lack of socialisation have had me doing some silly things, like perusing the FB Marketplace while on break at work. This is the result of the most recent perusal. Fairly innocuous, right? Wrong. The little pink measuring tape doesn't lie. What you may have thought was...
  7. TheEmptyCell

    Are there disadvantages to using transpose function to get bass sounds

    If all you want is the low end I guess it will be fine. If you want the sound and feel of the bass doubling the guitar riffs, there's nothing that can replace that pick attack and vibe of a real bass. Even if you have a bass and guitar tuned in unison--take Meshuggah playing in F as an...
  8. TheEmptyCell

    Strat Pickups for Bass VI

    Crisp and percussive sounds good to me. Anything you’d recommend to our with them at the bridge? Maybe a Hot Rails style?
  9. TheEmptyCell

    Strat Pickups for Bass VI

    Where did I ever mention that I hadn’t tried one before? You know what they say about assuming...
  10. TheEmptyCell

    Strat Pickups for Bass VI

    I’ve got a Harley Benton Guitarbass incoming, which is a Bass VI style clone tuned one octave down from a guitar E-E. What pickups would you recommend for a versatile setup that will capture bass guitar like thump when using the neck and/or middle and more of a baritone guitar quality with a...
  11. TheEmptyCell

    Do you own an FX processor / Modeler?

    I’m using a Zoom G1x Four but I’m transitioning to a pedal based setup with a Mooer Radar for cab sims.
  12. TheEmptyCell

    Favourite Mooer preamp pedal?

    How do the clean tones on any of these high-gain models sound? I’m trying to put together a rig that’s versatile enough for the playing I do at home. I want some sparkling, spanky, warm cleans that sound lifelike, not like I’m running my guitar through my interface into my headphones. I’ve got...
  13. TheEmptyCell

    Favourite Mooer preamp pedal?

    I’m considering the 009 or 015 as a drive channel aweigh a TS style boost, and a compressor and maybe the Vox or Fender model as a clean channel, putting each pair of pedals in the loops of an AB switch. Thoughts? Sure I could get a Preamp Live but this lets me get everything one piece at a time...
  14. TheEmptyCell

    Peavey Appreciation Club

    I don’t see many posts here about Peavey’s guitars, so I wanted to see who else owns one? I’ve been playing bass for about 17 years now and have owned maybe a half dozen Peavey basses (multiple T40s, a Fury, and others). The old school stuff weighed a ton but nobody can argue that the T40 is...
  15. TheEmptyCell

    "Optimal" 2HB Wiring Scheme

    I’ve been playing Dingwall Basses for years now, and they use a 4 way rotary selector, so I’m used to getting around them. A blade switch would look terrible on this guitar anyway.
  16. TheEmptyCell

    "Optimal" 2HB Wiring Scheme

    I’ve decided to go with a 5 position rotary and will try out PRS style wiring, giving me Neck, outer coils series, inner coils series, inner coils parallel, bridge. I lose both pickups humbucking together but get some other sounds I think I will enjoy more. I’m also abandoning my tone pot and...
  17. TheEmptyCell

    Your favourite Tube Screamer?

    Fuck side jacks Fuck it, fuck all the jacks.
  18. TheEmptyCell

    Your favourite Tube Screamer?

    The thing I hate about “mini” pedals (1590a box size or similar) is that they take up the same footprint as a larger (125b size) box with top jacks. You end up with tiny little knobs you can’t read and they still hog up all kinds of real estate.
  19. TheEmptyCell

    Who makes a 12-String bass? (6x2)

    I think you’d also find that you need a pretty monstrous octave string for the F#, something like an .080 or so, which would likely end up bouncing off the low F#.
  20. TheEmptyCell

    Fretless Bass for Metal?

    You’ll just get more of a “clack” than a “clank” using a fretless bass. Learn to pluck lightly, crank your amp, and play closer to the bridge.