BKP equivalent of Duncan's Alpha/Omega?


Feast on this.
Sep 12, 2012
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Mexico City
so, basically title.
I've managed to save enough for an Aristides, and I'm planning on placing an order on a H7 soon.

Now, in the website's builder, it allows you to choose from Fishmans and BKP (and lundgren, but they dont peak my interest at all). Being honest, i haven't liked any of the Fishman sets that ive tried in person, nor heard online, etc. so i've ruled them out as well, leaving BKP on the table.

My personal favorite ever pickup set that i own or have played is the Alpha/Omega set on my Holcomb SE. They sound perfect to me and does pretty much everything that I need them to do.
does anybody know which Bare Knuckles sound the closest to the alpha/omega set?

I've tried looking at the output specs, "eq", and magnet type on the duncans and comparing them to what BKP has, and landed on the Cold Sweats (they are very close, at least specwise). which for whatever reason are not talked about as much as the other ones, so i know little about them.

any help would be appreciated.

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SS.org Regular
Sep 23, 2020
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You can order the aristides with the alpha/omega set I'm sure. They have an option for any pick you want. that said the cold sweat is nothing like the alpha/omega set. They are much more similar to a duncan JB/jazz type combo. For BKP you'll need to look at the more modern sets like juggernauts, silos, ragnarok, and nailbombs. Stuff like that. Also feel free to email bare knuckle directly and ask them what they have that is similar to the alpha/omega. They have amazing customer service and no issues answering those types of questions.


Feast on this.
Sep 12, 2012
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Mexico City
You can order the aristides with the alpha/omega set I'm sure. They have an option for any pick you want.
Brandon (the Aristides rep around these parts) wasn't sure if Duncan makes slanted pickups, so safe to say Aristides wont offer them (at least, on their slanted capacity) on their guitars. i could just get the standard fishmans (not slanted) and swap em with Duncans, but i think non-slanted pickups on fanned guitars look awful.

that said the cold sweat is nothing like the alpha/omega set. They are much more similar to a duncan JB/jazz type combo. For BKP you'll need to look at the more modern sets like juggernauts, silos, ragnarok, and nailbombs. Stuff like that.
All the "contemporary" sets bkp offers have VASTLY different EQ charts to the alpha/omega, as well as massive DC outputs. The duncans sit relatively low in comparison (13k bridge, 8k neck, vs say, Ragnaroks with a whoopin 20k bridge/16k neck). regarding eq, the rest have noticeable mid bumps vs the clear mid scoop on the Alpha/Omega, which is almost identical to the Cold Sweats scoop.

Also feel free to email bare knuckle directly and ask them what they have that is similar to the alpha/omega. They have amazing customer service and no issues answering those types of questions.
thanks, i'll do this see what they come up with. I also dont really know how arium behaves (if its similar to any particular wood type), so it might prove a tad trickier.

comparison coldsweat vs omega.png


SS.org Regular
Sep 23, 2020
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Brandon (the Aristides rep around these parts) wasn't sure if Duncan makes slanted pickups, so safe to say Aristides wont offer them (at least, on their slanted capacity) on their guitars. i could just get the standard fishmans (not slanted) and swap em with Duncans, but i think non-slanted pickups on fanned guitars look awful.

All the "contemporary" sets bkp offers have VASTLY different EQ charts to the alpha/omega, as well as massive DC outputs. The duncans sit relatively low in comparison (13k bridge, 8k neck, vs say, Ragnaroks with a whoopin 20k bridge/16k neck). regarding eq, the rest have noticeable mid bumps vs the clear mid scoop on the Alpha/Omega, which is almost identical to the Cold Sweats scoop.

thanks, i'll do this see what they come up with. I also dont really know how arium behaves (if its similar to any particular wood type), so it might prove a tad trickier.

View attachment 88977
I agree that the EQ's on the pick ups i named are vastly different but tonally they all have a similar sound to the Alpha/omega as far as clarity and articulation, at least to my ears. I didn't realize you were doing a multi-scale set up so I apologize for that. I hope whatever route you go that you enjoy the guitar. I've heard nothing but great things about aristides instruments. Also I happened to find this video of a cold sweat ceramic bridge pick up vs a nailbomb. Hope this might help. Gotta admit the cold sweat here sounds really really good.


Say yes to Chugs
Mar 19, 2015
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so, basically title.
I've managed to save enough for an Aristides, and I'm planning on placing an order on a H7 soon.

