Best amp for post/sludge/atmospheric metal

  • Thread starter Sephirangel
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Dead Undead

New again
Jan 23, 2011
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^Gallagher used a Sig:X through MESA cabs, Turner used a Pittbull UL through Fatbottoms.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Nova Scotia, Canada
I have never heard of sludge metal in my life until today haha. I never said that I hate the tone either. It's just a shitty tone. But it seems that it's supposed to be shitty.

So is calling it shitty a complament? Becaise if I were a sludge metal guitarist, I'd take it as one.

It's a purposefully shitty tone as far as I understand, like controlled shit. Cranking the bass, treble and gain on a Line 6 Insane model would not produce a good sludge tone. I guess the best, if not only way to obtain those tones authentically is through a tube amp cranked wide open and some sort of fuzz distortion or some interesting EQ trickery. Or just certain amps I guess, maybe certain amps just mud up in the right way when they're loud.

The smeared togetheredness and mud of sludge tones basically blur the notes together and make the songs sound like looming hazes rather than an arrangement of articulate riffs like a typical tech metal song.

Anyway, yeah mostly any Orange amp will get you that kind of tone, if the Tiny Terror can do it I'd imagine the Rockerverbs and especially the Thunderverbs could nail those tones. Orange amps are wtfexpensive though so if you could get something similar out of a 5150 I'd go for that. I bet you could, too.