
  1. HighGain510

    Matt's (hopefully final!) New Amp Day! (56K - you can't handle this much ENGL POWER!)

    Well today was the day! I was able to talk my buddy into letting me come a day early to pick up the Engl gear! :tmm: Sadly, half of my picstory was ruined because I planned to go all-out and do a Ryan-style picstory for you guys but I had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn to meet up with my...
  2. FanghornFlorist

    1x12 or 2x12 for extended range

    So I've been looking into this for awhile, didn't get much help from harmony-central, no surprise I guess. Up until going through the posts here my options were one or two Mesa thieles or an Earcandy Buzzbomb. Now Vaders and Brunnettis are interesting me, any other suggestions? Money is a...
  3. thadood

    About to join the VADER family!

    That's right. I put the order in for a 4x12 about 10 minutes ago! They're running a 10% off special until the end of today (email them quickly if you're also thinking of pulling the trigger), so I jumped the gun and got one. It took off about $70 or so, which basically paid for shipping...
  4. ajdehoogh

    NAD: Mesa Stiletto (56k come on in)

    Got a Stiletto Deuce off Got it yesterday! I like the amp so far. I'll see if I keep it for the long haul. Anyway, thanks for looking!
  5. HighGain510

    Matt's New Amp Day v 9999.998: VHT content! (56K - OK)

    Yep, another rig in Matt's place! Finally something to use with that awesome VADER cab that's been sitting neglected in the corner for a month now!!! :tmm: Another forum I frequent had a for sale thread in the emporium section that caught my eye.... guy selling a full VHT rack setup...
  6. HighGain510

    Went for a walk, this followed me home... (Vader content)

    Yep, new cabinet day for Matt! (before anyone says it, yes... I know I am a gear whore and leave it at that! ;)) I found a dude selling a Vader cab cheap so I grabbed one. Apparently he has SIX of them so he was selling two of them off now that they're back from their 35-date tour. Nice guy...
  7. budda

    Gonna get me a new cab, i think!

    so, i own a JSX. it's sweet. i love it. beeeastly! sounds pretty good pushing my triple X 412. however... cant it sound.. better? THE QUESTION: which cab should i get? yes im going from 2 to 1 because i only need one, and if it's amazing then there should be no problem! WHAT IM...
  8. B Lopez

    Vader Cabinets - Releasing a new 2x15 Guitar Cab!

    Read their blog @ Im stoked beyond belief for this one. Im pre-ordering asap!