Mark Holcomb's Axe FX Presets


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2015
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Athens, Greece
I'm not sad, I'm just wondering why people are shelling out money to have someone else's settings. You have an Axe FX, a device that is capable of conjuring up thousands of tone patches or whatever else you want. The experimentation parameters are through the roof, and you can dial in your own tone that you have crafted from the ground up, and utilize it to your fullest benefit.

Why use a $2000+ unit to imitate someone else? I don't understand that mentality.

See, you are wrong, because you judged me without even knowing me. :)

I never said I own an Axe FX. I only own a Pod HD500X and I use it to "replicate" Axe FX patches.

I am not buying the patches because I want to copy someone's tone. (because I literally can't. I can't use the patches, I can only see them.)

I buy them because I want to see what tools they use in order to build their tone and generally to see their mindset behind the whole process, so I can learn from it and start making good patches myself.

So the whole reason is, in the first place, that it is educational for me. I only have the Pod for 3 months and I didn't have a clue about digital equipment before I get it. So I need to learn somehow, and that's one good way I have discovered. And secondly, I want to support the artists I really admire.

But even if I had an Axe FX and I was too lazy to start tweaking it and just wanted to buy the patches so I can "imitate their tones", it doesn't give you the right to insult me. If you didn't like it and you thought that it was wrong for me doing such thing, you could simply advise me not to do it, for all the reasons you just mentioned.

That's the forum's purpose, in my opinion. To help and learn from each other.

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Apr 19, 2011
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Boston, MA
Geez guys calm down. He could buy an axe fx and use it as a paper weight if he wanted to haha. Its his money, it doesn't matter.

Some people like to use artist patches to lean how to tweak their own devices. I know that's how a lot of people begin before they understand how things work. I'm not on the side of "paid artist patches" but who am I to judge. Besides its not like its the BOO one which was hilariously bad (it was leaked too the Axechange awhile back) and that was $20!


Progressive metal and politics
Feb 15, 2009
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But even if I had an Axe FX and I was too lazy to start tweaking it and just wanted to buy the patches so I can "imitate their tones", it doesn't give you the right to insult me. If you didn't like it and you thought that it was wrong for me doing such thing, you could simply advise me not to do it, for all the reasons you just mentioned.

Some people just get too caught up on the idea that having an instrument sound similar to another artist's somehow compromises your own musical and uniqueness and voice. It's ridiculous.


Jackson Shill
Feb 16, 2013
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Nashville, TN
When did I insult anyone? I was being sarcastic as hell, but I never insulted anyone.


Jun 2, 2012
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In the shadow of a mountain near SLC UT
Difference does it make? It's 5 bucks and his $ not yours...

I paid for a set of presets from a guy that does em over on the FAS forum and couldn't be happier.....they didn't cost anything but they sound fantastic and are a good base to learn from, so I kicked him $20 to say thanks, because I knew he put a ton of time and effort into em.

So what if people start with something that someone else created? Guitarists steal ideas all the time, and I'm sure the raggy guy might have created some original music in the past, just like I'm equally sure he's written stuff that sounds just like his favorite bands and or tunes.

Like a lot of people said, the patch doesn't really're not going to sound anything like the guy that created it playing it, so why bitch?

Snarky people are snarky...never fails to amaze me how many people there are in the world who feel that their way is the only way and everyone else is WRONGWRONGWRONG. Amirite!??!?!?!