Best pick for sweep picking?

  • Thread starter Kaickul
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Big Gojira
Feb 18, 2013
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Honestly? You could use those orange Dunlop 0.6mm picks and still perform sweeps cleanly and articulately, it's all about finding the right:

1) angle of attack
2) 'strength' for your picking hand
3) timing of the pick's 'release'...something that's almost non-existent for 1mm+ picks, which is why generally, sharper and stiffer picks are always preferred.

Bottom line, find a pick that appeals to you and start practicing. Just my 2 cents.

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Ibanez Player
Nov 29, 2008
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Western Canada
I use the big stubbies, 2.0 mm but I take a knife and make cuts across it in the indent, so I can hold onto it tighter when my fingers get sweaty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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I would recommend not selecting your pick based on how easy or hard it makes a single technique.

What I would recommend is practicing more with what feels most comfortable in your hand and against the strings from the start.
And I would also recommend correcting your technique instead of "correcting" your pick selection when it comes to this.

I'd with the Jazz III's and use them 100% of the time.
If you're comfortable with the Jazz III's you really shouldn't be switching pick for 1 technique. I imagine it wouldn't be beneficial to do that switch in practice either.

And in the greater scheme of things my advice is that whenever you're struggling with a technique blame yourself, do not blame equipment.
I know you're not really blaming your pick in this case but I see this happen a lot where something won't sound right to someone and the first thing they do is change their equipment, tone or guitar instead of taking the time to correct their technique. Just keep this in mind for the future!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Saranac, MI
I find that a lot of the trick is your grip on the pick more than anything. Practice loosening your grip on the pick just a tad, let the pick give a little bit when going through the strings, it will sound and feel smoother once you get the hang of it. YMMV of course, but this is what works for me :)

As pepperoninipples said, choose your pick based on the overall feel, whatever is most comfortable overall, and then adjust technique as needed for whatever you use.

I used to play with the 2mm Ultex Sharps and loved them for sweep picking, the way the tip on those comes to a nice, smooth, but sharp point worked great.

lately, though, I got a bunch of custom printed picks in a standard jazz iii size and I have been loving those at 1.14mm.