NGD 10 string Rotor

  • Thread starter Waelstrum
  • Start date
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Set up us the bomb
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Kopervik, Norway
Alright, so i want you to check some stuff for me:

Is the neck flat? Not just thin, but literally flat, with rounded corners?

How is the fret job? Any fret buzz?

How is the string spacing from the edges of the fretboard?

Bend the strings on the first and second frets. Do they stay in their nut slots?

How stable is the neck? Try holding the axe by the horns while a string is ringing out, and then hold it so it's belly against the floor. That is, play the string while the guitar is in the normal position, then turn it to face the floor. Does it go out of tune badly?

How much can you bend the pitch by pushing on the back of the neck?

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No privacy hedge.
Dec 10, 2009
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Ann Arbor, MI
Alright, so i want you to check some stuff for me:

Is the neck flat? Not just thin, but literally flat, with rounded corners?

How is the fret job? Any fret buzz?

How is the string spacing from the edges of the fretboard?

Bend the strings on the first and second frets. Do they stay in their nut slots?

How stable is the neck? Try holding the axe by the horns while a string is ringing out, and then hold it so it's belly against the floor. That is, play the string while the guitar is in the normal position, then turn it to face the floor. Does it go out of tune badly?

How much can you bend the pitch by pushing on the back of the neck?

Even reading those questions makes me cringe.


All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Alright, so i want you to check some stuff for me:

Is the neck flat? Not just thin, but literally flat, with rounded corners?
It is quite flat, but it is slightly thicker on the bass side of the neck as you get closer to the head stock.

How is the fret job? Any fret buzz?
There is a bit, but I'm still in the process of tuning it up (the high strings take a while). I'll get back to this later.

How is the string spacing from the edges of the fretboard?
On the bass side it's fine, but on the highest string slips off a bit too easily.

Bend the strings on the first and second frets. Do they stay in their nut slots?
Yeah, the nut seems to be fine.

How stable is the neck? Try holding the axe by the horns while a string is ringing out, and then hold it so it's belly against the floor. That is, play the string while the guitar is in the normal position, then turn it to face the floor. Does it go out of tune badly?
It flattens, but less than a quarter tone.

How much can you bend the pitch by pushing on the back of the neck?

A semitone. I think I remember seeing Billy Sheehan get his bass to bend down a minor third doing this, so this doesn't worry me too much. I'll look for the video now.

EDIT: well he does a minor second here, but I remember him saying that he could get down to a low B at a bass workshop when he came down to Australia.


Dec 22, 2009
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Somewhere in New York
Congratulations on receiving your guitar! Neither I nor Roter have the slightest idea where mine is. After the wait I hope you don't have the usual Roter issues.


All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
I was told it was shipped in early January, and it only got here now. My contact in Poland said that the cheapest shipping service does not track their freight, and takes a very long time to get anything anywhere. Since the shipping was included in the original cost, I'm guessing that he used this cheap shipping service. This also means that Sebastian himself probably doesn't know where the guitars he sent are, nor when they'll get there. I think that this means that everyone is actually quite likely to get their guitars eventually, they're just going to be arriving about eight months after they're sent (give or take).


Vallz und Veinaz
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Pluto Planet
I was told it was shipped in early January, and it only got here now. My contact in Poland said that the cheapest shipping service does not track their freight, and takes a very long time to get anything anywhere. Since the shipping was included in the original cost, I'm guessing that he used this cheap shipping service. This also means that Sebastian himself probably doesn't know where the guitars he sent are, nor when they'll get there. I think that this means that everyone is actually quite likely to get their guitars eventually, they're just going to be arriving about eight months after they're sent (give or take).

Shit, that means mine won't arrive until next year. Hahahaha

But on a serious note, I'm happy that you actually received your Rotor, my friend.


Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yorkshire, U.K
^ Nope, the tuning is correct. G#0 being a 5 string bass tuned down from B to G#.

Congrats, looks really good :)


All Fourths Advocate
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
For frame of reference, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic in five weeks. In 1492.

But how long did it take for him to get to Australia? :fawk::lol:

Are you sure it isn't G#1 C#1 F#2 B2 E3 A3 D4 G4 C5 F5? 0 is preeeetty low...

Are you basing those octave numbers on guitar pro? Because it has the octave numbers of the written note rather than the sounding note (as guitars are a transposing instrument that play an octave below what is written).