Call of Duty: Black Ops


Gotta link for that?
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
It looks like a good game. Treyarch did not get nearly enough credit as they deserved with WAW. I just hope Veteran difficulty isn't as blistering hard as WAW's was. :ugh:

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2008
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Hopefully activision doesn't push them to make it just another mw2 rehash. They need to fix mw2's problems (commando, tactical knife, LAG, cheaters), and make it just plain better. I have faith in treyarch, after all they did make WaW, which I absolutely loved.

Your like the only person I've heard that says they loved WaW. I did too but no one else seems to share that.

It looks like a good game. Treyarch did not get nearly enough credit as they deserved with WAW. I just hope Veteran difficulty isn't as blistering hard as WAW's was. :ugh:

I think out of numerous tries I've only beaten like 3 missions on Veteran. :mad:

That said I'm looking forward to it but I'll wait until my brother/a friend buys it and go from there. I also hope they keep the Primary/Secondary thing going on. Where pistols (with no Akimbo!) aren't the only option.


Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
Hopefully activision doesn't push them to make it just another mw2 rehash. They need to fix mw2's problems (commando, tactical knife, LAG, cheaters), and make it just plain better. I have faith in treyarch, after all they did make WaW, which I absolutely loved.

World at War is terrible in comparison. The Treyarch games aren't even close to being as good as the Infinity Ward games...


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Chimaera SD
Looks like MW2 just brushed abit up. The treyarch cod versions have always sucked. But there is always hope

i actually had a fair amount of fun playing cod 3, and I loved WaW. Don't be one of those IW fanboys. Just because they didn't make it doesn't make it bad. The thing about treyarch is they try NEW things in their games, and sometimes that doesn't go over well, but with WaW, they introduced teamwork (teamwork in CoD? What is this blasphemy?), in the form of getting a team mate up from last stand, they put in gore, and generally made CoD fun again imo. Did you have any of that in mw2? Nope! Why would someones limbs fly off after they get blown up? That's not real.

IW can lick my sweaty balls.


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Chimaera SD
World at War is terrible in comparison. The Treyarch games aren't even close to being as good as the Infinity Ward games...

Refer to comment above. It's only terrible because they marketed mw2 as the best game ever, which it isn't. I really hate being in the minority of people that love WaW. It's different, who cares? I suggest not riding IW's nuts til the end of time, because they'll fall of the map eventually.

I guess my point this whole time has been to not follow the money hungry guys at IW who never introduce anything remotely new into their games and get with treyarch because they try. I like new things, not rehashed over marketed garbage.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I loved WAW. Was a bit more strategic and less busy than MW, which made it more fun to play.


Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
Refer to comment above. It's only terrible because they marketed mw2 as the best game ever, which it isn't. I really hate being in the minority of people that love WaW. It's different, who cares? I suggest not riding IW's nuts til the end of time, because they'll fall of the map eventually.

I guess my point this whole time has been to not follow the money hungry guys at IW who never introduce anything remotely new into their games and get with treyarch because they try. I like new things, not rehashed over marketed garbage.

Are you serious? The Treyarch games are so unpolished in comparison... They have weak stories, weak presentation, weak graphics, etc.... They just aren't up to the same level. There's nothing "new" about them...

What do you mean IW doesn't introduce anything new to their games? MW2's online leveling system was new for the genre and adds a lot to the game. Tons of other game developers are ripping it off now. There's a reason MW and MW2 became as popular as they are. They're AAA games with good stories (Hollywood-esque or not), excellent presentation, fast/fun/addicting gameplay, and an overall high level of polish. Sure, there are bugs and problems with MW2 online, but it's still an excellent game that deserves the success it has. It didn't just get huge by chance...


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Chimaera SD
Are you serious? The Treyarch games are so unpolished in comparison... They have weak stories, weak presentation, weak graphics, etc.... They just aren't up to the same level. There's nothing "new" about them...

What do you mean IW doesn't introduce anything new to their games? MW2's online leveling system was new for the genre and adds a lot to the game. Tons of other game developers are ripping it off now. There's a reason MW and MW2 became as popular as they are. They're AAA games with good stories (Hollywood-esque or not), excellent presentation, fast/fun/addicting gameplay, and an overall high level of polish. Sure, there are bugs and problems with MW2 online, but it's still an excellent game that deserves the success it has. It didn't just get huge by chance...

