
  1. neurosis

    Missed my OR15, now I discovered the Invective MH and the Archon50

    I mostly use my AX8 into Ableton and don't gig but from time to time I like to play covers and mix in my Mark V25. I used to have an Orange OR15 combo as a more classic and direct alternative to the Mark V but ultimately sold it. I have been missing and in watching videos in consideration of a...
  2. R

    Old Djenty Recordings Up On Streaming Services

    Hi all, Unsure if this is where to post this... I finally got around to gathering a bunch of old recordings (12 to be exact), and making them available on streaming services like Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, etc. These tracks were recorded anywhere from 6-16(!) years ago. A good number...
  3. Se7enHeaven

    HEAVY (Empress Effects) Revisited

  4. Lon Chuky

    What about a Metallica medley with a 7 Strings

    Hi guys, After the post related to Iron Maiden, here's the one related to Metallica What do you think of this medley of Metallica ? I've spent some time ti build this, and i'm quite happy with the result. Metallica with 7 strings : sounds good or nah ?
  5. Lon Chuky

    What about an Iron Maiden medley with a 7 Strings

    Hi guys, First of all, i'm very sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong session. If you could give me some advices about the sound and what you think about this ? That would be great as i need some improvments : Guitar : Chapman ML7-Pro Amp : Bias Amp 2 & Bias FX
  6. Serga Kasinec

    My new Album "Samael`s Tear" Heavy

    Hi Guys! Finally, I have released my new album called "Samael`s Tear". Its a fusion of Industrial, Djent, Melodic, Metal stuff. I`m a big fan of Black Sabbath, Ministry, Mick Gordon, Satriani, Andy James, Shokran, Keith Merrow I think that you'll find some similar energy of these Gods in my...
  7. V

    How can I replicate this ambience?

    https://instaud.io/2HwU I hear it a lot in the type of music I listen to and I want to try using this myself. I'm not sure how that technique is made. I don't know if it is a plugin or a guitar effects pedal. Anyone know how I can achieve something similar to this? Thanks in advance! :)
  8. 92guitarguy

    DOOM OST - BFG Division Cover 2nd Try

    Hey guys! A while ago I did a cover of BFG Division from the DOOM Soundtrack. I've never been too satisfied with the guitar tone, so I decided to rerecord the guitars and bass with new sounds. Here's the result. Maybe some of you like the soundtrack and the song as much as I do ;) Cheers
  9. thomas lund

    Looking for high quality Helix Presets

    Please send links to good stuff!
  10. TedEH

    Heavy Montreal 2018

    This year's lineup has been announced. I definitely want to go for Gojira, but most of the other bands I could take or leave. Anyone else plan on going?
  11. Rational Gaze

    NEW JAM - Come e're for some yuge, atmospheric Deftones-type spank, with melody and groove for days!

    Sup y'all! So I just wanted to share with you my band's latest. We've been putting this together for a damn long time. This song belongs to Part II of our 2 album series (our quasi-psychedelic Tearing Back the Veil), the first of which we put out 2 years ago. We wrote all 22 songs for both...
  12. chipchappy

    Sneak peek?

    I made this 8 string groove metal album. Took an Ibanez RGA 8 string with Dimarzio pickups and tuned it to 7 string tuning (with the bottom/thickest strings tuned the same), then tuned 2 steps down. Came out pretty good I'd say... here's a video clip...
  13. shredder3386

    New Song (with special guests) and launch of EP!

    Hey guys, It's been a good while since I posted here (mainly because of working day and night in the studio) but I finally finished the first single of my upcoming EP "At Winter's End." The track is called "I've Seen It All" and features Tim MacMillar from Protest the Hero and Jon Howard from...
  14. Tactical Tiger

    Struggling Audio Engineer Part 2, Full Metal Production

    link to part 1: http://www.sevenstring.org/threads/struggling-audio-engineer-full-metal-production.322567/ Take 2: https://soundcloud.com/tacticaltigerpro/full-metal-production-take-2 The major changes i made to this project is for processing i used the Waves ssl e channel strip on everything...
  15. G

    Heavy industrial/Mick Gordon influenced track...

    Guitar is my main instrument, but I do a lot of soundtrack-yish stuff...Hell, I've mixed metal stuff only a couple of times, need to work on that! Tell me what you think, any feedback is appreciated and be sure to leave a link to your stuff if you have some...
  16. Tactical Tiger

    Struggling Audio Engineer; Full Metal Production

    I designed this track to showcase various instruments used in a full metal production. Everything is there minus live vocals. I used Live Acoustic Guitar, Midi Violins, Viola, and Choir by Garitan orchestra 4. Two guitar tracks panned hard left and right recorded through a peavey vypyr 120(that...
  17. AntonioPetrole

    Metal Christmas Song

    Hey all, Just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas for those who celebrate (and happy holidays to those who don't!) and post a fun little song my friend and I did. I'll have the stems up in a few weeks when I get back from South Korea/Laos. Everyone stay warm, safe, and have a great holiday.
  18. Well Above Hell

    Avenge The Sin - False Awakening - FFO: Slice The Cake/Within The Ruins/Lorna Shore

    Hey dudes/dudettes! My band Avenge The Sin released a single not too long ago and are releasing our conceptual EP titled "Atonement" on the 1st of December! Check it out and let me know what you think! :hbang: :shred: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS-nUDv9-Fo Facebook...
  19. Well Above Hell

    Newest Mix/Master - Avenge The Sin - FFO: Slice The Cake/Within The Ruins/Lorna Shore

    Hey dudes/dudettes! My band Avenge The Sin released a single not too long ago (mixed and mastered by me; Archon Audio) and are releasing our conceptual EP titled "Atonement" on the 1st of December! Check it out and let me know what you think! :hbang...
  20. Martis93

    GSP1101 vs BIAS Amp comparison/mix test

    Hello, ss.org. I did a short rhythm tone comparison between Digitech GSP 1101 and BIAS Amp. I'm comparing my favourite rhythm tones using both methods, so they are quite different. I would love some mixing advice :) https://soundcloud.com/martynaseidukevicius/gsp-1101-vs-bias-amp