Kind of interesting, most used overdrive pedals


Very Regular
Apr 30, 2013
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The OD-1 hasn't been made in years. It is rarer, and collectors prices now.

The BD-2 is cheap and everywhere.

Oh wow, I just looked it up, I realized they were discontinued, but I didn't realize it was way the eff back in 1985!

But I was secretly meaning to also include OD-2 and OD-3... the Boss OD series is what I'm getting at. But thinking about it more betterly I now realize that's not how this list works :lol:

I've never actually got my hands on a BD-2 before. I wonder how much more differenter it is from an OD-123

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Oh wow, I just looked it up, I realized they were discontinued, but I didn't realize it was way the eff back in 1985!

But I was secretly meaning to also include OD-2 and OD-3... the Boss OD series is what I'm getting at. But thinking about it more betterly I now realize that's not how this list works :lol:

I've never actually got my hands on a BD-2 before. I wonder how much more differenter it is from an OD-123
The OD-2 doesn't exist. There is only an OD-1 and OD-3. Many people claim the BD-2 is basically what the OD-2 would have been, and sits in between the OD-1 and OD-3 tonally.

I have heard the SD-1 is kind of like an OD-1 with a tone control added, but I think there are other differences also. Either way, it is kind of an offshoot of the OD-1. I use the OD-1 model in my Katana since there is no SD-1 model, and it accomplishes a similar task.

Personally, I think everyone should have a SD-1 and BD-2. They are both cheap, everywhere, and so useful. The BD-2 is more of a flat response OD. It just kind of gives you more of the sound you already had, and has a nice crunch to it. It can get to AC/DC or fuzz type levels of gain if you crank the gain. The SD-1 is better at tightening up a high gain sound, but the BD-2 sounds better as a stand alone overdrive into clean, IMO.


Very Regular
Apr 30, 2013
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The OD-2 doesn't exist. There is only an OD-1 and OD-3. Many people claim the BD-2 is basically what the OD-2 would have been, and sits in between the OD-1 and OD-3 tonally.

I have heard the SD-1 is kind of like an OD-1 with a tone control added, but I think there are other differences also. Either way, it is kind of an offshoot of the OD-1. I use the OD-1 model in my Katana since there is no SD-1 model, and it accomplishes a similar task.

Personally, I think everyone should have a SD-1 and BD-2. They are both cheap, everywhere, and so useful. The BD-2 is more of a flat response OD. It just kind of gives you more of the sound you already had, and has a nice crunch to it. It can get to AC/DC or fuzz type levels of gain if you crank the gain. The SD-1 is better at tightening up a high gain sound, but the BD-2 sounds better as a stand alone overdrive into clean, IMO.

OD-2 is "Turbo overdrive". I've seen it in youtube comparisons a lot for some reason. IDK why so many youtubers are rockin the OD-2.

but you made me realize that I was totally conflating SD-1 with OD-3. Or rather, I thought that OD-3 is SD-1. In my defense they are almost the same color have the same control knobs lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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OD-2 is "Turbo overdrive". I've seen it in youtube comparisons a lot for some reason. IDK why so many youtubers are rockin the OD-2.

but you made me realize that I was totally conflating SD-1 with OD-3. Or rather, I thought that OD-3 is SD-1. In my defense they are almost the same color have the same control knobs lol
Ah weird! I remember reading there was no OD-2 years ago, but I guess there is! I was thinking there was only an OS-2.

Anyways, the BD-2 still came before the OD-3, and is kind of like the early prototype of it. Many people think the OD-3 is kind of like the next generation of BD. I guess the BD-2 is kind of like the OD-2.5, lol.

The SD-1 is more like an aggressive Tubescreamer, where the OD-3 is more flat response. I have always heard the BD-2 and OD-3 were kind of similar.


Silence is Violence
Jan 14, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
I've never heard of the Maestro Echoplex

The Echoplex is THE classic tape echo delay. Been around since 1959, in many tube and solid state versions and the standard everything else is measured to and still one of the most sought after effects. Practically every known player has used one (Andy Summers and The Edge using the dotted 8th).

One of the versions (EP3) had a preamp that boosted the signal as much as 11db. That created a tone that was also as legendary as the delay sound. That was how guys like Richie Blackmore sounded so huge with just single coils back then.

The originals are still highly sought after so they're expensive as hell. Fortunately there's a few companies that have done a good job replicating the sounds in pedal format. MXR have made both an Echoplex Delay and Preamp pedals (separately), Xotic's EP booster (preamp) and Catalinbread's Bell Epoch line can do both, tape echo and boost in a small enclosure. There's also the Fulltone Tube Tape Echo for anyone with deep pockets.


Gearwhore no more? Nope. Still a gearwhore. :(
Jun 22, 2017
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Mmhmmm. Get an EP booster and a good tape delay emulator (I use the El Cap) and run into a cranked Vintage-style amp and prepare for some eargasm. And I’m sure not not like the real real, but still quite an experience.