Chelsea Grin Megathread


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I purchased the new album a few days ago on iTunes, had a few listens to it so far.
Here are my thoughts....
What I like about the new album:
very tight, nice production, I dig the drumsounds and guitar tones a lot.
Songs are cool as well, a lot of tight rhythmic jugging on one chord (I guess that comes with the style), there are also some riffs with actual lines, to my taste there could be more of those.
I would not mind some more leads/guitar solos, it does not bother me that not every song has a guitar solo, but there's only very few solos on the album. I do like the leads that are on it, not as shreddy as Jason Richardson's leads on the previous albums, but that's cool with me. I actually appreciate some solo's that are not over-the-top shredding.
About the lyrics of the album: I usually don't pay too much attention to lyrics, especially not in this genre as the vocal style makes it very hard for me to even hear the words, but I could not miss a certain 4-letter word that starts with an 'f' being used a bit excessively on this album. Probably half of the lyrics are the f-word. LOL. It gets old really quick IMO, to the point where I'm thinking :rolleyes:
Just my two cents.....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
what do you guys think of Chelsea Grin's new album 'Eternal Nightmare'?

I just received the CD in the mail a few days ago, and only had 2 listens, but so far I like it.
As with the previous album: I think there could be some more guitar lead work, the leads that are there are really nice, and I like the fact that they don't have too much shredding all over the place, but I'd like to hear some more leads/solo.

They have a new vocalist and apparently one guitarist left the band?
I saw some recent live clips where they only had one guitarist in the line-up, so they must be having some additional guitars from a backing.
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Pretty Your Petunia
Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
They went into the studio with josh travis/jeffdunne/wzrdfairy. Its up their with the new emmure album. Old danza is finally becoming the mainstream lol