Michael Jackson is dead.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Beale Air Force Base, CA (Yuba City)
Michael is, was, and most defintely still is the man. I may joke about it, but I don't think for even one second that he ever touched a kid inappropriately.

Strangely enough, Matt and Trey probably had it right in their Michael Jackson episode of South Park. Michael had an extremely fucked up childhood that consisted of him -- and remember this is at age FOUR -- either getting up on stage and sacrificing his entire youth to sing and dance, or getting the everloving SHIT beat out of him by his own father.

This resulted in a man who, now having limitless access to an untold amount of riches, attempting to recreate the childhood he never experienced. Unfortunately, this was perverted by the fact that he just was not himself a child, but an adult, and in our society any adult who likes the company of a child is automatically a child molester.

Hell, any guy sitting in a park just enjoying his own surroundings gets strange looks and assumptions of pedophilia. Our society is shit, to be honest.

But we haven't even begun to scrape the tip of the iceberg, here. As the days, weeks, months, and years pass, we're probably going to see one of two things happen. His story will get even more bizarre and twisted as strange facts come out describing his later years, or he is going to be completely and publicly exonerated of all negative images and stereotypes. There are just TOO many people out there who were positively affected by him and his music for his later years to change any perception of him.

There are a few defining generations of fans of Michael. Those who were around for his early years during the Jackson 5 days and who may or may not have continued following him during his career, and there are those of us who grew up idolizing the man during the 1980s and early 1990s.

My generation experienced the flashy Michael Jackson who literally floated on the dance floor, who defied gravity and walked on the moon whilst still being anchored to our earth. And when we saw this, we wanted to do it too. We practiced and practiced, and most likely we were absolutely shit at it, but we were convinced that we could moonwalk like the master. And when we saw another kid doing it, we would immediately jump up and show him how it was truly done -- even though we were awful.

Michael Jackson was a pop star that transcended nearly all generational divides. He REDEFINED pop music, acting as not just a singer, but co-producing a lot of his stuff. I won't sit here and act like he was responsible for all of his own music, but you're fucking dead wrong if you think all he did was sing. The way he moved captured the imagination of every kid who saw him around the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. Popular opinion of him may have shifted in the late 90s and 2000s in the US, but in the rest of the world he is just as loved now as he was the day he first moonwalked to Billy Jean.

I believe that unless some crippling and damning evidence comes out soon that "Whacko Jacko" will be almost completely wiped from the memory of US pop history, as well.

Stream of consciousness post over, maybe I'll organize it into something more presentable tomorrow.


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Ambiente Savante
Apr 4, 2008
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Somerville, MA (formerly Seoul)
its definately a shame

a.) im surprised this didnt happen earlier from all the shit he was dealing with
b.) he didnt turn into a faerie and fly away back into space
c.) pull and men in black and expose that an alien race is actually living among us

poor (mentally) MJ


Giant Fridge Magnet
Dec 9, 2006
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Paris, France.
Two words : Beat It! One of the best song on earth!
That man redefined pop music, that's pretty good in my book hehe

@Clydefrog : We say the exact same thing and I didn't read your post before I posted :) I guess it's a common thought :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Plymouth, Devon, UK
Michael is, was, and most defintely still is the man. I may joke about it, but I don't think for even one second that he ever touched a kid inappropriately.

Strangely enough, Matt and Trey probably had it right in their Michael Jackson episode of South Park. Michael had an extremely fucked up childhood that consisted of him -- and remember this is at age FOUR -- either getting up on stage and sacrificing his entire youth to sing and dance, or getting the everloving SHIT beat out of him by his own father.

This resulted in a man who, now having limitless access to an untold amount of riches, attempting to recreate the childhood he never experienced. Unfortunately, this was perverted by the fact that he just was not himself a child, but an adult, and in our society any adult who likes the company of a child is automatically a child molester.

Hell, any guy sitting in a park just enjoying his own surroundings gets strange looks and assumptions of pedophilia. Our society is shit, to be honest.

