
  1. hebing_rain

    Ibanez EDR470 tremolo block

    Recently I've acquired a used Ibanez EDR470 6 string for a great price. All around awesome guitar, literally made for carcass riffs. But the only thing that is bothering me is the shitty import Lo-Trs-II tremolo. Which I don't even have the tremolo arm for. I've heard that the gotoh floyd is the...
  2. mindgrief

    Ibby S470DX ZR to vintage trem

    Hello there, I have a brutal quest. I own an Ibanez S470DX guitar with his devoted and certainly famous ZR + ZPS trem system : ibanez fandom link for more desc But I'm not a floyd guy, which I prefer fix, bigsby or more recently, vintage straty-ish tremolos. And then I saw this video This...
  3. broj15

    NCD (Sunn 4x12) need suggestions for speakers

    So yesterday I traded my Sunn beta 105H (1x15 with a horn) for this big boy. The cab itself is built like an absolute tank, but honestly I've never been a fan of the Sunn transducers. One of them already has some damage to the cone so I'm thinking about replacing all of them and was needing...
  4. hand amputation

    Hipshot Bridge for Ibanez RGD71ALMS? Help!

    I am looking into getting a hipshot bridge for my Ibanez RGD71ALMS. Link The bridge I am looking at is this one: Link I am not sure the angle of the bridge, as Hipshot gives you options of 11 18 21 and 26 degrees. I also need to know which floor height I should go with. Has anyone else...
  5. broj15

    What's the current status on Ibanez replacement bodies

    So I've decided to breath some new life into my old rg570. It was my favorite guitar for a long time, and was my main for my old band that would gig regularly for about ~4 years. Needless to say the body is pretty beat. Unfortunately it's sat neglected in it's case for a little over a year now...
  6. broj15

    Rg7620 neck on an Rg7321 body? (Could it work or am I crazy)

    Thinking about getting back into the world of 7 strings on the cheap and this seems like the best way to go about it. I've been sitting on an rg7620 neck for a while. To me the neck is the most important part of a guitar (that can't be easily swapped out and replaced) and the 7620 neck should be...
  7. Malkav

    Ibanez LoZ7 pickups - Phase I or II?

    Howdy ya'll, I have been asked to help assist someone in getting Seymour Duncan blackouts for their 2010 RGA7. I have looked it up and they appear to use LoZ7 pickups and I wanted to check if anyone could advise me as to whether they are EMG sized, passive sized or that weird in between size...
  8. F

    Time for tubeswap, recommendations for a sound?

    so I recently found a 6505+ combo sitting in a local pawn for cheap and went ahead and bought it, one of the power tubes is dead, and a few others are starting to change colors so I'm just going to swap em all out I'm new to this process so... anybody got reccomendations on good tubes to put...
  9. X

    Ibanez RG8 and Hipshot Bridge?

    Hello all, I'm sorry if this is a recurring theme or thread in advance. I haven't been able to find sufficient information in all the research I have done. I have checked the RG8 Mod thread and a couple of bridge replacement threads, but none have had any specific answers to my question. I...
  10. SunOfNothing10

    Bareknuckle Aftermaths in a '91 UV7BK. Should i replace all of the electronics?

    Yoo, i found myself an old UV7Bk in good condition a while back and i cant stand the stock Blaze humbuckers. After a lot of research and testing some dimarzios i've decided to order a set of green Aftermaths to replace the blazes. So im wondering if i should replace all of the original...
  11. The omnipotent one

    Is it worth it to do this to an Ibanez?

    I'm looking forward to getting a guitar in the next few weeks. I really like the look of an Ibanez xiphos, and that 24th fret access and neck through design is super tempting. The only issue is that I'd like to be able to have a good tremolo that doesn't go out tune so easily, and the edge 3...
  12. jarnozz

    Replacing an Edge 3 tremolo with a gotoh

    The edge 3 tremolo on my Ibanez rg350 finally failed after 3 years of intensive playing. It was literally falling apart. I love that guitar and would never part with it. Hence the new bridge. I was looking for replacement tremolo's for my edge 3 and found that a fair number of people were...
  13. I

    Replacing Edge Zero II-7 with Original Floyd Rose 7

    Hey people! I've got a bit of an issue. I want to know whether the Edge Zero II-7 tremolo on an Indonesian Ibanez RG7420 can be replaced with an Original Floyd Rose 7 string or at least a Floyd Rose Special. I don't mind taking it to a luthier and doing some routing etc. Thanks in advance!
  14. NovaLion

    Ibanez Replacement Bodies

    Hey all, I'm looking to find someone that's willing to cut/route/magic up a replacement body for me. I'm not looking for anything too crazy, but it looks like Area 51 isn't doing custom orders anymore and I'm not having a lot of luck finding an alternative. Anyone have any ideas?
  15. B

    Ibanez Fixed Bridge Replacement

    Hey guys, I've been looking in to the RG321MH series recently for something of a project guitar. I have a similar bridge on my RG8 (albeit an 8-String version) and I'm not all too fond of it. Would a standard 6 string Hipshot fit in its place? or at least not have holes showing once installed? I...
  16. A

    Replacing The Bridge on a LTD H208

    Hello So a few months ago I bought myself my first 8 string, an LTD H208. I actually tried both the 208 and 308 but preffered the 208 because it had an unfinished neck and in my opinion looks much better. The money I saved from getting the cheaper guitar I set aside to upgrade it in the...
  17. misterawkwardtuning

    Neck Replacement

    I'm getting my RG7321 refinished pretty soon, but there is a dent in the neck. While it is extremely small and almost unnoticeable, I'd like to get it replaced for the sake of perfection. I went to Warmoth's website, but their necks aren't compatible with Ibanez. Is there anyone who knows of...
  18. guitaardvark

    Hipshot on an RG8?

    Has anyone done this? I hate the stock bridge and want to replace it really badly. I like gibraltar but there is absolutely nowhere to buy them, leaving me with the option of a Hipshot. Apparently Ibanez uses different measurements than a Hipshot is compatible with. Can anyone confirm?
  19. B

    DeArmond S-67 Neck Replacement?

    I have a neck for this guitar but I wanted to see if anyone had found a neck that fits this guitar well that is a little wider up at the nut. Or maybe just one with a satin finish instead of gloss.
  20. Austin_ep

    Ibanez RGA8QM Replacement :)

    Hello there everyone, I recently picked up the new Ibanez 8 stringer and I wanted to replace the stock pickups in it with something that is a bit, better. However, it seems that the pickup replacement business is not as easy as I thought it was. Delving into it all I am finding suggestions to...