help: most thick and aggresive tube amp at bedroom volume

  • Thread starter chopeth85
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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It's hard to get a tube amp to sound right at bedroom volumes IMO. Not only are you lacking the right amount of power tube warmth to smooth out the sound, you're also missing how the speaker effects the tone. That's also why I feel attenuators aren't enough to deal with bedroom volumes, because you're missing that speaker-being-pushed sound that I can't really describe. :lol:

It's why I feel a reactive load + IR loader would be the best bet for your already-existing rig. Or just get something like the L6 HX Stomp and get some kickass impulses.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Uhhh I have no clue why that posted twice

BUT, instead of editing my previous post, I'll do this one instead.

Find a Randall RH150G3+, RH300G3+, T2, or V2. They're solid state amps (hybrids actually), but they're thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. The T2 and V2 have a surprising amount of tube amp warmth.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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West Virginia
Obligatory: since it sounds like you already have a solid set of amp heads, instead of getting another, I'd recommend getting a solid state power amp and a nice preamp like the Ceres, Theta, or Tight Metal. The ultimate bedroom setup in my experience.

That or go with a lunchbox amp, the 6505mh seems nice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Nah, just turn the volume down.

It's doable but obnoxious... if you adjust anything and miss slightly by just a hair, you're liable to wake somebody up or something.

Easier with a volume box in the FX loop


Buys guitars, sometimes plays them
Mar 6, 2007
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Northern Virginia
A 4x12 will help any amp at any volume IME. Really helps fill out the sound at Super low volumes.

The VH4 sounds like Godzilla at any volume. Try to get one 2007+, as they got a bit more gain and compression IMHO. Typically people use those descriptions as a bad thing, but it really helps the VH4 at lower volumes and just makes it sound meaner.

The 5150 is a killer metal amp at low volumes too, IMHO.

But I think a lot of amps can deliver; just try a 4x12.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2014
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A 4 x 12 actually sounds better than other cabs at low volumes because when you sit in front of it, the speakers are aimed right at your ears. Surprisingly, speakers don’t need to be that loud to sound good if you’re up close to them. While they do sound better once they’re getting pushed, a lot of that has to do with them filling out the room and hearing more of the frequencies reflecting.

One of the most important factors in getting decent low volume tone is speaker placement.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2015
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Salt Lake
5150 for low volumes? That's hilarious. That's one of the loudest effing amps I've ever played, and it sounds like a fizz factory at lower volumes. That's actually one reason i got rid of mine.

The EVH 5150, on the other hand, is amazing for low level playing.

Also, the Peavey ultra plus, xxx, and jsx are all great for low volume playing.

I also really like the mt15 for lower volume stuff.

I'll reiterate, the Archon sounds amazing at lower volumes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
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It's hard to get a tube amp to sound right at bedroom volumes IMO. Not only are you lacking the right amount of power tube warmth to smooth out the sound, you're also missing how the speaker effects the tone. That's also why I feel attenuators aren't enough to deal with bedroom volumes, because you're missing that speaker-being-pushed sound that I can't really describe. :lol:

Any modern metal amp is going to be all preamp gain and a clean poweramp. I'd say any poweramp distortion is also hugely overrated compared to just actual volume. You rarely hear them separately unless you run through an attenuator and even then many attenuators don't have enough range to go down to very quiet levels.

I've got a Bogner Goldfinger 45 SL and tried running it through the Fryette Power Station 2. When I match volumes with a decibel meter to master volume at 9 o'clock (which on this amp is something around 90 dB @ 1m as the MV is super gradual) it sounds exactly the same as MV on 3 o'clock and Fryette PS2 adjusted to match the volume level. The last 5th of the MV is where the poweramp starts distorting and it just starts sounding harsh and nasty there.

This amp is classic Marshall tones through and through for the overdrive. Someone on another forum said the '80s mode actually sounded pretty close to their JCM800 2204 and it also does Plexi and JMP (more aggresive and gainy than Plexi). I don't know what magic Bogner spins to make this happen but this is an amp that does not benefit from cranking.

With that out of the way, we get to volume. I've used a decibel meter to measure and listen how the amp behaves at various volume levels. In short it goes something like this:
  • 90+ dB @ 1m: Punchy, huge, fantastic. Everything I'd ever want and so far neighbours haven't complained when playing at home around 90-93 dB during the day.
  • 80-85 dB: Still pretty good, but it lacks that kick we love.
  • 80 dB: Now we get into a territory where you could achieve similar results from much cheaper solutions (modeler, overdrive pedals into clean channel) but it's still alright. A lot of that punch is gone though.
  • <80 dB: I'd start considering a modeler and headphones as a viable alternative. The sound is just blah. If I hook up my Helix to the PS2 I don't get any better results using a cranked amp sim. The volume is just too low.
The big issue on a lot of tube amps is that their master volumes suck. Most Marshalls are fizz city at less than band levels. A lot of tube amps offer very poor control over volume at the lowest level. For example the Victory Kraken is nearly 100 dB with the MV on 1. You would need a safecracker's fingers to control it or plug a volume box in the fx loop. Even Friedman BE50 Deluxe is a bit like this though not as bad. Both of the afore-mentioned amps still sound great with these low MV settings but they don't have the awesome level of control you get from Bogners. My GF45 SL is about 100 dB @ 1m with the MV at 11 o'clock and then gets louder from there, thus giving great control for both home and stage volumes. I really don't understand why more amps are not built for this.


