Ever Been Stabbed In The Back By A Best Friend?

  • Thread starter Manurack
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
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you really need to chill. Also the whole owing $2k in child support doesn't make you look like a saint.

Also learn to keep up on your child support. lol Your kid will hate you in the long run if you can't keep up on that responsibility.

Have you ever paid it before? Did your dad not pay or something? Its tuff to keep up on those trash payments not leaving you with a cent to pay your own bills on top of that most of the cash never goes towards the child! As for the OP's friend yeah hes a scumbag trying to bang your ex chick, regardless of what he says he has a thing for her & given the opportunity he would have done it! You will learn later in life all people are garbage no matter who they are, sack up & kick them all to the curb & focus on yourself & whats important first & foremost!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
I understand if it is your ex and all, but since there are no feelings between you and her then there's not much reason to get upset. Aside from having her around all the time if you have a bad relationship with her and your friend ended up being with her. I mean if he hit on her while we're still together it would make more sense to be angry.

Personally, I would have cared about something like this 15-20 years ago. Now, not so much but I'm not in your shoes so it's commenting from a safe side.

To add to other posters, pay your child support on time unless you're struggling financially yourself. That’s a different problem you should discuss with the ex and at least you're paying child support.

Your ex shouldn't have involved you in this or she could have done it in a better way. Screaming amd seething? What are we fucking high school or a soap opera?

It might sound opposite to the "bro code" or whatever, but it might actually be better if someone you know their character and is a decent human being, ends up with your daughters mom than some random dude you have no idea of his background. Unless your ex plans to stay celibate for the rest of her life. Plus being a single parent really reduces your daring options, much more so when you're a man. So it's not unusual to develop feelings for "available" females in a similar situation, even if they're your friends ex. In short talk it out with him in a calm manner and decide if you still want to be friends with him.


Nunavut Inuk
Sep 16, 2012
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Castlegar, British Columbia
Have you ever paid it before? Did your dad not pay or something? Its tuff to keep up on those trash payments not leaving you with a cent to pay your own bills on top of that most of the cash never goes towards the child! As for the OP's friend yeah hes a scumbag trying to bang your ex chick, regardless of what he says he has a thing for her & given the opportunity he would have done it! You will learn later in life all people are garbage no matter who they are, sack up & kick them all to the curb & focus on yourself & whats important first & foremost!

Rent, electricity, bills and groceries are among the reasons I was behind. Thanks for saying something man. The pandemic fucked up things bad as well, hence why I had to balance everything out.

But to pay off that $2,000 was a huge financial relief for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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Planet Claire
Not sure why anyone thinks it's necessary or okay to jump this dude about his child support. Y'all never been poor before? Shit happens, he paid it. I don't know him personally but he talks about his kids all the time on here, obviously cares for them very much.



Nunavut Inuk
Sep 16, 2012
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Castlegar, British Columbia
Not sure why anyone thinks it's necessary or okay to jump this dude about his child support. Y'all never been poor before? Shit happens, he paid it. I don't know him personally but he talks about his kids all the time on here, obviously cares for them very much.

Yes, I have loved my child since the moment I held her after she was born. I will always take care of my kid, no matter what. I'm doing okay in life now and keep up with the child support payments since last year. Got my taxes done and put a huge dent in the child support account, so there you go assholes bitching about how I pay my fucking child support.


SS.org Regular
Dec 14, 2019
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Peach Land, USA
Not sure why anyone thinks it's necessary or okay to jump this dude about his child support. Y'all never been poor before? Shit happens, he paid it. I don't know him personally but he talks about his kids all the time on here, obviously cares for them very much.


Well he was the one posting pics of the dude to try and out him and ruin him for no real good reason. Yes posting pics of someone, even if you don't mention their name while talking trash on them is in a way trying to out them. It's essentially hoping someone recognizes him, and somehow garners some feeling of resentment for X person. (a friend trying to go for an ex isn't a good reason to try and out someone on the internet. If it were a post without the pics his post would have been fine for venting)

The child support thing was an easy opening. So I hit that when he said I was an idiot for telling him that posting the pics weren'tcool. haha

I'd totally hit that opening again if I hadn't already done it.


Elegant Djentleman
Jan 12, 2021
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South east England
Not sure why anyone thinks it's necessary or okay to jump this dude about his child support. Y'all never been poor before? Shit happens, he paid it. I don't know him personally but he talks about his kids all the time on here, obviously cares for them very much.



Life happens, and if you hit a rough patch then the only way to alter your payments is to hire a lawyer and go back to the court. It literally costs you money to tell the court you can't afford to make your payments. And the court doesn't have to change it, even if you can prove you are broke. It's fucking crazy.

Anyone who loves their kids and is making an honest attempt to pay gets the benefit of the doubt.

Dumple Stilzkin

Pointy star bastard.
Jul 28, 2005
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Pacific Northwest
Yes, I have loved my child since the moment I held her after she was born. I will always take care of my kid, no matter what. I'm doing okay in life now and keep up with the child support payments since last year. Got my taxes done and put a huge dent in the child support account, so there you go assholes bitching about how I pay my fucking child support.
If you don’t like it, then don’t post about it on a guitar forum. People will generally look down on those who fall behind on paying money to support there own children.
Dec 2, 2014
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... over there...
"No amor e na guerra vale tudo menos arrancar olhos"

This is a Portuguese saying about relations. I'd say not to expect an apology from him. I'd also say to relax, unless you want to get back with your ex whife/girlfriend/mother of your child. Nevertheless, be truthful with her always. Regarding your friend, ask him what are his intentions, but be cold head there. People are free to choose their harts/loves. Don't fall on the "bros" tv bull shit. There is no such thing in real life.