Now, in the website's builder, it allows you to choose from Fishmans and BKP (and lundgren, but they dont peak my interest at all). Being honest, i haven't liked any of the Fishman sets that ive tried in person, nor heard online, etc. so i've ruled them out as well, leaving BKP on the table.

My personal favorite ever pickup set that i own or have played is the Alpha/Omega set on my Holcomb SE. They sound perfect to me and does pretty much everything that I need them to do.
does anybody know which Bare Knuckles sound the closest to the alpha/omega set?

I've tried looking at the output specs, "eq", and magnet type on the duncans and comparing them to what BKP has, and landed on the Cold Sweats (they are very close, at least specwise). which for whatever reason are not talked about as much as the other ones, so i know little about them.

any help would be appreciated.
Honestly, the black dog bridge has the closest snarl to the snarl of the Omega bridge. Nothing else in BKP's lineup really comes close imo. The painkiller is too icepicky and upper mid focused, warpig is too big and chunky on the low end, juggernaut has that weird cocked wah vocal midrange, holy diver is too tame (though still awesome), blackhawk is more growly than snarly (plus they're higher output).

As far as neck pickups I honestly don't even remember what the alpha sounds like so I'd say just go with a cold sweat neck. It's one of the best neck pickups for lead/shred wankery out there. Like a liquifire but clearer and still just as buttery smooth.

I would say if you want a pretty balanced tone go with impulses but I don't know if they're doing those in slanted variants yet.


Feast on this.
Sep 12, 2012
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Mexico City
Honestly, the black dog bridge has the closest snarl to the snarl of the Omega bridge. Nothing else in BKP's lineup really comes close imo.
this is interesting. Man, at this rate im just gonna contact seymour duncan and see if they can build me an A/O slanted set lmao.
Imma take advantage of your experience (and the fact that iirc you own at least one aristides lol), how would you describe arium, if you had to compare it to a type of wood? I'm very curious.

edit: also, do you think Aristides would let me order a black dog bridge with cold sweat neck, or do i have to get the set?


Say yes to Chugs
Mar 19, 2015
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this is interesting. Man, at this rate im just gonna contact seymour duncan and see if they can build me an A/O slanted set lmao.
Imma take advantage of your experience (and the fact that iirc you own at least one aristides lol), how would you describe arium, if you had to compare it to a type of wood? I'm very curious.

edit: also, do you think Aristides would let me order a black dog bridge with cold sweat neck, or do i have to get the set?
Honestly I don't know what to compare arium to. Some guys have said similar to alder. All I know is that the arium really lets pickups shine. I have one 070 loaded with Lundgren M7s and another with an Avedissian Scythe set. I was lukewarm on other versions of those particular pickups that I've tried (tried the m6,m8 and scythe 8) but both sound killer to me in my 070 guitars.

You could ask the guys at aristides about getting a black dog/cold sweat setup. I bet they would accommodate you.
Probably wouldn't hurt to shoot bkp an email and see what they recommend either.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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sd will make a set of slanted pickups for you but it will
1. cost a lot
2. take a long time

but if you really want the ao then that's your best bet.

I have a set. they don't really sound similar to any bkps.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Atlanta, GA
For what it's worth, a friend of mine tried to get an angled A/O set like two weeks ago and SDCS said they're not taking orders for angled pickups right now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2019
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As others have already stated, there's really nothing in the BK line that compares closely with the Alpha/Omega set.
I'm a big fan of that set too. Though BK do make some nice pickups, but if you're looking for that specific sound from the Alpha/Omega I think you're not going to easily find a replacement unfortunately.
I've ordered slanted pickups from SD in the past with no problem. However it's been a while and with everything going on maybe they're dialing back their custom orders?
Doesn't hurt to reach out to them anyhow, I've had pretty good luck with communication with SD in the past.
I'll be very interested in seeing/hearing the H7 once you get it! I got to pick up and play several Aristides guitars not long ago and they were so comfortable and smooth, loved it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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I’ve had both the cold sweats and alpha omegas, while not identical they are fairly close. If anything the cold sweats have a slightly looser low end and more brittle highs.

Having said that, I really preferred the cold sweats.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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As someone who has installed dozens of BKPS replacing Alpha Omegas over the years, I can say there really is no straight equivalent, and IMO thats a good thing. The A/O sound cool, but like most Duncan 7-string pickups, have that somewhat bassy, congested low-mid thing happening. Whenever I replace a guitar loaded with A/O with BKPS, its like taking a blanket off the speaker. If you wanted to keep a similar EQ curve however, just with the BKP clarity/responsiveness/depth, I would say the ceramic Nailbomb/VH2 would be a good start, or the Ragnarock/Cold Sweat.

