
  1. Krazy Kalle

    My first demo album

    First of all, the link to the album on soundcloud: I would say it is some kind of experimental, alternative, nu, and maybe a very little bit of progressive metal. I wrote these songs over 10 years ago and finally got my depressed ass up...
  2. leechmasterargentina

    Leechmaster - Escape (New album)

    I've just released a new album with Leechmaster, a personal project of my own. The album is into the genres of Groove Metal/Nu-Metal/Alternative Metal. You can listen the album from the following links: Spotify:
  3. chipchappy

    took a stab at the outro of New Millennium Cyanide Christ Pretty happy with how it came out. I used the Thordendal Modern amp on my AXE FX2 for the rhythm guitars with my basswood EBMM jp12 seven string, and used my USA Jackson B7 for the droning lead part. Can't...
  4. jskershaw

    Doomy One Man Band

    Hi all, Thought I'd drop this here. If you listen, feel free to leave some feedback. I'm thick skinned, so don't worry about upsetting me if it isn't your cup of tea, haha. Cheers!
  5. J

    EDD (Evil Day of Death) - EP 1

    Hey all, Over the past couple years, two incredibly talented friends of mine, Chris and Jon, have compiled a bounty of envelope-pushing instrumental prog metal. Just recently they posted up an EP with five newly completed tracks. I'm not aware of sevenstring's policies on promotion, but I have...
  6. thoughtpyotr

    where do you share your music?

    Hey guys I made a tune the other day in order to practice thumping. It kinda sounds like AAL: Soundcloud isn't what it used to be though. I find little to no action there and instead have to send Soundcloud links elsewhere (like here). Do you...
  7. Mprinsje

    My band's new EP. Throwing Bricks - Self-Distancing. (hardcore/grind/sludge.

    hey! My band released a new EP today, with 5 songs. It's a mixture of hardcore, grind, black metal and sludge. Check it out as a pay what you want on bandcamp on soundcloud...
  8. T

    My band, The Forgotten Age, now on Soundcloud!

    Hey Everyone, my band's first recorded song is now on Souncloud. Have a listen and let me know what you think :)
  9. Masoo2

    Critique my mixtests! :D

    I've been trying to improve my mixing skills over the past few months, so I'd like some input from you guys. These are in order from oldest to newest. In Due Time // KSE...
  10. O

    New Metal Song?

    Howdy y'all! Here's a track I was recently working on, I bounced the song at two minutes and I'm still working on it, just wanted to share! Let me know what you thinK! And if you have any original progressive metal please share! Song :
  11. C

    Like 8 string heavy metal? Like New music? What about FREE downloads?

    What's up guys! So I'm pretty new to this site but after browsing for a bit I found this musician I jam a lot! There's lot's of other great musicians on here too but I was surprised when I followed him a week ago that he uploads regularly since then! He even has a lot of music already wrote and...
  12. O

    SoundCloud or Soundclick?

    And why? I have both, but I'm wondering if there's any preference? Where do you go to listen to new original music? Or where do you go to browse music in general? I can browse SoundCloud and find some really killer guitarists and it's really cool to listen to other like minded musicians. I...
  13. AryaBara

    Athenian's New Single 'Blossom Decay' (Metalcore/Metal)

    Hi guys! My band, Athenian , just released our new single titled "Blossom Decay" on Soundcloud for free download. If you guys could please check it out, I would greatly appreciate it! Any feedback is also greatly appreciated! Athenian - Blossom Decay Enjoy! :wavey:
  14. Seybsnilksz

    New song with Jackson JS32-7Q and BKP Juggernauts.

    Happy christmas and merry new-year and stuff! So I wrote this one mainly in february I believe. I had the intro riff since earlier, and one evening I jammed on it and came up with something more. I figured "Let's finish this song now before the creativeness dissappears.", so I managed to come...
  15. DiegusMaximus32

    Can We Embed Soundcloud?

    Is it possible to embed Soundcloud sounds here in the forum? I know a link is just the same, but it's much more convenient to have the Soundcloud player right there in the post. And I think it looks better. If not, can the mod gods add a BBCode button? Please :) Edit: This may be better suited...
  16. Seybsnilksz

    The first mix I'm happy with So I wrote this almost a year ago for my band that doesn't exist anymore. I am continuing with recording the material, and this one is the first complete demo so far. They say that one shouldn't care about what others think, but I just...
  17. LewisMembery

    Soundcloud widget?

    Anyone know how to embed the soundcloud widget in to posts as apposed to just posting the link, I've tried to read how but unfortunately struggling. Thanks guys.
  18. The J3RM

    Finished Mixing my Band's E.P.

    I am the guitarist/vocalist of the band Promethæa, and I just finished mixing and mastering my band's E.P. pretty recently. The E.P. is entitled Extra Progresstrial. For recording, I used a Digidesign Eleven Rack for all guitars and bass. Vocals are recorded through a Sterling Audio ST55...
  19. BTD_Austin

    Facelessy Song

    I made a song a while ago that sounds like The Faceless if any of you are interested :ugh:
  20. LewisMembery

    New bass, tone test.

    Hey, yesterday I picked myself up a new 5-string Jazz Bass and decided to do a really short/quick tone test. I used the dual amping in my Pod HD Pro for the tone. Hopefully be able to keep tweaking it over the next couple of days until I'm 100% happy, but this is what I ended on today...