pickup 7 string

  1. F

    DiMazio PAF 7 + SD Omega 7 compatibility

    Just bought my first 7 string, went cheap with the intention of making it my first project guitar so I have been looking at pickups to swap into it. My current plan is to put an SD Omega in the bridge and a PAF 7 in the neck (didn't just go the full A/O set cause I thought the Alpha had a little...
  2. PietrOo

    Does anyone have any experience with schecter pickups? The 7 string I'm looking at uses those and I'm wondering how they sound

    Hey everyone, I was looking into buying a used schecter Tao, but I took a look at the electronics and saw it has its own pickups. In my previous experience with an Ibanez I had to switch out the stock pickups because they sounded like dogshit to me (I slapped titans on it because I'm a...
  3. J

    7-string pickups similar to Gretsch baritone pickups?

    Hi, first time posting on here! I have been thinking about swapping the EMGs in my E-II TB7 for passives for a while now. Yesterday Ive come across this video which pretty much nails the tone im looking for (around the 4:17 mark). I love how open and articulate the chords sound. However Im...
  4. VeibaeSimp

    Bare Knuckle Impulse 7 sizing

    Hey guys, I'm about to purchase a brand-new Ibanez 2027XL but I want to replace the Dimarzio's in it and I don't particularly want another uncovered pickup for the sake of cosmetic purposes like the rest of my guitars have so I came across the Bare Knuckle Impulses with the Radiators and think...
  5. Fuzzy Pinetree

    BKP Juggernaut VS Painkiller??

    I'm ordering a custom guitar, and they have the full range of BKP available to choose from. I can't decide between the Juggernauts or Painkillers, and I have no real way of trying them out beforehand. I hate swapping pickups cause its a hassle and I either regret switching and have to switch...
  6. Captain Morgan

    pickups for a basswood guitar

    So, I got myself A schecter 7 string guitar center for real cheap, since i had store credit and used gear and I'm gonna be real it plays fantastic, but the pickups sound like pretty awful through my rig (Marshall DSL I use onboard effects and sometimes a Behringer M3 pedal) the bridge pickup is...
  7. B

    Best replacement pickups for a 7 string?

    So, here's the dealeo, I have had a schecter Demon 7 lying around for the past year in the closet. So i stumbled across it one day. It plays great, but the pickups are not. They just lack personality. The only nice thing is that they are articulant.the main issue is they have almost no low end...
  8. dimitrio

    FS [EU] Bare Knuckle Miracle Man 7-string Pickups Set

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Bare Knuckle Miracle Man 7-string Pickups Set, as new. Modifications (if any): Installed as direct mount, but the bolts with pickup frame should also work. Cable is full length. Accessories (hardshell case etc): Original box, bolts/springs Location...
  9. I

    SD Nazgul vs BKP Ragnarok vs SD Alpha/Omega

    SD Nazgul/Sentient vs BKP Ragnarok vs SD Alpha/Omega Looking for a progressive metal pickup that is on the aggressive side. Thoughts? Differences? (for a 7 string).
  10. alessandroarzilli

    Changing my Jackson 7-string's pickups with Duncan Solar humbuckers

    Hello everyone! I changed my custom Jackson JS22-7's pickups with a pair of Seymour Duncan Solars and made my own tutorial video! Ever tried it yourself? Don't, if you aren't familiar with the tools! I want to thank the community for all the help given me about this topis, this forum is a real...
  11. TunedToB

    Which pickup manufacturer can match the original Universe green?

    Hi, guys So this year I was lucky enough to purchase a '90 Universe "Green Dot". Now while I have no problems with how the guitar looks and plays, I've been generally "okay" with the Blaze pickups but sort of wish there was some more aggression and tightness which I'm sure is something many...
  12. H

    Banshee pickup change? Bkp warpig?

    I have the Banshee elite FR 7, the best guitar in the whole world. And that's the problem, it sounds to "clean and perfect", I want guttural tonality with more fill to it. Im about to change the Bridge pickup to a bkp warpig.. Warpig in the bridge, sustainiac in the neck. Any thoughts on this?
  13. MerlinTKD

    Pickups for Aaron Marshall / Intervals -type on basswood 7?

    Been super into Aaron Marshall's instrumental Intervals stuff lately (especially since seeing them live!); I've got an LTD M-207 that I just don't use anymore, but I still dearly love, and it hit me it would perfect to do Intervals-type fusion on. Right now, it's got BKP Painkillers, which I...
  14. C

    Pickup recommendations for Schecter PT7

    Hi everyone, long time lurker here. Just wondering what people would recommend for a Schecter Hellraiser Hybrid PT7 pickup swap. Currently has the EMG 57/66 set in there. I play through a line 6 Helix or a bogner shiva clone onoccasion. I currently like the sound of the neck, nice and fluid...
  15. V

    looking for pickups that offer variety

    Hi, I have a shitty js227 (poplar body and maple neck), so i'm not looking to drop too much money. i need pickups that can do a variety of genres(i.e. r&b, modern metal, shoegaze, etc.) I did a little googling and i'm looking at dimarzio liquifire 7 for the neck and crunchlab for the bridge...
  16. S

    Will I need to route guitar for Fishman Fluence?

    hey guys I’ve been playing for year s but always on crap. I can make it sound decent don’t get me wrong but I sound even better on decent gear. I have $750 to build my first decent rig after 8 years of playing. I’ve run the numbers for the gear and and am pleasantly surprised to have saved a...
  17. BeyondAndromeda69

    Looking for new pickups for my RG7321

    Looking for reccomendations for new pickups, active or passive for my Ibanez 7321. Currently I still have the stock pickups. I'm looking to tune to drop E and need something with good low end and clarity. Going for a downtempo djent kind of thing. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  18. B

    Ibanez RG7421 pickups

    Hey ! I received a RG7421 the past week. I dont have amp for it but i use Pod Farm or Ezmix on the PC with an audio interface UMC202HD. But It sounds noisy and not accurate when I play with distorsion specially with the low strings (A and E). Is the fault come from the pickups or from other ...
  19. L

    Bridge pickup doesn't sound right.

    Okay. I got an Ibanez GRG7221 (a cheap guitar), and it's mostly fine. However, I've noticed this weird thing that happens with the bridge pickup when I play really forcefully. You know the difference between the way the bridge and neck pickups sound, right? Well, sometimes, it sounds like I...
  20. Schaug

    Shipping pickups from US to Europe rate?

    Hey guys, has anyone shipped a set of pickups from US to EU and what is the best option and how much is it usually? Say by Fedex International Economy or something. Need something affordable but tracked. A guy is asking me 100$ to ship a set of used duncans. :ugh: Cheers !