PS: The Cold Sweat should never be a bridge pickup, IMO. Way too bright, way too scooped. It's a great neck pickup, but unless you have the world's muddiest/warmest guitar, almost nay other BKP would be a better choice for the bridge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Austin, TX

edit: also, do you think Aristides would let me order a black dog bridge with cold sweat neck, or do i have to get the set?

Based on my experience, my impression is that if they can order it from BKP, they'll install it. I would tend to think they cannot mix & match from Fishman sets for example because of how the Fishmans are sold, I don't think BKPs have these same restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Austin, TX

thanks, i'll do this see what they come up with. I also dont really know how arium behaves (if its similar to any particular wood type), so it might prove a tad trickier.

According to Aristides, Arium has a balanced tone. My 070R sounds quite balanced to my ears, if I have to guess I'd say it's like alder. It's not too warm, nor too bright, no mid spikes or scooping.


Feast on this.
Sep 12, 2012
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Mexico City
. If you wanted to keep a similar EQ curve however, just with the BKP clarity/responsiveness/depth, I would say the ceramic Nailbomb/VH2 would be a good start, or the Ragnarock/Cold Sweat.
This is helpful. Thank you Nick!
In hindsight I should've requested bkps on the last charvel i got from you guys lmao. I guess ill get some eventually.


SS.org Regular
Jan 19, 2021
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The A/O sound cool, but like most Duncan 7-string pickups, have that somewhat bassy, congested low-mid thing happening. Whenever I replace a guitar loaded with A/O with BKPS, its like taking a blanket off the speaker. If you wanted to keep a similar EQ curve however, just with the BKP clarity/responsiveness/depth, I would say the ceramic Nailbomb/VH2 would be a good start, or the Ragnarock/Cold Sweat.

I'm swapping the pickups in my guitar. It currently has a Nazgul which definitely has that sound you're describing. I want to keep the same EQ curve as my 6 string (drop C) with A/Os in it. To my ear the 6 string and 7 string version of the A/Os sound different tonally.

I'm leaning towards a BKP ceramic Nailbomb bridge pickup, but I can't find any comparisons between the two online. When listening to clips of them separately, the A/O had that overly thick low mid but the c-bomb send to have a shrill high end. In your experience, is the c-bomb way more harsh?

Do you think it's also worth replacing the sentient? How would it pair with BKPs?

PS, sorry for going slightly off topic forkface. Hopefully if someone posts a comparison video you also find it useful.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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I'm swapping the pickups in my guitar. It currently has a Nazgul which definitely has that sound you're describing. I want to keep the same EQ curve as my 6 string (drop C) with A/Os in it. To my ear the 6 string and 7 string version of the A/Os sound different tonally.

I'm leaning towards a BKP ceramic Nailbomb bridge pickup, but I can't find any comparisons between the two online. When listening to clips of them separately, the A/O had that overly thick low mid but the c-bomb send to have a shrill high end. In your experience, is the c-bomb way more harsh?

Do you think it's also worth replacing the sentient? How would it pair with BKPs?

PS, sorry for going slightly off topic forkface. Hopefully if someone posts a comparison video you also find it useful.

I try not to speak about the Nailbomb because I seem to be on the minority because most of the people love that pickup but I hate it. Loose bottom end and shrill high end. Just impossible to EQ it right because if you try to tame the high end the overall sound just becomes mud paradise and if you try to brighten up the lows then he highs pierce your timpani.

But whatever...

Be aware of the shrill high end.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
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PS: The Cold Sweat should never be a bridge pickup, IMO. Way too bright, way too scooped. It's a great neck pickup, but unless you have the world's muddiest/warmest guitar, almost nay other BKP would be a better choice for the bridge.

Confused. The CS bridge is an absolutely kick ass pickup. If it had maybe 10-15% more output I might even call it perfect. To say it is too scooped is interesting since the Miracle Man is scooped even more, and brighter in the high end as well. I could see someone saying the MM is too scooped for sure.

C-bomb kind of falls in between the two.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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Confused. The CS bridge is an absolutely kick ass pickup. If it had maybe 10-15% more output I might even call it perfect. To say it is too scooped is interesting since the Miracle Man is scooped even more, and brighter in the high end as well. I could see someone saying the MM is too scooped for sure.

C-bomb kind of falls in between the two.

Yeah, that surprised myself also... I loved the CS in the bridge while I had it.

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