But we haven't even begun to scrape the tip of the iceberg, here. As the days, weeks, months, and years pass, we're probably going to see one of two things happen. His story will get even more bizarre and twisted as strange facts come out describing his later years, or he is going to be completely and publicly exonerated of all negative images and stereotypes. There are just TOO many people out there who were positively affected by him and his music for his later years to change any perception of him.

There are a few defining generations of fans of Michael. Those who were around for his early years during the Jackson 5 days and who may or may not have continued following him during his career, and there are those of us who grew up idolizing the man during the 1980s and early 1990s.

My generation experienced the flashy Michael Jackson who literally floated on the dance floor, who defied gravity and walked on the moon whilst still being anchored to our earth. And when we saw this, we wanted to do it too. We practiced and practiced, and most likely we were absolutely shit at it, but we were convinced that we could moonwalk like the master. And when we saw another kid doing it, we would immediately jump up and show him how it was truly done -- even though we were awful.

Michael Jackson was a pop star that transcended nearly all generational divides. He REDEFINED pop music, acting as not just a singer, but co-producing a lot of his stuff. I won't sit here and act like he was responsible for all of his own music, but you're fucking dead wrong if you think all he did was sing. The way he moved captured the imagination of every kid who saw him around the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. Popular opinion of him may have shifted in the late 90s and 2000s in the US, but in the rest of the world he is just as loved now as he was the day he first moonwalked to Billy Jean.

I believe that unless some crippling and damning evidence comes out soon that "Whacko Jacko" will be almost completely wiped from the memory of US pop history, as well.

Stream of consciousness post over, maybe I'll organize it into something more presentable tomorrow.

You sir are a fucking legend! That was an EPIC post and I couldn't agree more!

Rep to you!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Hoorn,The Netherlands
am i the only one that doesnt really care he died? sure it sucks that hes dead but what the hell only because he makes some fancy songs his death is suddenly more important then something else.

every day people die...

and every one that is exploding to tell jokes DELIVER TO ME i love them

and now i feel like a bastard with no emotions:noplease:


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jul 23, 2007
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Cambridgeshire, UK

Fuckin ay my man, very very well said, that's exactly what I was saying to my gf last night when we first heard. I mean, as I already said in a previous post, his death - over anyone elses ever - is going to be more publicly and acceptably mocked. I mean, we haven't even got out of the first 24 hours yet and people are getting text messages, people have made websites for fucks sake!! It took at least a week for the first seatbelt joke to emerge when Diana died!

Eccentric or not, I think it's unacceptable to point the finger at the man without giving it some thought. His involvement with children was merely escapism. Who else builds a theme park in their back garden ffs! People even get iffy about that! Like it was some elaborate kiddie trap or something, pfft. :rolleyes:

Michael said it best himself (I think it was in that Oprah interview) - We all immediately associate the bedroom with sex. The bedroom is just where you sleep, and as a child it's where you play.

So a few money hungry bitches with kids come along and get their kid to testify for money and fame because they know he's eccentric enough for the seed of doubt to be planted. And it snowballed, big time, and now we've ended up here - it's perfectly acceptable for everyone (I bet even professional comedians do it soon too) to cheapen his life and disrespect his death.


Elderly juvenile
Jun 11, 2008
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Johannesburg, South Africa
- it's perfectly acceptable for everyone (I bet even professional comedians do it soon too) to cheapen his life and disrespect his death.

It was acceptable to take the piss out of him while he was alive, why should this change? Sorry, that would be hypocritical. There are always jokes at death - one of the funniest things that ever happened to my family was as a direct result of my father dying and it was a necessary part of the process - and no matter how crass they may be they frequently cover deep emotional pain.

However, back to the subject: I was never a fan but the man was a genius.


