
  1. ShiroNekoMusic

    White tolex getting yellow with age?

    Hello everyone! I've been offered a bargain on a great amp, en EVH 5150III Ivory, but the tolex is losing the beautiful white colour it once had. Is there a way to clean it or paint it to make it white again? Thank you all!
  2. neurosis


    Hi guys. I am browsing the Internet for a new grill and frontal for my Fireball without success. It is the old 60W version. I need new valves (don't know what to put in there right now though) cause the tone is kinda mellowing down. Also I think I should take it to revision because it is...
  3. PeteyG

    UK: Orange 4x12 V30 cabinet (Black Tolex)

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Orange PPC412, 16ohm speaker cabinet, loaded with Celestion Vintage 30's, covered in black tolex. Played very little, rehearsed on twice, never gigged, almost entirely used at bedroom volume. Some minor scuffing. Modifications: None. Accessories...