
  1. leechmasterargentina

    Worst movie death scene ever

    Title says it all. You judge for yourself. In my case, it's the best death scream I've ever heard (and the longest one).
  2. T

    COuld someone give opinion???

    i want to share my new Cover(Opeth - The Leper Affinity), i hope u like it, comment, even negative feedbacks
  3. T

    Could someone give opinion???

    i want to share my new Cover(Opeth - The Leper Affinity), i hope u like it, comment, even negative feedbacks
  4. T

    Could someone give opinion???

    i want to share my new Cover(Opeth - The Leper Affinity), i hope u like it, comment, even negative feedbacks
  5. Whitechapelx

    Brand New to Recording - direct

    Hey dudes, I'm looking to start recording direct into my computer into pro tools or Reaper, nothing crazy just some personal riffs. I don't really know where to get started in terms of a interface....Nothing expensive, Around $200 maybe? Other than an interface, do I need anything else to record...
  6. youheardme

    Free EP - Inviting End - Bloodgrounds (Melodic Death Metal)

    Hey guys, Today is the release of our first EP "Bloodgrounds" Free to download! Check it out if you have the opportunity Free download: Bloodgrounds | Inviting End Our Facebook Album Cover Thanks for checkin' us out! - Justin
  7. SDSM

    I wish I could get my Pod Farm sounding like this!

    I have the same guitar with the same stock pickups and a UX2 with Pod Farm/Metal Shop and I cant get close to this! Pretty good player! Anyway...Anybody have any ideas on what he may be using in his patch? I asked him and he cant remember cause he uses the Ax Fx now and apparently he barely...
  8. Rotatous

    New instrumental song "Slow-Walking" (for solo project)

    Hello all! I've been absent from thes forums for quite a while, but have been hard at work trying to get more of my music completed- Slow-walking - instrumental (original) by Casey- on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free This is a song for a currently nameless...
  9. R

    Song my band just recorded. Need help/advice with the mix

    Just recorded a song with my band which we're looking to upload as a preproduction demo. I'm obviously not going to be doing the final mix because i'm clearly not ready. I'd still like to have a decent mix online so would really appreciate some help and suggestions here. Bass hasn't been...
  10. S


    SHAME OF KALI ALBUM RELEASE DECEMBER 21ST HISTORY: The band was founded in 2007( as Insane Phobia) and has changed a lot over the years. The genre and members changed several times until it was like it is today. Lukas, Alex and Tani are founders of the band, while Gorex joined it in 2010...
  11. DeanLamb

    My POD HD PRO just came in!

    This thing is very rad. For around $800 CAD, I've gotten some crazy awesome tones out of it. I'm in need of a new cab, but so far my setup is: Furman Power Line6 G90 wireless POD HD PRO Mesa 50/50 Power thru Peavey xxx slant (this thing can't handle the low end like I need)...
  12. C

    Bucket List Thread

    So, I just thought it would be cool for everyone to post their bucket lists (things you want to do before you die). What can I say, I'm weird :fawk: Here's mine: -Write and release a series of concept albums -Kick Bill O'reilly in the nuts :lol: -Take LSD in a padded cell with a few friends...
  13. Soubi7string

    Self recorded demo, lend me your two cents

    Me and my band have self recorded our demo and well we feel pretty proud of it and I was wanting some feedback. I present to you, my band, AORTIC Search Results for "" and if you happen to dig our music then you can give us a like on the facecrack Aortic | Facebook
  14. benjaminbuisine

    Down-tuned melo death bands

    Hello my friends !!! As a big melodeath fan that I am, I realized all my MDM bands are all tuned in DGCFAD or BEADF#B (BEADGBE). Do you know some Gothenburg-like melodic death metal bands (in the vein of At The Gates, Lock Up, Gates Of Ishtar ...) that use A, G, F# or octave E tunings (or...
  15. R

    The Famine Tabs?

    Does anyone have tabs for any of their songs from The Architects of Guilt? I can't seem to find any anywhere.
  16. MortuusMachina

    Melodic Death/Black/Doom Metal song I wrote...

    This is a new song I wrote 2 weeks ago. It combines elements of Melodic Death Metal, Melodic Black Metal and Doom Metal in the vein of My Dying Bride, Katatonia ect. Tell me what you think, from composition, mixing, the feeling(s) it gives you/what it reminds you of while listening, everything...
  17. Soubi7string

    New Song from my band AORTIC

    so heres a new song from my band AORTIC The Collective | Aortic tell me what you guys think!!! Aortic | Facebook Aortic | Chattanooga, TN | Metal / Death Metal / Grind | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation
  18. E

    Death metal from India - Ibanez 7 & BKP

    Hi guys, this is a demo my band Warhorse Chained just released. The guitar I used is an Ibanez RG1527Z Prestige with a set of Bare Knuckle Aftermaths. Warhorse Chained - Prisoner of War (Demo) by vimalramesh on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free And here's a video I...
  19. mellis

    Fireign- The Blade (thrashy/death metal)

    Spreading the love (hate?) of this awesome band from Newfoundland, Canada. Free download on bandcamp! :hbang: Fireign
  20. W

    Dbx compressor/gate

    I got one of the dbx compressor/gate rack units for my set up. But I cannot hear much of a difference when I do not use it. What am I doing wrong, other than being a noob with it. I run it with a noise suppressor - tuner - peavey 6505+

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