Meet new strangers!

  • Thread starter Methilde
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This site may earn a commission from merchant links like Ebay, Amazon, and others.


Needs moar Gear.....
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
You: hi

Stranger: hello!

Stranger: sup?

You: bored

Stranger: you too, eh?

Stranger: Where are you from?

You: yup...

You: i'm from usa

You: u

Stranger: Ohio

You: uber

You: boy or girl or alien

Stranger: Boy, you?

You: i'm a nordic humanoid

You: male

Stranger: Groovy

You: very

You: we'll be coming to save you from death in 2012

Stranger: Really? I thought it was 2014.

You: we love you much and want to mate with your woman you call "hannah montana"

Stranger: Okay, that's kinda creepy.

Stranger: And besides, Emma Watson is way hotter.

You: nah

You: selma heyek

You: ( . Y . ) <333

You: om nom nom noms

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Blind Faith

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Scotland, Aberdeen
Wow the person im talking to is ace!

Stranger: Mom?
You: dad?
Stranger: Nooo
You: yes?
Stranger: It's your uncle Earl
You: oh damn how could i forget
Stranger: The one who gave you the yellow power ranger costume
You: i remember
You: do you still work on the ferret farm?
Stranger: Of course!
You: super duper
Stranger: Now I'm the main leader in there
You: ace
Stranger: Listen, I have someting really important to say
Stranger: something*
You: go on
Stranger: I am your real father
You: NO WAI!!
Stranger: It is true
You: Well listen up, i have a story
You: I actually went back in time and slept with your mom (grandma)
so I am your father.
there for i made myself!
You: true story i saw it on cartoon network
You: no?
Stranger: That's weird
You: I know
You: but then I woke up and found out that it was all a dream
Stranger: I not sure if it was a dream
Stranger: Actually I'm from the future
You: :O
You: Are you like the green power ranger?

So far :lol:


Bad Day...
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
The Shoug! WA
ok i've got a pretty long one goin right now...

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: you from ze future too?

Stranger: yes

You: that last guy was too! badass!

Stranger: i need you to travel with me

Stranger: into the future again

You: alrighty, where too in the future

Stranger: so we could change our past

Stranger: over 9000 years

Stranger: from today

You: shiz, thats a long time

Stranger: i kno rite?

You: tell me bout it!

You: can we take george carlin too?

Stranger: george carlin is long sorry to inform you...

You: nah, we just go back and get im!

Stranger: nah i dont think we will

You: cantz forget ze snacks either!

Stranger: get your stuff ready

Stranger: we leave in 10 mins

You: ah man, gotta head to the store, got nothin here!

You: doritos cool wit you?

Stranger: hurry beforei ts too late

Stranger: yea get some flaming cheetos

You: nice!

You: drinks?

Stranger: um umm...

Stranger: err...

Stranger: idk lulz

You: me tinks capitan MORGAN!

You: and arizona iced tea, too.

Stranger: ok get me and olde E

Stranger: im guessing ill be thirsty


Stranger: hurry the temporal displacement is opening

Stranger: wait get me...

Stranger: mikes hard lemonade in a can

You: oh shit... hold on im in checkout!

Stranger: and some nachos

Stranger: Nachos

You: gotcha. good to go

Stranger: ok

Stranger: err it already closed..

Stranger: when do you think itll open again?

You: try again?

You: no clue

Stranger: that's what im asking you..

You: wherez was it at?

Stranger: it was right here..

You: talk nice to it.

You: give itz food!

Stranger: wtf it doesnt have feelings...

Stranger: youre crazy

You: dont forget the please

Stranger: dude its not a pet

Stranger: it doesnt have feeling

You: well shit i dunno!

Stranger: i kno this Kay

Stranger: you took too long...

You: try sumthin

Stranger: this is all your fault

You: well ya just gotta be patient naow

Stranger: fuck man what if it takes another 9000 years

You: good god i sound like my mom... lulz

Stranger: i d ont think i can wait that wrong...


You: shit... thatz kewl lookin

Stranger: where?

Stranger: dude wait i gotta pee

You: its by the shopping carts

Stranger: give me a sec

You: cool

Stranger: who's in the bathroom?

You: idk

You: some douche

Stranger: do i just turn the knob?

You: i think

Stranger: ok

Stranger: oh shit its empty lulz

Stranger: ok brb

You: uh oh...

You: can we fix it?

Stranger: ok back

Stranger: lets go

You: schweet

Stranger: so how do we work this thing?

You: whats on ze other side?

You: idk

Stranger: dunno you go first

You: jump through?

Stranger: ya go go

You: *goes

Stranger: you forgot the snacks douche

Stranger: *grabs snacks

Stranger: *goes

You: nuh uh they beez in mah jacket

Stranger: your snacks not mine fgt

You: oh.

You: numere uno first!

Stranger: hey for 9000+ years in the future this place is really fucking old man...

You: where is everyone?

You: damn

Stranger: probably dead

Stranger: hey the door closed...

You: uh oh...

You: what are we doin here naow?

Stranger: i guess we re populate the hoping you have a vag under there man...