It got huge because it was a marketing juggernaut, not because it's great. It's officially the most accessible game because they made it easy for a 5 year old to pick up and play, which is ridiculous. It's also made millions of people think that it's realistic. I mean, I can jump in the air and fire a .50 Cal sniper rifle accurately and get away with it in real life. Might as well go rob a bank......oh wait, no I can't. And onto the story that you say is "AAA". Was it not under produced and cliche? 10 hours of gameplay? An "oh no the russians have nukes" storyline? I think that's worthy of a 30 dollar game with unpolished multiplayer that wasn't beta tested AT ALL, just like MW2. And what happened to the developers fixing things in the game? Part of the reason why I hate it is the wave of cheaters, modders, and boosters that have invaded the game. Normally, a company would take measures to erase them from the system and prevent them from cheating online. This isn't the case for MW2, seeing how they populate more than a quarter of each leaderboard. I have even had people use mods and glitches on me online, like having infinite chopper gunners and other ridiculous things.

I know that you'll take anything that IW spoonfeeds you, but just notice that they're just releasing the same rehashed game over and over. It's basically cod 4 with more killstreaks, different levels, slightly better graphics, a worse story, and worse guns. the game is fail, and so are you for thinking that it has any redeeming qualities.


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
Hopefully activision doesn't push them to make it just another mw2 rehash. They need to fix mw2's problems (commando, tactical knife, LAG, cheaters), and make it just plain better. I have faith in treyarch, after all they did make WaW, which I absolutely loved.

Lag isn't a COD issue, it's an internet issue.

This looks really amazing, the Scoped-crossbow, that's fucking classy :lol:


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
everyone on here is bitching about kids bitching on mw2? there is a mute button, there will always be kids bitching, and you can never stop hackers deal with it. i destoy ppl all day with all the hacks and bs...

ps. i do hate the lag...lag...lag...lag...oh server timeout you lose all your xp hahahahaha


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
Woah, IW vs Treyarch over here.

I'm no IW fanboy (Damn yellow bar issue we had for years until now)
but I only ever will touch WaW again for Zombies, if I ever do, and CoD3 was just terrible IMO, anytime I'm on my xbox I'm playing MW2, if someone makes a better online experience, I'll play the hell out of it, if Treyarch can do it, I'll still play the hell out of it, but unless their Multiplayer team works hard I don't see that happening.

IW created the leveling and class system we love, like said above, and had different game types and relatively fair, in comparison to some games on Halo, the spawning problems really don't worry that much, and I like having to have skill, believe it or not, it's not always a clusterfuck.

Anyways, I like how they ramble on about about the Black ops getting new tech (basically giving them MW2 tech in the 70s, big deal :rolleyes:)

So basically it's MW2/COD4 guns, and we're once again fighting Russians in the snow and urban, and crazy sneaky Asians in the rainforest, to me, they just meshed the last two cods together. :2c:

Could be good, could be bad. Time will tell.


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
Woah, IW vs Treyarch over here.

I'm no IW fanboy (Damn yellow bar issue we had for years until now)
but I only ever will touch WaW again for Zombies, if I ever do, and CoD3 was just terrible IMO, anytime I'm on my xbox I'm playing MW2, if someone makes a better online experience, I'll play the hell out of it, if Treyarch can do it, I'll still play the hell out of it, but unless their Multiplayer team works hard I don't see that happening.

IW created the leveling and class system we love, like said above, and had different game types and relatively fair, in comparison to some games on Halo, the spawning problems really don't worry that much, and I like having to have skill, believe it or not, it's not always a clusterfuck.

Anyways, I like how they ramble on about about the Black ops getting new tech (basically giving them MW2 tech in the 70s, big deal :rolleyes:)

So basically it's MW2/COD4 guns, and we're once again fighting Russians in the snow and urban, and crazy sneaky Asians in the rainforest, to me, they just meshed the last two cods together. :2c:

Could be good, could be bad. Time will tell.

Like the saying goes, just because something is unique, that does not make it useful. I'd rather play something I know has worked in the past. I'm a fan of both 4 and 6, and I can see black ops is going to be similiar, and if it's not, I'll have a problem because I just couldn't play just felt weird.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I honestly think WAW was only good for the Nazi zombies mode, howevr that made it worth it in its own right!