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  1. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I was on "Tosin's side" at first as well, but then I watched this video with Frank and it totally changed my mind about what went down. This simply sounds like an inexperienced company pushing a builder to grow too fast, and an impatient Japanese market buyer taking possession of unfinished...
  2. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I’ve heard some fun rumors about that Majesty and I’m actually super stoked for it!
  3. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Hop aboard that hype train Rick Beato got his first 7-string
  4. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I mean I left lower-star updated review talking about how disappointed I was in having to return it and they posted it to their site... they could have easily NOT done that.
  5. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    To be fair I only found this group because I ordered the instrument. Fuck me right??? Definitely not their fault at all lol. I should have done my research on a guitar that has never been released before hahahahha
  6. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Hey dude, honestly you and I are EXACTLY THE SAME PERSON. I feel like our level of knowledge is about the same, and tbh we shouldn’t have had to go through this. You shouldn’t need to be a luthier to receive a great $2,200 guitar. I don’t think you’re foolish trusting one of the biggest names in...
  7. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Abasi Concepts is the new Wallstreet Bets. Jesus Christ I shoulda held onto my stock and traded when the reverb markets opened. Why did I return my instrument :scream2:
  8. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Lmao “I got one for my son but he already got one”
  9. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Lotsa cool stuff in there! Super tempting! But I just put a deposit on an H/08 and should probably just chill.
  10. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I dunno about y’all but I’m loving the finishes! That pink sparkle and the teal blue are perfect IMO! Hope there’s no QC issues with this run.
  11. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Is that the sound of Ivan opening every. single. case. to check every. single. nut, I hear in the background there?????
  12. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    So what you’re saying is: “THE MCRIB IS BACK!”
  13. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Yea! Fishman recommends using the 7-string pickups for multiscale 6s because the rails are longer. I assume it’s the same with the 7s using 8s pickups. The more I think about it the more I wasn’t a fan of how far the slanted soapbars stuck out. I kept hitting it and scratching it with my pick...
  14. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Man I kinda hate the non-roasted maple and non-matching headstock. I totally thought it was fake until I read more that the guy custom ordered these specs.
  15. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    My guitar arrived at Abasi this morning and my refund is already processed. I’m happy with how quick that was!
  16. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    The bridge is definitely my main gripe with the instrument. They also don’t sand the insides before painting, but that’s about all the issues I’ve been able to find with mine. Hopefully they’ll have some cool new stuff at their big upcoming announcement.
  17. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I love my strandy! the singularity is quite lovely! I like the new sandblasted bodies, and I’m always recommending it for people who dislike the endureneck because it’s got much more rounded edges and is closer to a regular neck. It’s still got that compound design though. Overall the...
  18. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    LOL oh man that sounds like a story I’d love to hear!
  19. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I figured as much. Just comparing the different approaches for fun.
  20. HellaSickTight

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Wow that’s fascinating!!! Super kiesel style build with that what looks like raw swamp ash and triangle of death. The cutout for the headless bridge isn’t as elegant as Falbo’s imo. Thanks for sharing! I love seeing stuff like this!