Photography Thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
So one for the camera buffs here. I've had my Samsung for close to a month now and the image quality is great, handling is alright (would prefer different dials compared to the small wheel and lens mounted dial) and even with the 18-55 lens it fits in my jacket pocket, sort of. I've tried though but I just can't get over the lack of viewfinder. The tilting Lcd comes in handy often but I also miss having a viewfinder more than I thought.

So I'm considering returning it and getting something different. The Samsung NX30 is an option But sized more like a dslr so don't know if it is very pocketable. Olympus has a deal going on the O-md E-M10 where if you return your old camera you get an extra €100 discount so it'd be a pretty cheap option including a 14-42 lens. Reviews for it seem alright though nothing stellar.

And then there's the Fuji X Pro 1 and E-X1. I've seen some of you praise Fuji and have heard good things in general. The Pro 1 is available with either an 18mm lens and for the same price I can get the E-X1 with an 18-55.

Any tips? The 18-55 is nice and all but I noticed I don't use the zoom a lot (yay cropping) and it might make it less pocketable. Just an 18mm might be a little too one sides though, and is the X pro 1 that much better than the E-X1?

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Reason User
Sep 11, 2011
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I'll let the Fuji folks chime in on that, but I don't think the E-M10 is going to be very pocketable either (and I'd skip the kit lens - it's junk, as are most kit lenses). I'd recommend a body only and use some of the money saved there to get a proper lens to start shooting (wide aperture prime or a zoom with a wide constant aperture).


Master of Chihuahuas
Jun 14, 2011
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Jacksonville, FL
Shoot with your phone! I love shooting with my phone, but I realize it isn't for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
The Fujis and Olympus are roughly the same size it seems. The nx300 is very small though the 18-55 lens adds a lot of size. I think with a small lens the Olympus would fit my pockets (read coat/jacket pockets, not jeans) decently. I'd love to hear some more opinions though. I'd get a used Pentax in a heartbeat if Dslr cams weren't so huge, too bad there's no decent K mount mirrorless anymore :(

The X Pro 1 with 18mm lens looms looks best right now but I'll give it some more thought and maybe drop by the dealer again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
For those without a viewfinder you could get a sun hood or an LCD Viewfinder to make better use of the LCD; although it makes your camera obviously much less pocketable and a lot more conspicuous. :lol:

People typically use them with video work, but it helps when the sun is right in your face and the LCD might as well not even be there.


Уродливый, но честны
Aug 30, 2007
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成都, 中国
The Fujis and Olympus are roughly the same size it seems. The nx300 is very small though the 18-55 lens adds a lot of size. I think with a small lens the Olympus would fit my pockets (read coat/jacket pockets, not jeans) decently. I'd love to hear some more opinions though. I'd get a used Pentax in a heartbeat if Dslr cams weren't so huge, too bad there's no decent K mount mirrorless anymore :(

The X Pro 1 with 18mm lens looms looks best right now but I'll give it some more thought and maybe drop by the dealer again.

If pocketability is important to you, skipping the Fuji might be the thing to do. I bought the X100S because of its perceived portability, and I don't use it any more than I use my Canon 6D, to be honest. If you're looking at shooting with a prime and want small, you may want to look into the Ricoh GR which also comes with an 18.3mm lens (28mm equiv.). It's cheaper and more pocketable than the Fuji, and it's got its reputation for a reason. I've been considering selling my Fuji and grabbing a Ricoh for that very reason and kind of regret not going that route in the first place because, like you, the lack of viewfinder didn't sit well with me. FWIW though, the Ricoh can be paired with an external viewfinder which you get for free if you order from B&H.

side note, I shot some promo stuff for a pub yesterday, and love how this photo of the cooks through the pass came out.



Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
those add on viewfinders don't offer any information or useful control over focus etc though do they? If that's the case I could just get one for my current Samsung but I'd rather have one that gives me some info and control much like on a dslr.

Edit: I also think my 'pocketable' remark mightve been confusing. When I said that I just meant 'not dslr sized' like some of the higher end Samsung and Sony mirrorless cams, not necessarily the tinier cameras to fit into a small pocket.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
That info may very well be on the viewfinder. I have an extended LCD that goes from my hdmi port and if I wanted to I can display all the info that's on the LCD to the second screen. Considering a viewfinder is essentially a second screen I don't see why it wouldn't be present.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
It is on some cameras (the Samsung nx200 had one that connected to the hotshoe and then an extra nub that went into a data socket) but the optical ones for the Ricoh mentioned earlier don't do that, they're purely viewfinders for those who prefer composing through them.


The White-Knuckler
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sarnia, ON, Canada
So one for the camera buffs here. I've had my Samsung for close to a month now and the image quality is great, handling is alright (would prefer different dials compared to the small wheel and lens mounted dial) and even with the 18-55 lens it fits in my jacket pocket, sort of. I've tried though but I just can't get over the lack of viewfinder. The tilting Lcd comes in handy often but I also miss having a viewfinder more than I thought.

