
  1. Annonnymous

    Peavey 6505mh + Zoom G3xn = Atrocious

    Guys. I recently bought a multi-fx unit Zoom g3xn and while it sounds great in my practice amp, when I plugged it in my Peavey 6505MH it sounded Atrocious! I'm sure the problem isn't in any of it, I just can't figure out what's happening and why it could possibly be like that. Let me try to...
  2. T


    Hi guys! I'm Ryan, from Ottawa, Ont. Technically ive been playing 4 years, got my first strat copy when i was 12, but only within the last year maybe have been getting serious about my shit. I just got a hell of a deal on an Ibanez 1527 and am now entering the realm of 7's. I started out like...
  3. Iamasingularity

    Video: Shit gangsters should not say.

    I realized that some people thought of my previous title, "Sometimes I wish I was black" too seriously, so I changed it. When I said that I meant I wished you could just chill with a brotha (lol) and not get harrased/made fun of for doing so. Not that being black is something to be made fun of...
  4. handmetheaxe

    When Giants Collide - No one is safe

    Hey guys, my band When Giants Collide have released the first track from our debut EP 'No one is safe'. I realise that it won't be everyones cup of tea, but if y'all could give it a listen it would be appreciated! It was produced and mixed by me and mastered by Jamie King (Between the buried...
  5. W

    Wolves - These Castle Walls

  6. Variant

    I'll raise your Rebeca Black with Crazy Crazy Awesome Awesome.

    :ugh: :barf: :scratch: Is there some contest going on just to invalidate music as an artform altogether by raising the suck ante to such unbelievable levels? I'd like to think it's a joke... I really would, but we've seen this before, laughed at it and moved on. :poop:
  7. A

    Aysakh's Home Depot Buildstory

    here's my template. Probably gonna change a few things but * I've got twp pine blocks just laying around that will probably constitute the body * Looking for recommendations on the neck wood * AANJ neck pocket (so i can put a decent neck in it some day :lol:) * reversed inline...
  8. cddragon

    Another Tenesee extended range beauty

    Anyone seen this? NEW PRO 6 NECK GUITAR AND BASS TRIPLE NECK DOUBLE NECK - eBay (item 190252728834 end time Mar-15-09 23:35:17 PDT) For me it looks just as absurd as their 15 string bass... Who would use such a 'guitar' (or rather THING)?? the Evil Bay is getting stronger than ever :nuts:
  9. FortePenance

    A song with telephones and drums (GP5)

    Wrote this short piece when I was bored. Everything you hear is GP5 because i'm too lazy to use good sounding files. Then again, the GP drums don't actually sound that bad, bar cymbals. Enjoy, or don't, up to you. <object width="13" height="13"...
  10. quartie

    The almighty, amazing, absurd folding guitar!

    Point... of.... it...?! "Just launched at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt by Swedish start-up the DeVillain Guitar Company, the Centerfold guitar solves a problem that every guitarist has experienced: portability. The folding guitar is a patent-pending product developed by an airline pilot who's...
  11. ohio_eric

    Bill O'Reilly loses it

    This is priceless! :rofl:
  12. D-EJ915

    This is the most grody pizza ever

    I have the bowls which is scary. Using McDonalds&#8217; As Pizza Toppings when the cheese was put on I literally lol'd :lol: :lol:
  13. FortePenance

    The Ploughman's Tone

    Hi guys, Ejac here. Was fiddling with my amp trying to get it to play over MSN (it worked) then for fun decided to record. The tone actually turned out to be pretty decent (IMO, could be clearer at times thoughh). Anyway, just thought I'd share the little clip of the tone I coaxed from a Roland...

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