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Feb 24, 2010
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Any modern metal amp is going to be all preamp gain and a clean poweramp. I'd say any poweramp distortion is also hugely overrated compared to just actual volume. You rarely hear them separately unless you run through an attenuator and even then many attenuators don't have enough range to go down to very quiet levels.

I've got a Bogner Goldfinger 45 SL and tried running it through the Fryette Power Station 2. When I match volumes with a decibel meter to master volume at 9 o'clock (which on this amp is something around 90 dB @ 1m as the MV is super gradual) it sounds exactly the same as MV on 3 o'clock and Fryette PS2 adjusted to match the volume level. The last 5th of the MV is where the poweramp starts distorting and it just starts sounding harsh and nasty there.

This amp is classic Marshall tones through and through for the overdrive. Someone on another forum said the '80s mode actually sounded pretty close to their JCM800 2204 and it also does Plexi and JMP (more aggresive and gainy than Plexi). I don't know what magic Bogner spins to make this happen but this is an amp that does not benefit from cranking.

With that out of the way, we get to volume. I've used a decibel meter to measure and listen how the amp behaves at various volume levels. In short it goes something like this:
  • 90+ dB @ 1m: Punchy, huge, fantastic. Everything I'd ever want and so far neighbours haven't complained when playing at home around 90-93 dB during the day.
  • 80-85 dB: Still pretty good, but it lacks that kick we love.
  • 80 dB: Now we get into a territory where you could achieve similar results from much cheaper solutions (modeler, overdrive pedals into clean channel) but it's still alright. A lot of that punch is gone though.
  • <80 dB: I'd start considering a modeler and headphones as a viable alternative. The sound is just blah. If I hook up my Helix to the PS2 I don't get any better results using a cranked amp sim. The volume is just too low.
The big issue on a lot of tube amps is that their master volumes suck. Most Marshalls are fizz city at less than band levels. A lot of tube amps offer very poor control over volume at the lowest level. For example the Victory Kraken is nearly 100 dB with the MV on 1. You would need a safecracker's fingers to control it or plug a volume box in the fx loop. Even Friedman BE50 Deluxe is a bit like this though not as bad. Both of the afore-mentioned amps still sound great with these low MV settings but they don't have the awesome level of control you get from Bogners. My GF45 SL is about 100 dB @ 1m with the MV at 11 o'clock and then gets louder from there, thus giving great control for both home and stage volumes. I really don't understand why more amps are not built for this.

^ yup... this. :yesway:

Otherwise, buy a Kemper and a 2x10 cab or headphones.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Madrid, Spain
Laney IRT Studio.

Can get insanely thick/brutal (as well as twangy and tight if you need that too) and its Wattage knob means you can practice at very very quiet volumes whilst the poweramp is still cooking really hot for maximum tonesss

Djent Demo

Deathcore Demo

Low tuned Filth Demo

Overall demo

for the features, the tone and the price - the IRT Studio is just nearly impossible to beat imo

the second one surprised me a lot really ! ill check it out, thanks !


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2014
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EVH 5150 III 50w 6L6 through a 4x12 is my bedroom rig. It sounds amazing at any volume, all the way down to being able to hear your strings accoustically over the amp. The 4x12 maybe compensates for bottom end thump right down to those low volumes, so it still sounds full, and the 5150 just sounds amazing in general.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Madrid, Spain
Boosted Mesa Rectifier and or Diezel Herbert based on your description... thick, aggressive, low mids... however neither are ideal for bedroom use. Unless you are going direct to an ir loader power attenuator/load box (Fryette Power Soak etc) device and then out to powered monitors.

Wizard MTL =/= bedroom. I own one and it's about the least bedroom friendly amp there is. It's loud. Louder than 80% of the other tubes amps out there.

what do you think about RNR sound SL/RD preamp ? have you heard anything about it? it´s supposed to be an improved mesa boogie sound, way more tight and aggresive but with the mesa low mid flavour.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
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Madrid, Spain
A 4x12 will help any amp at any volume IME. Really helps fill out the sound at Super low volumes.

The VH4 sounds like Godzilla at any volume. Try to get one 2007+, as they got a bit more gain and compression IMHO. Typically people use those descriptions as a bad thing, but it really helps the VH4 at lower volumes and just makes it sound meaner.

The 5150 is a killer metal amp at low volumes too, IMHO.

But I think a lot of amps can deliver; just try a 4x12.

i ve got a custom 2x12 with electovoice + v30 so its a thick sound. I m not able to test any VH4 near my home , that´s the problem...i´m afraid that the VH4 has the same "problem" as the einstein , d moll and herbert, that a low volume they sound as they have some kind of "towel ( or something like that haha ) hidding the highs" darkening the sound...