
  1. TedEH

    New music from Ted - Rotual - Worms

    Feels like I've been working on 100 things forever, but I've finally got something to show for it: This is the first thing to come out from the latest band I joined a while back. It's sort of a "supergroup" (lol), if you want to call it that, of folks from Ottawa/Gatineau area who have been...
  2. Captain Shoggoth

    Unburier - Nebulous EP - insanely good UK death metal

    Not my band, just a band I've fallen in love with that I think a lot of people on this board would really enjoy. Really young guys (nice guys too!), all early 20s, with a firmly professional attitude both live and on-record. Music is head and shoulders more technical than any other UK...
  3. lazarusieben

    What is your favorite combo for active neck/bridge humbucker pickups? Looking for recommendations

    Hi there! I am kinda new to this active pickups thing. So far I am happy with the ones I got for my 6 string CGCFAD guitar (EMG 81&85). I've seen there is also a 7 string version but I think I want something different for my 7 string. What I play is heavy chugging riffs on my bridge pickup...
  4. Obscurabeast2002

    BC Rich Stealth "Legacy" or "Marc Rizzo TNT"??

    I purchased this BC rich stealth the other day but im at a loss with the exact model. Anyone know what this Stealth is?
  5. MAJ Meadows SF

    Relapse releasing new Death live recordings

    Well this pleasantly popped up in my email. Kudos to Relapse and the Death Estate for doing this. From the press: Relapse Records is proud to present Death: Non Analog - On Stage Series. At a moment when the world has been forced to push pause on live music, Relapse Records and the DEATH...
  6. Leviathus

    Death Stranding

    Finally got around to pre-ordering a physical, anyone else aboard the hype train?
  7. alessandroarzilli

    Grind - The 3rd song from my instrumental album 'Musa'

    Hello everybody! I would like to let you all hear Grind, the third song from my latest instrumental solo album 'Musa'. This project has been totally self-produced, so if you like what you’re hearing please consider supporting, otherwise please consider giving some constructive criticism so i...
  8. gunshow86de

    Contrarian - Their Worm Never Dies (FFO Death, Atheist)

    Absolutely loving this album, killer proggy-death metal, just released today. Also some killer artwork. Can't wait to get my vinyl copy to see it in all its glory! :yesway:
  9. JulioAzathoth

    Best affordable cab for 6505+

    Hey everyone, I hope this hasn't been posted a thousand times but... I finally bought the Peavey 6505+ head and I'm looking for a nice cab. Mesa or Engl are too expensive for me right now. Avatar 4x12 with Celestion speakers is apparently excellent and affordable, but there's not a single one...
  10. alessandroarzilli

    Hybrid Practice - Reflections

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to share with you one of my newest songs. What do you think of it? Consider I made it all by myself in my bedroom (except vocals/lyrics, which were done by a friend of mine). What would you suggest to change and how?
  11. DiezelMonster

    WTB Bare knuckle Aftermath 6 string pickup, Black.

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to find a good deal on a BKP aftermath bridge pickup. I'd like it to be black and open coil. I'd prefer chrome Allen lugs but show me what ya got. I'd prefer 50mm spacing since this is for a pretty narrow older guitar with a kahler. And 4 conductor is a must...
  12. Edika

    Tim Calvert dead at 52

    Hi all not sure if something's been posted already but I just found out about Tim Calvert's death today. The first time I heard about him was through his participation in Nevermore's Dreaming Neon Black album, one of my two favorite Nevermore albums. I learned from there that he also played in...
  13. Rizzo

    Opinions on new Gene Hoglan DVD?

    Did any drummer here get to watch Gene's brand new DVD "The Atomic Clock: The Clock Strikes II"? I have the first "Atomic Clock" DVD and while the proposed exercises and anectodes are valuable, I found it lacking in performance material (Mechanism isn't surely Gene's top material for a metal...
  14. Gmork

    Are there 18" neodymium guitar speakers?

    My dream is to someday own a peavey 3620 cab (2x18-2x10 cab) to use with guitar! I doubt ill ever see one in person and obviously wont be shipping it lol. Got me thinking about building one myself. Would be cool to load it with neodymium 18" speakers if they exist. Anyone have any info/experience?
  15. Slunk Dragon

    Archspire Has New Material, It's Superhuman!!!

    A friend just showed me these guys. Even compared to their older stuff, this is just RIDONKULOUS, and I love it to pieces. I am so getting this album!
  16. DiezelMonster

    NAD: Bogner Ecstasy!

    Hi Guys I started a thread not long ago asking about this amp. I read just about everything I could since then, watched every video and decided to make my own mind up. It all kind of came together rather fast. This thing is a perfect grinding tornado! The tone with my RGD7620 with...
  17. N

    New Progressive/Dark Death Metal band from Mtl, Can

    Hey guys! We're Intonate from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and we would like tp share our debut album, The Swerve. For fans of Gorguts, Ulcerate, Death, Augury. Thanks!
  18. Sumsar

    My Bands Debut Album! (Black / Death / 7 string / DIY)

    Hi SSO My band released our debut album last week, listen here: Can also be found on bandcamp, spotify, itunes etc. This has been almost 2½ years in the works, but now it is finally out, and I am pretty proud of it. Everything was done DIY, with myself being incharge of the...
  19. klinic

    Getting light shocks from my bridge and strings when playing through my tube amp.

    As the title says. It's kind of scary, I know that tube amps have really high voltages in them. It seems to be especially apparent on higher gain settings. It's a three prong cable and SHOULD be grounded, and I'm playing through a high end surge protector.
  20. 0rimus

    Blackout 7's Upgrayedd? (New to actives)

    So I'll try and keep this short and sweet. I bought an Agile Intrepid Pro 728 and had the intention of swapping out the active Blackouts it comes with stock from the get go. In fact it might be more accurate to say I bought a new guitar just so I had something to put a Liquifire and an SD...