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  1. prisonbreak

    Any Black Metal Fans out there?

    Great, thanks! You're project it's awesome anyway! :hbang: I checked out a few tracks and I really liked it. I aslo searched your band on FB.
  2. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    Of course! I've already listened to some tracks and I liked it. I really enjoy the progressive influences. :yesway: Maybe I feel the lack of vocals a little, but your stuff are good!
  3. prisonbreak

    Any Black Metal Fans out there?

    I'm a black metal fan too, but I prefer the atmospheric/ambient black! My favourites are: Dissection, WITTR, Woman is The Earth, Saor, Thulcandra (ok, they're almost like Dissection), Ulver, Nachtmystium. I'll check out your project ASAP. If you want you can check out mine...
  4. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    Thanks Mike, I'd love to know what you think about it! Hi mgh, thanks for your answer. I didn't think that the drum was so bad. What don't you like exactly about it? Well, to be honest, when I wrote these songs I wasn't focusing on big riff, but I wanted to create great melodies. I listened to...
  5. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    New album EP is out now!!! You can check it out here:
  6. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    Hi tmo, Thanks. Well, I'm happy that you found the production ok! It's already a good result! ;)
  7. prisonbreak

    Greetings from Italy!

  8. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    Thank you very much! :yesway: I'm not surprise that you dislike this song. I recorded this with the purpose to create something very raw and strange, and I understand that it isn't so easy listening. I'm sorry that you found my voice as the weakest link...I thinking that my vocals was not so...
  9. prisonbreak

    Chiral, italian death/black metal. FFO Dissection, Wolves In The Throne Room, Opeth

    Hi there! This is my one-man band, Chiral. This project is born only in January 2014 but I've already released a demo-ep + a single track extracted from the next EP that will be out soon! Any feedback would be appreciated! ;) This is my lastest track: This is song from the previous demo...
  10. prisonbreak

    Greetings from Italy!

    Thanks Dude! Thanks, I'll open a topic very soon about my band! Thanks man. I live near Milano, and I know I'm lucky to live in this beautifull place! ;) This is my bandcamp page: Where you can find my demo-ep and a preview from the next work. As I wrote above...
  11. prisonbreak

    Greetings from Italy!

    HAIL!!! I'm Teo and I write from Italy! I play guitar for 12 years, and I listen all kind of extreme metal!:hbang: I also have a one-man death/black metal band named "Chiral"! Cheers