So I'm considering returning it and getting something different. The Samsung NX30 is an option But sized more like a dslr so don't know if it is very pocketable. Olympus has a deal going on the O-md E-M10 where if you return your old camera you get an extra €100 discount so it'd be a pretty cheap option including a 14-42 lens. Reviews for it seem alright though nothing stellar.

And then there's the Fuji X Pro 1 and E-X1. I've seen some of you praise Fuji and have heard good things in general. The Pro 1 is available with either an 18mm lens and for the same price I can get the E-X1 with an 18-55.

Any tips? The 18-55 is nice and all but I noticed I don't use the zoom a lot (yay cropping) and it might make it less pocketable. Just an 18mm might be a little too one sides though, and is the X pro 1 that much better than the E-X1?

I'd stay away from the X Pro 2 and E1 IMHO. They autofocus too slowly, so unless you're shooting stationary objects, I think you'll find it frustrating. I'd say get the X-E2 at the very least.

I looked into the Olympus E-M10. The reviews just point out what it's missing from the E-M5 and M1. It's a great camera. The body isn't much different, but the lenses will be significantly smaller than Fuji. Definitely check it out. Play with one in a store and see how it feels.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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West Coast, The Netherlands
Thanks Phil, thats the kind of stuff the Fuji fanclub on dpreview doesn't tell :lol:. I was under the impression that the focus issues with the Fujis were already fixed through firmware updates.

When you say smaller lens do you mean aperture wise or physically? Wouldn't mind the latter. Right now the Oly is pretty cheap so it'd be a good option. I'll head down to the store this week and try some stuff.


The White-Knuckler
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sarnia, ON, Canada
Thanks Phil, thats the kind of stuff the Fuji fanclub on dpreview doesn't tell :lol:. I was under the impression that the focus issues with the Fujis were already fixed through firmware updates.

When you say smaller lens do you mean aperture wise or physically? Wouldn't mind the latter. Right now the Oly is pretty cheap so it'd be a good option. I'll head down to the store this week and try some stuff.

They're definitely better through the firmware updates, but they're still considered pretty slow by current standards. I haven't spent much time with the X Pro, but when I played with one in the store, the focus was definitely slower. If you like to shoot moving things or low light, I'd probably avoid it as your only camera.

The M4/3 lenses are physically smaller. Since they need to project an image over a smaller sensor than DSLRs, they can make the lenses smaller while still taking in the same amount of light (a M4/3 1.8 lens lets in the same amount of light as a full frame 1.8 lens, but is probably 1/3 or so of the size).


Master of Chihuahuas
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
So I definitely just ripped Phil off by taking shots of a smoker smoking.

Meat, that is. Meat smoking.


Also, NGD! Got a fantastic deal on an Alvarez acoustic.

alvarez by nrrfed, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
Reaction score
West Coast, The Netherlands
They're definitely better through the firmware updates, but they're still considered pretty slow by current standards. I haven't spent much time with the X Pro, but when I played with one in the store, the focus was definitely slower. If you like to shoot moving things or low light, I'd probably avoid it as your only camera.

The M4/3 lenses are physically smaller. Since they need to project an image over a smaller sensor than DSLRs, they can make the lenses smaller while still taking in the same amount of light (a M4/3 1.8 lens lets in the same amount of light as a full frame 1.8 lens, but is probably 1/3 or so of the size).
Makes sense, yeah.

Thanks for the comments on the focus again, that's a point worth noticing.

Also, now that I've got the NX300 dad has gotten into photography again as well. Considering his pretty vast collection of K-mount lenses he's looking into getting an entry/mid range Pentax DSLR. What's good these days? From cheapest to slightly more expensive there's the K500, K50 and KS1. The K5II is a couple hundred more expensive than either of those and we've seen used regular K5's for around the same price as a K500 or K50.


Master of Chihuahuas
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
I use the K5ii myself and it's a great body, but I can also heartily recommend the K50. It has a great sensor and like you said, it'll mount all those old K-mount lens.


The White-Knuckler
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sarnia, ON, Canada
First photo post in a while. I've been busy lately and everything I've been shooting I've just been posting to Facebook from my phone. This is the first raw Lightroom edit in a while. I've been bringing my camera to work since I started, and it finally paid off. I haven't gotten the chance to shoot at work yet, but I came out at the end of my shift today and caught the tail end of a crazy sunset.

Late to the sunset by philbabbey, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Los Angeles, CA
Hey dudes, it's been a while.

Last you heard from me, I was shooting set photos while crewing. Well now, I'm pursuing cinematography full-time and haven't really been shooting many pictures but rather short films and narrative work!

It's been quite a journey, but I think I finally have a decent reel to share with you guys.

Let me know what you think!

Also - some of you guys might like the song ;)