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Cambridgeshire, UK
Right, so, because we were already at it when he was alive we shouldn't stop, cos ya know, that would be a real inconvenience. :/

I'm sure the event with your father was legitimate grief and of course necessary, as you say, but I'll be fucked if the people creating websites and sending texts are doing it because they're deeply grieved and need a release :lol: Come the fuck on son, pull the other one. All I'm saying is I bet the unwritten rules fly out the fuckin window on this one. There will be no grace period before the pros have at it.

Jade Goodie was a fucking tool, and a much more vile and useless person than Michael Jackson, and now look. The press made her into a fucking saint and now you can't mention her name without people letting out enormously over proportioned sighs of whoa.


Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score
RIP and fuck all of the people who made your life a total misery and who will still continue to use your name to make money :noplease:

Michael Jackson is still a fantastic artist and just became immortal :hbang:

Respect for what you've accomplished :bowdown:


Elderly juvenile
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Johannesburg, South Africa
Jade Goodie was a fucking tool, and a much more vile and useless person than Michael Jackson, and now look. The press made her into a fucking saint and now you can't mention her name without people letting out enormously over proportioned sighs of whoa.

No dissent there. I'm at a loss trying to explain what's happened to the British public, where the fuck has the famous British reserve gone? It looks like it left the day the bimbo and the tunnel met.... I cannot believe the outpourings of public grief that seem to have become commonplace in the UK.

Yes a lot of what's being said and written is cruel and more than likely unjust (since nothing was ever proven or disproven I'll reserve all opinions). It always happens.


ERG Ambassador
Jan 12, 2006
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Like i said before, I´m very sad with this fact and I still find it hard to believe. Sure, he wasn´t active for a long time, but it doesn´t matter, I had faith in his comeback and I wanted to see him rocking again.

My first record ever was a We Are the World vynil and I remember asking my mother to buy it to me just because MJ was in it. I still have this record and Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad (I never had Dangerous but I want to listen to it now).

Thinking deeper about it, I was reading a newspaper, and while everyone calls him King of Pop I think his legacy is deeper. He is a milestone in music, not just in pop, musicians of every possible style are fans of him and his impact was just something that can´t be topped.

I appreciate him more like a King of Music than just a King of Pop. A true artist, for real. And he even helped me like Rock and Metal with stuff like Beat It, which is just pure fucking rock with Eddie Van Halen on guitar.

And what I think is also cool is that he composed stuff for my other favorite hobby: Games! Moonwalker, of course, and even the soundtrack to Sonic 3, disguised as Scirocco in the credits! And he also composed Do the Bartman, from the Simpsons soundtrack, in the early nineties. Awesome stuff!!

Even though he had lots of problems and controversy, his legacy is bigger, and that´s what matters! Michael, I never can say goodbye to you... :(


Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
RIP and fuck all of the people who made his life a total misery!

Michael Jackson was a fantastic artist and just became immortal :hbang:

I completely agree. I never knew life without him. He just seemed larger than life ya know? His amount of success is astronomical... that alone should move people.

BTW, if any of you New Yorkers heard a guy driving around in a Ford Explorer blasting Michael Jackson in the Holland Tunnel...it was me. :hbang:


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lanark, Ontario
Considering everyone spent the last 20 years making a freak show of the poor man, I'm not at all behind the endless array of tributes I know are coming.

Rest well, Mr. Jackson. That's all I have to say on the matter.


ERG Ambassador
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
I completely agree. I never knew life without him. He just seemed larger than life ya know? His amount of success is astronomical... that alone should move people.

BTW, if any of you New Yorkers heard a guy driving around in a Ford Explorer blasting Michael Jackson in the Holland Tunnel...it was me. :hbang:

I did the same thing yesterday, just cranked a lot of MJ with the windows opened so everyone could hear it!! :D :hbang:


ERG Ambassador
Jan 12, 2006
Reaction score
A cool thing he did and not everyone knows it was him, although the sound is totally related to him. :D

Bart Simpson - Do the Bartman


Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
the thing about Michael Jackson that always struck me was not only his amazing voice control and dancing skills, but his charisma as well.

it seems strange to me that he was so infintile when on stage he seemed so emotionally mature. I'll never understand why that was.

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