You: nah.

Stranger: hmm

You: maybe theres a titty bar round here

Stranger: ok

Stranger: which way?

You: mmm... right!

Stranger: ok we walk!

You: *walks a longass way...

Stranger: i think we both came to the conculsion that if we are to be the only 2 people left on earth that means you're the woman right?

You: how do we know were the only ones left?

You: we just got here

Stranger: yea im just saying..

You: well, i got a rod, i aint got no babymaker

Stranger: it doesnt matter you're the woman

Stranger: look man you just are were just going to leave it at that..

You: guess were shit outta luck till we find some ass, huh?

Stranger: yea sure...

You: whazzat?

You: you hear that!

Stranger: what?

You: sounds like a party

Stranger: ok cool

Stranger: where is it?

You: its over there sumwhere

You: *runs to the building with ze party

You: noice!

You: *goes in!

Stranger: i can only hear music

Stranger: where is everyone?

You: probly in the basement

You: that door says basement!

Stranger: why would they be in the basement

You: its a party dude!

You: basementz got lotsa space!

You: *goes into basement

Stranger: there's nobody in here too...

You: where you at?

Stranger: right behind you

You: its dark in here

Stranger: dude is that you?

You: where?

You: i dont think so

Stranger: something just grabbed my ass is that you?

You: im over here

Stranger: over where?

You: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the hell over here

You: by the little ittybitty light

You: and the other door

Stranger: k

You: so who grabbed your toosh?

Stranger: fuck if i know..

You: hmmm... musics a little louder

You: coulda swore i heard people

You: maybe its just me

Stranger: ok go go

You: *goes through

Stranger: this place is creeping me out

You: sweet jesus!

You: its really dark now

Stranger: fuck dude...

Stranger: lets get out of here

You: this futures gonna suck big hairy if theres noone here

You: alright screw it lets go

Stranger: im going back

Stranger: fuck this place

You: sounds good

You: im followin

Stranger: err its too dark...

Stranger: hey the music stopped

You: damn

Stranger: i wish we brought a flashlight instead of snacks...

You: think someone turned it off?

Stranger: or something..

You: *light turns on

You: damnit! too bright

You: gots my phone for light too!

Stranger: oh

Stranger: well i guess we wont be calling anyone...

You: doh...

Stranger: i found the door

You: k

You: same door?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: *goes through

You: cool lets beat feet

You: *goes

Stranger: err hmm...

Stranger: its the same room...

You: ?

Stranger: we've been in this room

Stranger: its like we keep going around in circles

You: well yeah... i fwere goin backwards

Stranger: hmm...

Stranger: how do we get out of here?

You: idk, i went through a door that said basement

You: look for it?

You: oop! foundz it!

You: *goes

Stranger: ok

You: yep

You: were goin the right way now

Stranger: ok

Stranger: feels like some one is looking at us...

You: you got any light on you?

You: i feel it too... damn

Stranger: no

You: dat be scary feelin!

You: idont like it

Stranger: ya


Stranger: we need a weapon

Stranger: polo

You: agreed

You: maybe theres a sporting goods store round here?

Stranger: ok lets look for some

You: kewl

You: leme know when you find one, i gotsa paper to type

Stranger: i found a metal pipe gonna use that until we can get something better

You: k sounds good

Stranger: lets keep moving

You: *follows

Stranger: what is that?

Stranger: i see a light...

You: hmm? where

Stranger: over in that building

Stranger: its fucking dark here..

You: check it out?

Stranger: yea

Stranger: maybe its people

You: alright, lets do it!

Stranger: ok im going up

Stranger: the light is coming from this building

Stranger: *opens door

You: does it have a sign or sumthin?

You: *follows

Stranger: looks like someone was setting a fire

You: we could use a fire

Stranger: holy shit get out of here!!

Stranger: run!!

Stranger: *dies

You: *books ass

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
some of these are hilarious, but im leery of trying it lol.


Tune in, Drop out
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
I had the fastest conversation ever.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Sup?

Stranger: Bitch

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I went to google to find out wtf is Sup? When I discover i was to answer and then... lol

Second chance:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: &#32654;&#22269;&#20154;&#65311;

You: hi

You: oops

Stranger: &#65311;

Stranger: &#20013;&#22269;&#20154;&#65311;

lol I give up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Technically it's not a conversation if only one of you says something....


Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
I just met this 50 year old man, he said he really likes young boys, he seems nice.

Seriously though, check out this guy:
You: Hey

Stranger: hey

You: I'm Liam

Stranger: from england?

You: Yeah

Stranger: my friend knows you!

You: Oh, really?

Stranger: yeah.. anke you know from holland


Not banned
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Stranger: Can you show me your boobs?

I didn&#180;t know I was a girl ??:lol:

You: Hi

Stranger: heyy

You: don&#180;t tell me you&#180;re a guy searching a girl cause I&#180;m not

You: so?

Stranger: afff

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Stranger: .......&#8230;&#8230;......................................... ....... .................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. ......................... ....'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
.................................................. ......................... ........|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
.................................................. ......................... ...,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
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