NGD: Chapman Ghost Fret

  • Thread starter ExtremophileElite
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
I've spent waaaaaay too much time at work messing with this instead of actually..ya know..working :lol:


but yeah not referring to you bro, if you want the small amount or the full refund then go all in for it. You prb were the first one not to notice, but the one to actually start a big talk about it

I think most ppl wont care much about the refund process to get that money (prob thats what they are hopping for lol ) but great for them to offer that option.

At the end of the day is still a great guitar for what it seems, and his guitar still has the korean bridge, so I guess it works.

but I still recon you should change the pickups for chrome cover ones. They look sick on Robs guitar

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Pikka Bird

Vaya Con Cornholio
Sep 3, 2009
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Odense; Denmark
I don't buy the ignorance explanation. He did a ton of videos to promote it (when he had a production model in his hands) and referred to the bridge as hipshot. Some dude of the other forum pulled up some great clips.

You'd be surprised at the amount of people who can't tell one part from another. Even some people who claim to be die hard Ibanez fanboys can't tell most of their trems apart. For instance, read through the first pages of this thread. How many people spotted this one as a no-brand rando bridge?

I think Rob, for all his grandeur, is just not a details-guy, which I've suspected for a long time from watching his channel. However, it seems odd that nobody in his company spotted this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
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Copenhagen, DK
Can't say I'm surprised about his response. It's a shame it took so long for the noise to be heard, but he handled it like a pro imo. I personally wouldn't even bother with the refund for the simple fact that it is a small business where every penny counts, he offered to make it right with a small refund (edit:rather, it's a pretty generous refund for what it is.) despite it eating into profits (I'm sure), and things have been corrected informationwise.

Kudos, Chapman.

I am pretty sure Chapman is good for quite a large amount. Both based on adds from his youtube channel, income from his guitars and I suppose Andertons also pay him quite a bit for doing videos for them. So i don't think this is something that in any way shape or form treatens his "small business".
Contrary I am more worried about that many people that should get this refund will not get it, simply because no one told them. I doubt Chappers will actually do a video where he tells people that they are supposed to get a refund.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
I am pretty sure Chapman is good for quite a large amount. Both based on adds from his youtube channel, income from his guitars and I suppose Andertons also pay him quite a bit for doing videos for them. So i don't think this is something that in any way shape or form treatens his "small business".
Contrary I am more worried about that many people that should get this refund will not get it, simply because no one told them. I doubt Chappers will actually do a video where he tells people that they are supposed to get a refund.

I dont think he would do a video either (but who knows). As a business point of view its bad to do so, they would loose a lot of money. The "real fans", those who are on the forum, they read about the refound and maybe half of them would claim it? or mayority? I dont know. I wouldnt as it seems too much trouble for 60$ for something it cant be fixed and it doesnt botter me too much, but if he makes a viral video about it, then everyone who doesnt give a crap about him or the brand would ask a full refund of the guitar (like hey, free guitar no? )

same way when a car company does a recall for a small thing, they wont public advertise it, as its a big loss of money, but they still have to do so, but they are not going to chase you up for it. You would be surprise on how many people wont know that their car has a factory recall, unless its a death-treath-danger thing,= they wont go too public about it

the ones who bought the guitar and dont know about brands and specs wont care about what the guitar comes with, those are the ones who would prob claim the full refund trying to get a "free guitar" so in a way better they dont find out about the deal. The ones who are that picky and guitar nerds, like us, they would know about it and either buy the guitar knowing they have korean bridges and the specs on the website are wrong, and be happy about the guitar as they knew from the begining. Or the ones who are in places like here actually complaining about it as they felt ripped off, or directly to them. Those would be the ones who would find out about the refund.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
(like hey, free guitar no? )

those are the ones who would prob claim the full refund trying to get a "free guitar" so in a way better they dont find out about the deal.

Where on Earth are you getting that refunds means "free guitar"?

Obviously it means that they'd work with the dealers to facilitate a complete return of the guitar for all funds rendered.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
So we’re really left with giving you two options – a cash settlement in lieu of the incorrect hardware, or a refund on your guitar.

I think I read that wrong. I was thinking it meant full refund of the guitar (but you keep the guitar), but now I see it means you return the guitar


my bad :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
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New york
im impressed with chappers response as a lover of the chapman guitar models(my ml1 bea is quickly becoming my number one) its good to see the business side of things is kosher and they went to the lengths they did to ensure their customers are happy.

This isn't the first time world music has had a breakdown of communications with a smaller company. The same thing happened with ormsby last year with the ordering of the production models. The change in management caused a lot of problems for a ton of companies so its no surprise that chapman got hit as well


17 Guitars&Counting
Apr 8, 2014
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Weatherford, TX
im impressed with chappers response as a lover of the chapman guitar models(my ml1 bea is quickly becoming my number one) its good to see the business side of things is kosher and they went to the lengths they did to ensure their customers are happy.

This isn't the first time world music has had a breakdown of communications with a smaller company. The same thing happened with ormsby last year with the ordering of the production models. The change in management caused a lot of problems for a ton of companies so its no surprise that chapman got hit as well
I'm not sure if there is much of anything Chapman can do, but it is a shame that the manufacturer will probably not catch any flak out of this ordeal. They were the ones to replace the branded equipment with the Korean made parts without Chapman's approval. It was their fault they got confused when they had an employee leave and another take his spot. I know it never should have got past Chapman's people, but I guess it goes to show that you gotta cover your own a** and make sure things are getting done right.


Heard the Good News about Maple Fretboards?
Feb 28, 2010
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Denver, PA
I am pretty sure Chapman is good for quite a large amount. Both based on adds from his youtube channel, income from his guitars and I suppose Andertons also pay him quite a bit for doing videos for them. So i don't think this is something that in any way shape or form treatens his "small business".
Contrary I am more worried about that many people that should get this refund will not get it, simply because no one told them. I doubt Chappers will actually do a video where he tells people that they are supposed to get a refund.

I wouldn't equate Chapman Guitars with Rob Chapman's wallet. He's definitely able to do this for a living, but I don't think he's getting Oprah rich off any of this. The scale of Chapman Guitars is minor in comparison to the field that he's trying to get into.
I'm sure they're having WMI comp a good bit of this, but to give back retail rates on the hardware for a sub $1000 guitar is a big move. I'm not sure there are many comparable instances of this that I can recall.


Nov 10, 2015
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Los Angeles

Er, how did you find this and where did it originate? Also, when was the time frame for all this? It says this was posted two months ago but were they referring to Christmas/New Years of 2014 or 2015, or possibly earlier?

Just curious as it puts a few pieces of a number of puzzles in place-- the various issues with the first run of Schecter KMs, the numerous complaints about the first batch of PRS Zach Meyers (although, seemed like PRS was having some QC issues as well-- they were advertising for QC people for the incoming SEs during that period or shortly after), the overall meh quality of the numerous Deans and Schecters and the occasional SE (especially an otherwise beautiful "new" SE Korina what had a tragic crack in the scarf joint of the headstock) that I play-tested from 2013-2014 what I previously mis-attributed to the general overall crappiness of the state of Colorado.

Also, is there more to the story? What was posted to imgur sort of ends abruptly mid-story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2013
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the numerous complaints about the first batch of PRS Zach Meyers

What was wrong with the first lot of Zach Myers, I'm not sure if mine is from the earlier batches or not. I haven't noticed any issues, but would be worth looking for anything specific if it was mentioned...


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2011
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Vicenza, ITA
Eh maybe posting the pics directly would have been better






No idea about what happened or was written after that, maybe someone here has followed the thing?


Heard the Good News about Maple Fretboards?
Feb 28, 2010
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Denver, PA