
  1. distressed_romeo

    Death article in the new Guitar Techniques...

    Haven't had a chance to listen to the audio yet, but it look like a great lesson. Plus, full marks out of ten for it actually being in D tuning...Death riffs sound totally wrong in anything else.
  2. X

    Condemn The Infected (my band) just finished our first demo

    hope this is an alright place for me to post this. Im excited as this is my first recording ever. Figuring as how we play extended range instruments (2 seven string guitarists and a 6 string bass), i figure this is a good place to post - Condemn the Infected (Demo is finished!) -...
  3. Slayer89

    Check out these brutal 7 stringers from my area - Return From Exile (NEW SONG UP NOW!) - Modesto, California - Metal / Death Metal / 2-step - Kinda deathcore-ish with a lot of other elements thrown in. I normally can't anything deathcore related except a couple bands, but I'm really liking their...
  4. SOE777

    Cake or Pie?

    Cake or Pie? I had some what of an "argument" with some freinds over this....sad, I know....I'm a cake guy myself. What do you guys prefer? Ice cream cake ftw:bowdown:
  5. Shawn


    I've been listening to Individual Thought Patterns and Human alot lately, brings back memories of when I was in highschool. Im rediscovering how great Chuck Schuldiner was. (RIP Chuck Schuldiner :() His songwriting and his guitar playing = :yesway: I love it. Cool vid and cool tune here too...