NDG! Pink Quilt Carvin DC800 *LOTS OF PICS ADDED* (or fixed)

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Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score
New Windsor

So, I was originally very disappointed when I opened the case this afternoon. Carvin - despite numerous phone calls and detailed emails - managed to seriously %$@ up the specs of this build. First of all, I wanted the whole guitar to be walnut. It's not. I only wanted the top and top of the head stock painted. They painted the whole body all the way around. Thirdly, I wanted the DTS finish (for those of you in Rio Linda, that's the deep triple stain - where they stain the quilt black, then sand it down, then put the color on to make it look more 3 dimensional).

Some minor gripes are some very small black spots or dirt or oil or something near some of the fret ends. The flamed maple board is pretty unremarkable too. Anyway; here's some pics:









It's very beautiful; Carvin NAILED exactly the color I wanted.
But Ah, the disappointment I felt when I opened the case and immediately noticed they skipped the DTS...
Like I said; it's VERY nice; if only they had created the guitar that I ordered...
Then I noticed it was supposed to be (a) not painted on the sides and back and (b) completely walnut.
Like I mentioned in my NGD post over at the CarvinBBS; the headstock really highlights how perfect the color is against the cream truss rod cover, the chrome hardware, maple fretboard, and pearl tuners.

So; as upset as I am with them for botching this in so many ways (including taking 3 weeks to even process the order... Don't get me started on THAT blunder...) I will admit that after I got back from the gym to blow off steam about these shenannigans and a cathartic trip to the music store to buy a TS808 reissue, I have been playing it non-stop for the last 3 hours. I don't think I even did that with my first Carvin DC747.

So for now I think I'm gonna suck it up and keep it as long as they refund me for the neglected DTS. I probably won't order from them again unless the specs are completely dummy-proof. This was an option 50 cause of the color (apparently pink guitars don't sell?) so I can't return it for a refund an %$# me if I'm gonna wait another 9 weeks for a rebuild of essentially the same guitar. Plus I'm sure every returned guitar cuts into Carvin's bottom line thus forcing the prices up for the next guy...

I'm recording a project with some other dudes from the CarvinBBS so I should have a sound sample for y'all in week or so. This thing screams and sings. It's a joy to play. Again, it's just too bad it isn't the guitar I ordered.

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5 7s in 4ths
Jan 26, 2011
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East Texas
Man! Sorry to hear about the trouble! But you certainly received a beautiful guitar! Congrats on that!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
If it's any consolation it's a beautiful guitar! If there was a difference in price for walnut for body wings ask that too.


Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score
New Windsor
It really is a joy to play. Plus, like I was telling the guys at the CarvinBBS; even if they built it to my exact specs, the 'NGD' excitement would wear off sooner or later anyhow. Maybe it's better this way, no? To be not-so-thrilled about a guitar but grow to love it over time? I dunno. I'm torn. I really don't feel like waiting another 6-12 weeks for a rebuild which may again have spec issues and or other problems (though Carvin rarely, if ever, ships lemons).

Besides, when I look down at the neck/body as I play, it looks how I imagined it would look. My only gripe cosmetically is that when I turn it around, it's painted and not the right wood.

BUT - I'm not a tonewood believer; I ordered the walnut just for looks. Perhaps it's best that it's alder; it's actually surprisingly lightweight, which I'm sure will be good for my back over the years.

I dunno.

I dunno I dunno I dunno. I guess I have 10 days to decide for sure if I'm gonna keep it or ask for a rebuild.


Los Cochinos
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Definitely understand how you feel about them screwing-up on the build, but damn...that is one beautiful guitar - that pink looks f'ing awesome!


Set up us the bomb
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Kopervik, Norway
Honestly I think what you got is better than what you had spec'd out. It's disappointing to get something that isn't the way you had hoped, because you get super excited and then you get something that is the opposite. Trust me, I KNOW what that feels like, I ordered a Roter :lol:

Alder is a GREAT wood for low tunings. It's resonant, lightweight, and lends itself very well for tightness and clarity. Walnut tends to be very heavy, and I'm guessing not as resonant.

The finish looks great to be honest, it's very nice and bright, but it's all a matter of taste anyway.

Lorcan Ward

May 15, 2009
Reaction score
IMO it looks awesome and the pink back goes really well with the top. I'd be happy with it but I'd make sure Carvin know that the messed up your order and some compensation should be given.


