
  1. bautista

    How can I do this effect?

    Hi there guys! My question is about this kind of effect Daydreamers | David Maxim Micic 6:25 That percussive weird stuff I don't know very much, as you can see, and maybe this is so basic but if you can help me it would be nice! Thanks My english isn't very good, sorry about it! :wavey:
  2. phaeded0ut

    Bethany and Rufus

    Thought that folks would enjoy seeing some acoustic music that pushes a few boundaries... Hope that you enjoy these videos from a more recent series of concerts they've performed.
  3. lacrimm

    Anybody wanting to drum for a progressive band from newmarket, ontario?

    hey my band is having some issues with our drummer and it looks like we will be letting him go soon. u need to be experienced as our music is fairly intricate and deals with multiple time signatures, complex syncopation, and polyrhythms. the style is fairly broad, we have rockish tunes, heavy...
  4. telecaster90

    The Electric Wheelchair

    The Electric Wheelchair is a cadance that is associated with the Santa Clara Vanguard, a DCI drum corp. Just figured some of the drummers on here might dig this, seeing that it's cool as hell :yesway:
  5. telecaster90

    Any one march?

    I know the first thing most people associate drums with is being in a band or stuff, but some of my most fun times playing drums and percussion have been on a drumline. :yesway: Anyone else on a drumline? I'm playing tenors next season after a few years of playing bass drum.