Help me find a new amp

  • Thread starter wintersun
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
I don't mean to sound curt or mean or anything but without a great amp, a great guitar means absolutely nothing. Any wonderful nuances of your playing/guitar/pickups is completely wasted through a poor amp/cab.

From the sounds of it you like a very tight bright tone focused in the higher frequencies.
A painkiller sounds like it would have been a bit more suited to your tastes as far as pickups go but thats irrelevant.

Sounds like you want something like an ENGL perhaps, but those are quite a bit out of your price range. All I can recommend is to save up and buy one used.

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Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hey dont knock the Randall stuff!!! First off you are not going to get a good chunk out of a combo without spending more cash then its worth!! Get a head&cab setup.. You will not be fully pleased till you do....if you wanna stay under $700 then try to get a Randall RX120dh head and cab setup. They are just under $700.. Worth the cash for a good sounding stack.. i am not saying its the best but it beats the crap out of a marshall for the price.. dont listen to people saying what they like, its just a personal opinion.. Different strokes for different folks!!

actually, if you have a 212 closed-back combo, you will chunk with the best of them. nice try though :). you're telling him to listen to what you like, but not what others like. $700 buys you a GOOD combo vs a practise-amp-on-steroids halfstack ;).

I don't mean to sound curt or mean or anything but without a great amp, a great guitar means absolutely nothing. Any wonderful nuances of your playing/guitar/pickups is completely wasted through a poor amp/cab.

A good guitar will sound decent through a decent amp. i've used my gibson into my $130 kustom practise amp, and it still sounds amazing - just not the same way it does through my (entirely different) halfstack. guess what: i still get dynamics, volume, i can hear when i make mistakes.. :nono:

It's good to share information.. just dont go spreading misinformation like its truth :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Up above!
i was saying as an example for the price range.. He asked! I gave my opinion and was scrutinized for it. I guess you didnt get it. Its an opinion ..Any ways. Randall stuff sounds good ,dont turn it down cause someone else doesnt like it. That doesnt mean you wont.or will! Also Combo amps just dont cut it like a half-stack does. if it does then it would probably cost more then a descent sounding half-stack.. You can get good stacks for under a G. I have a 2x15 120 watt combo amp and it sounds killer. But its just not worth buying something like it instead of a half-stack for the same price range.. i have played alot of gigs and our band practices 3 days a week.. i would much rather practice through a half stack then a combo. Not to mention if you go buy a combo its worth about half what you buy it for as where a half stack you are more probable to get most of your money back if you sold it. Take your guitar and go to a store and try out some amps. I didnt like alot of different amps till i actually played through them a few times. Only an opinion!!!!!