Batshit insane christian Blue laws

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I'm Back Bitches!
Jul 24, 2007
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dry counties and blue laws are fucking retarded.
not directly related but, when my wife and I were looking for a church to get married in, the church we decided on (mainly because of the look of the building) would not marry us because.....get ready.............because we had already been living together. The minister told me that this was, indeed, a sin. Another church wouldn't marry us simply on the fact that her wedding dress was strapless.

In high school, I was in a band with some friends that I had had for years. One year, our drummer decided he would "follow the path of god", which was cool, he didnt preach to us or tell us we were going to hell if we didnt go to church with him. BUT he was actually weak willed enough to allow the Youth Group Minister to brain wash him into quitting the band and breaking ties with the other 4 of us, simply based on the fact that we did not go to church or "practice gods teachings". Luckily a few months later, he snapped out of it, and realized how stupid it was.

I'm sorry, but these are just some more reasons why religion is retarded in every way.
IMO religion RUINS everything. You want to believe in something? believe in yourself. By baptism, yes I am a christian, and I was married by a christian minister, but I do not go to church, In my experiences, organized religion causes too many problems. The things I believe in are my Family, and my Friends, and myself. I know right from wrong, and I am a good person. I don't need a church organization to tell me different.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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Sydney, AUS
i hate to be a dick but i just can't help myself, this kind of shit really boils my blood.
I'm supposedly living in a country which observes freedom of worship and freedom from discrimination and i can say that just like you guys in the US this does not happen when you are up against the christian majority. Its a fucking joke and i hate it. The matter has nothing to do with how they interpret the bible, its how they use their political majority to their own advantage whilst not considering the beliefs of other groups. They wouldn't give a shit about the inconvenience this causes to others. Im barely holding back from typing a 2000 word hate filled rant about religion so I'll stop here.



Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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glasgow scotland
Blue law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rant warning.

Man, rage day for sure. Woke up early for this big swim I had planned. Ate right, did everything to pump myself to really go for it. Realize just before leaving that I just cant find my goggles anywhere, probably lost them at the gym.

Drive to Walmart, right down the street. As I walk in I see that most everything has literally been roped off. Not again! Once again I need something badly on a Sunday morning, and have forgotten that here we're ass backward retarded enough to still have Blue laws. Thats right. Only essentials can be sold on Sunday before 1:30. Space Jesus does not want anyone to have to miss church to, you know, do their fucking job.

But thats just it, Walmart is still open, mind you, their parking lot is completely full. But you can only buy groceries (But no alcohol! Praise jesus :) )

So Im like wow, thats retarded. Harbison Blvd will have it though. Harbison is this big street lined with shopping centers and malls and Best Buy's, and its 30 minutes away. So I drive out there, takes longer than usual because of course there is CHURCH TRAFFIC, no big deal. So turns out that half of Harbison, the half with the sporting good stores and walmarts, is in Richland country. The Blue law county. Once again I get refused at walmart, and drive the fuck home. So now I am sitting around till space hebrew jesus' magic 1:30PM, when merchandise can be sold to atheists.

Uuuuugh! :mad:

are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!!?:mad: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Zagreb, Croatia
"...a dead Jewish guy who got nailed to a tree 2000 years ago for being a pecker to the Romans..."

Funniest description of a religion since "One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously fucking outta hand."


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Rockville, Maryland, USA
Should've just gone to Church, man.

Thats why they dont sell booze on Sundays, coz at some point this conversation happened:

circa 1267 A.D.

Jeff: "Hey, we have a large attrition in Church, how do we fix this ?". :spock:

Harry: "I know *hic* why dont we just pass a law to sell no booze before church and give away *hic* free wine here .... in the name of our Lord God *hic*. Dat way all dem folks will come here .....*hic*"

Jeff: "Great Jumpin' Jehosophat, Harry, yer drunken oaf. Yer a brilliant lad, is what yer are. So let it be written and let it be done ...." :scream:

Harry: "Thats a Metallica rip off. They aren't formed yet, but thats a good shhhhhhong"

Jeff: "Eh ? Harry, yer a murmuring b@$tard. But yer a clever twit. Spread the word nationwide : No booze on Sundays, get yer fix here"

Harry: <incoherent mumble> "Shumone invent an ipod .... creeping death". :D

True story of Harry, the drunken soothsayer !

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone with the little thing above. Its just a little thing I came up with while replying. I dont mean to lash out at anyone with any beliefs. I just thought the two things went well. You gotta admit it makes sense ......


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
I actually thought the above post was hilarious, but I see for the most part this thread has once again devolved into christian bashing. Typical. Never figured I'd say this, but thank God for Jeff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Rockville, Maryland, USA
Glad you found it funny. That was the sole intent. :D

For the record: I believe that everyone is entitled to their own belief and faith system whether it be in God, Devil or the 8th fret of the B-String on a Ibanez Jem. If it works for you, then go for it. Nothing is wrong and nothing is right. :agreed:

Just as long as you dont push your system on me or wage an all out war on its behalf. I dont approve of that ..... :nono: