
  1. HeadBender

    FS [EU] LTD SCT-607B

    Brief & Accurate Description of guitar: LTD SCT-607B Custom pickguard (original one and middle pickup included) Pretty much MINT Condition, call it 9.8 out of 10. No case unfortunately. I can supply it with a Fender Deluxe gig bag or an ESP gig bag. Happy to look for options in terms of cases...
  2. dimitris maf

    Evertune bridge on LTD SCT 607b

    I am thinking about having an evertune bridge installed on my ltd sct 607b and I wander if there is some else that has already installed it. I would love to hear your feedback.
  3. dimitris maf

    Ltd sct 607b vs ltd h-1007 dilemma HELP

    I am going to buy a new seven string and i am between these two. I will replace the pickups in either guitars with bare knuckle blackhawks. I prefer the organic sound of passives as I play mostly Northlane, Elitist stuff. I thing the 25.5 scale is easier for playing more technical stuff, but on...
  4. krisonguitar

    NGD 7 ESP/LTD sct-607b

    This is my first 7 string. Have always played 6 string baritones. I gotta say, this guitar is so killer…Loving it so far. Heres a little vid I did. A little improv riff. :hbang:
  5. col

    NGD SCT-607B Carpenter Tele

    The acronym monstrosity ltd sct-607B. I can't say much about factory setup since it was setup by the shop I bought it from. Neck feels really nice, very nearly as comfortable as my Ran. EMGs sound surprisingly good through the Kemper, I've never been a real fan before. I'll have...
  6. E

    First 7-string! Need advice!

    I need some advice here... I´m currently choosing between three guitars and I really don´t know which one to go with. For the moment I´ve got a Schecter Damien Elite 6 which I´m very pleased with, but interested in buying a 7-string. Those are the guitars I´m choosing between: 1. Schecter...