FS REVV Generator 100P MKII and 2x12 Cab(WGS Vet 30)

  • Thread starter 70Seven
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Ibanez Foerever!!!
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
Moncton, Canada.
Will be on Reverb either later tonight or early tomorrow morning, Letting members here know first.
(I'll add the Reverb link here when its live on reverb).

REVV Generator 100P MKII and 2x12 Cab loaded with 2 WGS Veteran 30.
All in black.

Got it November of 2020, and I have the Certificate of Authenticity to verify it. I'm the only owner. Never left the house, never played louder than a loud conversation level.

Asking 2500 (CAD) + Shipping for Head.
800 (CAD) + Shipping for 2x12 Cab.

Is US Dollars it comes to 1980$ For head and 630$ for cab

I'm in eastern Canada.

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