odd time signature

  1. A

    Is there a proper way to convert drum midi loops to odd signatures?

    I`m no drummer, so I`m going to ask very silly stuff. Usually I deal with 4/4 or 3/4 but I`m planning moving further with different timings. I have a basic understanding of that, at least with metronome. Since I don`t know how to program drums (except for the simplest ones) I purchased lots of...
  2. K

    Odd Time Etude in B minor - Tabs + backing

    Greetings :cool: I made a slightly proggy lesson/etude in 7/8 out of the intro of a song of mine. Would love to get some critique and input if something's unclear, what needs clarification, the general method etc. This is my first "lick lesson" so I wasn't sure how much I should explain the...
  3. M

    Playing in 7/4 - Money style jam track

    Thought I'd share this Money style blues jam track on here for practising your odd time signature improvisation :shred: Pink Floyd's MONEY is one of the world's most famous tunes in an irregular time signature - and an awesome, AWESOME riff and song as a whole... More Odd Time Signatures...
  4. M

    Bass backing tracks to jam with

    Hi guys, Just thought I'd share this playlist of bass jam tracks :shred: Here's an example... funky fusion vibe bass backing track in 7/8 :hbang:
  5. M

    Progressive rock jam track in 7/8

    Hi guys, I wanted to share this progressive rock backing track in 7/8! It's in F#m - you can use various different modes over it... Both F# minor (aeolian), F# dorian, F# phrygian and F# mixolydian as well as of course F# minor pentatonic and the blues scale will work on it... lots of...
  6. M

    Rock Fusion Track in 7/4

    Hi guys, Just wanted to share this fusion backing track in 7/4! Lots of fun!! Fusion backing track in 7/4 It's on a static E7#9 chord, so you can use the E minor pentatonic scale - or get fancy with the symmetric diminished scale (1/2 tone-1 tone scale) - and even blend in lots of chromatic...