Truth Over Triumph
Oct 16, 2011
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New Jersey
BUT - I'm not a tonewood believer

Pink is not my color, but it really is a nice guitar, however, care to explain your rational behind this statement? How different wood does NOT affect guitar tone...?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Gloucester, VA
I really like the headstock and the way the walnut with maple stripe neck looks. Overall looks really sweet too bad it wasn't what you ordered.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
I can't see them either now, but could this morning. If the Carvin guys are willing to make rebuild even though you mentioned an option 50 and think in the long run it is going to bug you then go for a rebuild. It is a beautiful guitar but I can understand the feeling of ordering something to the specs you wanted and end up with something different. It depends on what kind of person you are, if the sound and feel of the guitar outweighs difference in specs.

Rap Hat

Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Danbury, CT
Pink is not my color, but it really is a nice guitar, however, care to explain your rational behind this statement? How different wood does NOT affect guitar tone...?

I'm not the OP, but I have a similar stance. In an electric guitar, your sound is produced by the pickups amplifying the strings vibrations. Unlike an acoustic, there's no soundboard producing the sound. The density and weight of the specific cut may affect something like sustain, but maple in general isn't going to cause the pickups to pick up a sharper attack, nor is mahogany going to cause the strings to be bassier.
There's also much to be said for construction methods and individual wood density causing people to hear what they want. Things like pickups being wound very slightly differently, a denser piece of wood, a hair more bridge wear and strings with 30 minutes less play can make 2 of the "same" guitars sound very different. There's also the acoustic tone. An electric may sound a certain way unplugged, so people assume this translates to an amplified tone. I can't tell you how many guitars I've had that sound dull, muted and all around awful unplugged, but absolutely shine when plugged in.
People are very good at convincing themselves that something's true: I remember a while back someone mentioned how they wanted to use ebony, since it's a super dark sounding wood. Some other people came in and claimed that ebony is super bright with a bell-like attack, and iirc the first person claimed that it would sound different as a neck and found something online to back that up. If wood species did make an audible and instantly noticeable difference, I think there would be much less confusion and dispute.

My personal experience is what led me to this stance. I've had maple guitars which are unbearably dark, ebony boarded guitars that sound exactly the same as rosewood ones, and mahogany guitars that, if you went by conventional knowledge, would have to be maple and walnut.

And back to the OP, I can't see pics either :(. I'm really curious how a pink DC800 looks!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
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I can't see the pictures either, even though they have been visible when I first visited the thread.

I'm not the OP, but I have a similar stance. In an electric guitar, your sound is produced by the pickups amplifying the strings vibrations. Unlike an acoustic, there's no soundboard producing the sound. The density and weight of the specific cut may affect something like sustain, but maple in general isn't going to cause the pickups to pick up a sharper attack, nor is mahogany going to cause the strings to be bassier.
There's also much to be said for construction methods and individual wood density causing people to hear what they want. Things like pickups being wound very slightly differently, a denser piece of wood, a hair more bridge wear and strings with 30 minutes less play can make 2 of the "same" guitars sound very different. There's also the acoustic tone. An electric may sound a certain way unplugged, so people assume this translates to an amplified tone. I can't tell you how many guitars I've had that sound dull, muted and all around awful unplugged, but absolutely shine when plugged in.
People are very good at convincing themselves that something's true: I remember a while back someone mentioned how they wanted to use ebony, since it's a super dark sounding wood. Some other people came in and claimed that ebony is super bright with a bell-like attack, and iirc the first person claimed that it would sound different as a neck and found something online to back that up. If wood species did make an audible and instantly noticeable difference, I think there would be much less confusion and dispute.

I've built several guitars myself and made the experience that different woods have different eigen frequencies and therefore influence the frequencies of the strings.
How else could you explain live spots and dead spots on electric guitars?
But in the end, it always comes down to a matter of taste and what different people think they could hear.

But, back to the topic. ;)
I don't really like pink guitars, but that one is really amazing. Still it is unacceptable that several specs of your order were not considered during the build. If I were in your place, I'd ask for a refund, or rebuild.
Cause IMHO, ordering a custom or semi-custom is always about meeting all your requirements and specs. If these specs are not met, you need to make a compromise. But exactly this is what you want to avoid when ordering a custom guitar.


Custom Monkey
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Traverse City, MI
Even without the triple step stain process, that thing is your sister's tits! If they did do the triple step, it would be even better, though.

About the tonewood debate... I've been told by a very respectable luthier that with a neck through guitar or bass, that the wood used for the wings plays a minimal part in the tone, as the strings are anchored to the same piece of wood at both ends. Unless you have a top wood, of course. I'm sure the wings will have an effect as far as dead spots are concerned, though. My 2nd hand 2 cents, anyway.


Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
I have to tell you that I would never order a pink guitar, but that thing is bad ass! I know its not quite what you ordered but man that thing is f*cking cool.:hbang:

(I got a kick out of the Rio Linda ref):lol: