"Not Worth its own thread" Thread

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resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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I'm the oldest of two and I can say sincerely that my mother treats us the exact same. However, I think she defaults to me for life advice because I'm the weird philosophical kid. My sister and I couldn't be more different in terms of life path. She's successful and I'm an artistic bum, which makes it pretty amusing that I'm the primary advice-giver.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm the oldest of two and I can say sincerely that my mother treats us the exact same. However, I think she defaults to me for life advice because I'm the weird philosophical kid. My sister and I couldn't be more different in terms of life path. She's successful and I'm an artistic bum, which makes it pretty amusing that I'm the primary advice-giver.

My mom was big on go to college, all that bs and dropped out of college to get a job in the trades. She has boomer money, and can't fathom how I bought her dream car without graduating college. Granted it's a 370z, I'm not Mr. Big Dick Money Bags rolling around in a Lambo or something.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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My mom was big on go to college, all that bs and dropped out of college to get a job in the trades. She has boomer money, and can't fathom how I bought her dream car without graduating college. Granted it's a 370z, I'm not Mr. Big Dick Money Bags rolling around in a Lambo or something.

Good work, man. I begged to go to vocational school for high school for plumbing or electrical, but my parents were adamant that I go to trad high school and go get a college degree. I lasted about 1.5 semesters in community college and threw in the towel. Never really did anything with my life. My ma has apologized to me many a time for not letting me do what I felt was right for me way back then, but I don't blame her for my own shortcomings. I'm over it and my mom is one of my best friends nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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Good work, man. I begged to go to vocational school for high school for plumbing or electrical, but my parents were adamant that I go to trad high school and go get a college degree. I lasted about 1.5 semesters in community college and threw in the towel. Never really did anything with my life. My ma has apologized to me many a time for not letting me do what I felt was right for me way back then, but I don't blame her for my own shortcomings. I'm over it and my mom is one of my best friends nowadays.

Ya, I tried college, and it's one of the things my mom still brings up, apparently I have a 145 IQ which is apparently like genius level, and when I did my SAT my score was in the top 1 or 2 percent for the state. Maybe it's because I'm "so smart" but I couldn't stand college, everything was dumbed down. I said fuck that shit, dropped out and got my parents to do some boomer money shit and redo my college fund where my kids could use it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Jacksonville, FL
I can see that being unfair. My buddy has a pool and this year has been playing hell trying to get algae out of it before July 4th. Supposedly the amphibians brought some kind of aggressive algae breed in and now he has to shock it and all their swim trunks every day so it doesn't bloom back. Pools are definitely a labor of love and if you don't have someone to use and maintain it during the summer it can become an albatross. We had a nice one growing up, but it was part of my chores to keep it nice. Pretty easy when you live there, don't have a job, and get most of the summer off from school- otherwise shit on it. Prevention is 90% of the game with pools, which means keeping to the schedule. If nobody is going to do that you might as well dig a hole and throw the money in there.

Our pool is insanely easy to take care of.

We are very lucky, though. It’s on the north facing side of the house, it’s screened in, and it’s salt generated chlorine. I take a sample of the water once a week to the pool store and almost the only thing I ever have to do is add muriatic acid. Occasionally stabilizer on the summer.

I also fill it up with blood. I think that’s the trick.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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Our pool is insanely easy to take care of.

We are very lucky, though. It’s on the north facing side of the house, it’s screened in, and it’s salt generated chlorine. I take a sample of the water once a week to the pool store and almost the only thing I ever have to do is add muriatic acid. Occasionally stabilizer on the summer.

I also fill it up with blood. I think that’s the trick.

I recommend this method. There are surprisingly few pedophiles near me.


\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
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Windsor, ON
Our pool is insanely easy to take care of.

We are very lucky, though. It’s on the north facing side of the house, it’s screened in, and it’s salt generated chlorine. I take a sample of the water once a week to the pool store and almost the only thing I ever have to do is add muriatic acid. Occasionally stabilizer on the summer.

I also fill it up with blood. I think that’s the trick.

I have a similar set-up minus the screened-in part and the blood, probably why I'm having an algae problem.


SS.org Regular
May 29, 2019
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I'm starting to feel like a shill because anytime it's mentioned, I show up lol. I use it. Not a power user or anything, but I love dinking around in it.
I have no first hand experience, just that one of my old bands used it live for using some stems from our ep (keys/synth/drum loops/etc) as well as click tracks. Our drummer would set it all up and control it from a laptop with a little midi keyboard. We were going to get into programming lights with it as well but the band broke up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Pacific NW
I have no first hand experience, just that one of my old bands used it live for using some stems from our ep (keys/synth/drum loops/etc) as well as click tracks. Our drummer would set it all up and control it from a laptop with a little midi keyboard. We were going to get into programming lights with it as well but the band broke up.
If you're doing anything live, I can't imagine there's any better daw since it was originally made with the intent of being used live. I just dwell in my apartment, though haha.
Apparently Bitwig is similar and allegedly more stable, also made by people who used to work at Ableton, so would be another good candidate for live use. The amount of resources as far as tutorials for ableton on the internet is staggering, though, and a great reason for any beginner to learn it imo.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
I'm starting to feel like a shill because anytime it's mentioned, I show up lol. I use it. Not a power user or anything, but I love dinking around in it.
Cool, much appreciated.

I haven't found a DAW that clicks with me in ages. I've produced significant stuff with Reaper but it always feels like a slog. I'll step away from it for a couple months then not remember anything when I come back to it and the support is kinda confusing because everyone sets theirs up differently.

I was fooling around with Studio One for a few months, theres some stuff I liked in there but I really don't like the initial project view and template/layout stuff.

I heard Ableton became much more audio track friendly after 11 and I was surprised I was able to get something resembling a coherent recording just sitting down with it for 15 minutes the first time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Pacific NW
Cool, much appreciated.

I haven't found a DAW that clicks with me in ages. I've produced significant stuff with Reaper but it always feels like a slog. I'll step away from it for a couple months then not remember anything when I come back to it and the support is kinda confusing because everyone sets theirs up differently.
I have limited experience with Reaper, but to me it's like the Linux of DAWs. If you have very little needs, perfect, it will never get in your way. If you're a mad genius, perfect, it can do anything. If you're somewhere in the middle, getting a non-trivial idea out is hard 😅
I was fooling around with Studio One for a few months, theres some stuff I liked in there but I really don't like the initial project view and template/layout stuff.
I've never used Studio One, but have heard good things about it.
I heard Ableton became much more audio track friendly after 11 and I was surprised I was able to get something resembling a coherent recording just sitting down with it for 15 minutes the first time.
That's great, and about what I would expect, too😁 Ableton is like the Fisher-Price of DAWs in my opinion, not because it's limiting, but just because it's pretty easy to pick up and is pretty good at staying out of the way.
And, yeah, I think 11 is when they added comping! Ableton is a full featured daw now, as far as I can tell. It definitely skews toward electronic music, but you can definitely use it for recording instruments. I think people coming from physical instrument background get a bit turned off from Ableton because they see the Session View as the primary workflow, but it has Arrangement View which is like a normal daw and what I work in 99% of the time.

I really love it for so many reasons. The UI being completely uniform and having stock effects and instrument parameters docked at the bottom and visible all the time is huge to me. The stock instruments, like Simpler, are super fun and unique to me as someone coming from a guitar background.
To add context, though, I barely record anything substantial, like I don't write EPs/Albums. I just like making sounds and making music. Like a dude who just plays riffs on his guitars in his garage and does nothing more than that, I open up Ableton, connect effects, synths, sample things, record a few tracks and go 'whoa, cool..." then close it haha.


\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
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Windsor, ON
My fucked up thumb saga from last year continues. About 30% of the nail grew back without adhering to the skin below so there's just a gap between my nail and actual thumb where gunk and beard hair often get stuck. I've been cleaning it out with a metal dental pick whenever stuff gets in there but tried to leave it along to heal for the last 6+ months. Last month I started noticing the nail turning a weeeee bit green, so I santizied the shit out of that pick and went back to work, I also flushed it with hydrogen peroxide under the nail to try to kill any bacteria, but it's still a bit green. Went to the doc's yesterday and she prescribed an anti-fungal nail polish type thing, so that's gonna be my life for the next 6+ weeks. Debating just cutting away the nail that isn't adhered and hoping it grows back normally.


SS.org Regular
May 29, 2019
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Yo this 4th of July sucks balls where I'm at. Not that I planned to let freedom ring or anything, but there's nothing but muggy ass hot air outside with zero sunshine. All clouds. England's revenge.
We're getting rain and you can't buy good fireworks here because they're illegal. And I can't blow anything up because I'm in the city limits. What's a girl to do?