Fake Shredders

  • Thread starter Spaced Out Ace
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Lorcan Ward

May 15, 2009
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I saw Manuel Gardner has finally admitted he is miming. Although “I just do it for that extra 2% of perfection” is a bit laughable when he has surgically edited tracks to the micro second in his videos. No doubt he’s an awesome player in his live clips but it’s another example of not really understanding what you’re doing wrong. i see Jared is getting a lot of heat from doing the fake IG video with him in it.

I’d be interested to see where this goes now. If things just go on the same and everyone forgets about this in a month or two.
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Mar 2, 2011
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Everyone will forget about it, that I'm sure of. But groups like us will always have this as a rotating topic, it's the first time it's hit guitar "mainstream" from what I can remember. It takes some famous musician making a statement to generally get any discussion rolling on that level for a decent amount of time.

Spaced Out Ace

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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The first time this discussion of fake guitar shredding hit mainstream happened in the late 80s with Vinnie's stupid ass speeding up his leads. If memory serves, he played a lead in "F" over an E based riff because speeding up his leads resulted in the key raising a half step.

Politics of Ecstasy

OG Shredder
Jul 28, 2019
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The D
Mini Moore was speeding up his leads!!!
Which album/song? This is blasphemous, heretical if true
Then.....his hot licks vids....dont tell me !?!?! Were they.....gulp....sped up too? *(u think?)


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
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Everyone will forget about it, that I'm sure of. But groups like us will always have this as a rotating topic, it's the first time it's hit guitar "mainstream" from what I can remember. It takes some famous musician making a statement to generally get any discussion rolling on that level for a decent amount of time.
Even with the ridiculous amount of time I spend on here, I learned a lot from this thread. I knew Lucas Mann was miming to his Guitar Pro tracks, but I had no idea the guy was even miming in live performances. And there are a few other guys I've seen over the years that I assumed were actually playing the stuff, until I saw the "real" live videos. TBH it makes me feel a lot better about my playing. If I were just starting out, this would have a hugely positive effect on me, as it wouldn't make me as discouraged as the fake videos would.


not guthrie govan
Dec 14, 2010
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Belgrade, Serbia
These are the kind of replies that raise the level of the discussion and isn't a cringy video from another meme youtuber.

all you need to do is listen to Control and Resistance, recorded on a small budget in 89, and then Ink Complete, recorded on a Tascam 4-track, to know where Ron is coming from. He put in the time to get his chops and inimitable style together, that's why he can't be bothered with fake shred.


Fake Shredder
Jan 5, 2018
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Lol they used the same sample for the kick and the toms; I can't hear the difference.

Chokey Chicken

mouth breather
Feb 15, 2014
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Even with the ridiculous amount of time I spend on here, I learned a lot from this thread. I knew Lucas Mann was miming to his Guitar Pro tracks, but I had no idea the guy was even miming in live performances. And there are a few other guys I've seen over the years that I assumed were actually playing the stuff, until I saw the "real" live videos. TBH it makes me feel a lot better about my playing. If I were just starting out, this would have a hugely positive effect on me, as it wouldn't make me as discouraged as the fake videos would.

He mimes live, too? Must have missed that and actually didn't think to look. Not surprising, but that's kinda the pinnacle of scummy as far as this whole fake shredder nonsense goes.

Lorcan Ward

May 15, 2009
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^You don't need a FB account to watch it from this link.

Whats weird is I think thats the harmony guitar line we are hearing so some nights he might be playing his lead line, others he just mimes it. Either way we don't hear his guitar in this live clip and the last descending arpeggio timing is so off compared to what we hear proving he is just miming.

Everyone will forget about it, that I'm sure of. But groups like us will always have this as a rotating topic, it's the first time it's hit guitar "mainstream" from what I can remember. It takes some famous musician making a statement to generally get any discussion rolling on that level for a decent amount of time.

I took a look at the comments on IG and it’s just exploded now with everyone being called out. Glad to see the actual guys getting heat for it now but disappointing to see legit guys getting accused. I'm sure it will fade away quickly but at least if someone does it now they know they are going too be called out. I can't imagine how tiring it is right now for someone like Charles to try and moderate his socials the last few weeks. I'm mostly curious if he is going to keep making videos the way he normally does or he's going to woodshed for months and drop some Stephen Taranto level shred to prove he can play.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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^You don't need a FB account to watch it from this link.

Whats weird is I think thats the harmony guitar line we are hearing so some nights he might be playing his lead line, others he just mimes it. Either way we don't hear his guitar in this live clip and the last descending arpeggio timing is so off compared to what we hear proving he is just miming.

Maybe it's just the "essence" of it all in the air, but that video looks sped up too lol. But oddly enough, all of this has turned my attention to RoS, and the other guitarist, I'm actually really impressed with and I think he legit can play all that stuff (based on some lesson videos he produced). Interesting music though; I don't really care how it was made to be completely honest. I'm at a point in my life where I don't think I can get any better than I am (or don't have the drive to woodshed like I need), so it's a toss up on if I will keep playing guitar or not. I still enjoy the music though! Charles' stuff is interested, but his whole shindig just turns me off because of how blatantly obvious it is, and the people who grovel at the mouth for it makes my stomach hurt lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Colorado Springs
Yo Onityan can't even play that part, why Lucas is cosplaying is beyond me. @ 11:26 because this forum won't let you post a time stamp.

This is all interesting because Lucas brought in Yo, and brought back Joel so that they could play guitar live as Lucas had missed a few tours, and then I guess he was actually going to play bass on the tour that Yo and Joel were going to play guitar for. No clue what ever happened, but now he is back to faking it live after already facing the truth that he can't pull it off so he hired others.
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Mar 2, 2011
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I think people need to really educate the public on what a sped up video really even is.

This video is mimed to, not sped up

I've had people give me some major shit over 0:38 when my blinds start moving a little bit faster and accused me of speeding the video up. Does anyone even understand the logistics of recording a live one cut take and speeding up portions of it? I'd have to doctor the backing track and slow down the hard sections of the music I'm trying to play, practice switching tempo and speed completely to make it look even somewhat realistic (Which is harder than learning to play the song up to fucking speed, I challenge anyone to try this). Then speed up the audio video at those intervals where the song gets harder to play.

There would STILL be artifacts and signals that you sped it up, but in general all this has done is give people random little things that do occur in videos for people with no understanding of video recording and production to invalidate players with. Everyone here already knew who faked their playing, because they get all this attention for their awesome music (sometimes obviously faked) and you put them in a live context and this is the result.

Go to 7:05

I know because this was one of the largest disappointments I ever had with a player, I loved the album and one of the first live performances killed a good amount of my interest in the band. You will always be able to call out a musician who bit off more than they can chew, but now people are going to be pointing the finger at legitimate players even moreso now because their "hair looked funny", or some unfounded bullshit like that.

Even that Manuel guy is now playing the clips people gave him flack for live to show that he can indeed play what he was implying he could.


Say yes to Chugs
Mar 19, 2015
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Yo Onityan can't even play that part, why Lucas is cosplaying is beyond me. @ 11:26 because this forum won't let you post a time stamp.

This is all interesting because Lucas brought in Yo, and brought back Joel so that they could play guitar live as Lucas had missed a few tours, and then I guess he was actually going to play bass on the tour that Yo and Joel were going to play guitar for. No clue what ever happened, but now he is back to faking it live after already facing the truth that he can't pull it off so he hired others.

I've seen Yo play on IG before but just watching him noodle/shred that effortlessly really makes me want to woodshed like a motherfucker
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